Newswoman Quotes in Freejack (1992)


Newswoman Quotes:

  • Newswoman: So how do you like it here?

    Alex Furlong: [drunk] I don't. Everybody's chasing me.

    Newswoman: What is it they all want?

    Alex Furlong: My body.

    Newswoman: Mmmm...

    [to the camera]

    Newswoman: self-absorbed type.

  • Newswoman: The dog walked itself home, ate a pizza and took a nap.

  • Newswoman: The federal government announced today that in an effort to eradicate the national debt, it will be selling the state of Rhode Island to a group of private investors, for a reported $18 billion. The investors plan to enclose the entire state with an all-weather roof, and turn it into the world's largest shopping mall. When asked for comment, a White House spokesperson would only say, "Well, at least we didn't sell it to the fucking Japanese."

  • Newswoman: A New Mexico woman was named Final Arbiter of Taste & Justice today, ending God's lengthy search for someone to straighten this country out. Eileen Harriet Palglace will have final say on every known subject, including who should be put to death, what clothes everyone should wear, what movies suck, and whether bald men who grow ponytails should still get laid.

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