Mr. Sir Quotes in Holes (2003)


Mr. Sir Quotes:

  • Mr. Sir: You girl scouts want to hear a story? Once apon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.

    [snickers scornfully]

  • Mr. Sir: What're we gonna do?

    The Warden Walker: You'll do as I say.

    [puts her hat on and leaves]

    Mr. Pendanski: What did she say?

    Mr. Sir: Not much.

    Mr. Pendanski: What do we do?

    Mr. Sir: You'll do as I say.

    [puts his hat on and leaves]

    Mr. Pendanski: But you didn't say anything either.

  • Mr. Sir: There ain't nothing down there. We woulda found it by now.

    Mr. Pendanski: I wouldn't tell the queen bee that.

    Mr. Sir: I ain't on stupid pills!

  • Zig-Zag: Say, I didn't know Marion was a man's name.

    Mr. Sir: It ain't.

  • Mr. Sir: Stanley Yelnats... the Fourth?

    Stanley: Everyone in my family names their son Stanley, 'cause it's Yelnats backwards. It's this little... tradition.

  • Mr. Sir: [his face has a huge scar] I think I look kinda purty, don't you?

  • Mr. Sir: You take a bad boy, make him dig holes all day in the hot sun, it turns him into a good boy. That's our philosophy here at camp green lake.

  • The Warden Walker: [while all the boys are digging out a deep trench, Armpit tries to dupe the Warden into thinking that he has found something which is obviously nothing more than a recently broken TV nob] Are you trying to be funny, or do you just think I'm stupid?

    Armpit: No, ma'am. I wasn't trying to be funny.

    The Warden Walker: Excuse me?

    Mr. Sir: You know something, Armpit? Your little joke has just cost you a week of shower privileges.

  • Mr. Sir: Yeah, keep running! There ain't gonna be no Yelnats the fifth!

  • Mr. Sir: This ain't a girl scout camp!

  • Mr. Sir: There's lizards, hot sun, and Rattlesnakes.

    Stanley: Rattlesnakes?

    Mr. Sir: If you don't bother them they wont bother you and ya wont get bitten and die. Usually.

  • Mr. Sir: I ain't on stupid pills.

  • Texas Ranger #2: Marion Sevillo!

    Mr. Sir: [freezes] Oh, crap.

  • Mr. Sir: This ain't no kindergarteners in the sandbox!

  • Mr. Sir: How did that get there? Did it fall from the sky?

  • Mr. Sir: Everything turns to callous eventually. That's life!

  • Mr. Sir: All life begins with water. So think of it this way, I'm givin' you life. Say thank you.

    Stanley: Thank you, Mr. Sir.

  • Mr. Sir: Keep running, there ain't gonna be no Yelnats the fifth!

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