Luke Davenport Quotes in First Kid (1996)


Luke Davenport Quotes:

  • Luke Davenport: What are you doing?

    Sam Simms: I'm doing my job, keepin' you alive, I'm testing your food.

    Luke Davenport: But why do you always test my cookies?

  • Luke Davenport: The kitchen's closed.

    Sam Simms: I'm Agent Double-Oh Simms. I can get into any kitchen.

  • Sam Simms: Don't just stand there. Say "Hello".

    Luke Davenport: HELLO!

    Sam Simms: Yeah, just make the girl go deaf. They love that.

  • Luke Davenport: It sure would be a shame if I told my dad about you taking me boxing.

    Sam Simms: It would be a shame if I threw you out that window too.

  • Luke Davenport: Online I'm a normal kid, just like everybody else.

    Sam Simms: [Quietly] You ought to try that here.

    Luke Davenport: What?

    Sam Simms: I said, "Go to bed". And be careful out there in cyber space. Be careful what you tell people.

    Luke Davenport: Okay! And stop telling me what to do. You're not my father.

    Sam Simms: [Quietly] Lucky for me.

    Luke Davenport: What?

    Sam Simms: Nice PJs. They got feet on them, don't they?

  • Linda Davenport: You're in high school now, and I expect you to act like it.

    Luke Davenport: Then don't dress me in these dorky clothes.

    Linda Davenport: You're not dressed in dorky clothes, you're in nice clothes. You look very handsome. You should consider yourself lucky.

    Luke Davenport: I should consider myself dorky.

  • Luke Davenport: But we go boxing. I could go as Reggie!

    Sam Simms: You could go as Michael Jordan, but you ain't going.

  • Luke Davenport: I only get to see my parents on the news.

    Sam Simms: No, that's your "boo-tay" you've been seeing on the news.

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Characters on First Kid (1996)