Joey Boca Quotes in I Love You to Death (1990)


Joey Boca Quotes:

  • Lt. Larry Schooner: Jesus!

    Devo Nod: What?

    Lt. Larry Schooner: What the hell's going on here?

    Rosalie Boca: What's wrong?

    Sgt. Carlos Wiley: What is it?

    Lt. Larry Schooner: He's been shot in the head!

    Nadja: Ah!

    Rosalie Boca: Oh!

    Devo Nod: Really.

    Joey Boca: What.

    Nadja: No wonder he has headache!

    Lt. Larry Schooner: Headache? he's got a bullet in him! Carlos, get an ambulance over here right away.

    [see's Devo sneaking away]

    Lt. Larry Schooner: Devo!

    Devo Nod: ...I was gonna get a band-aid... for Joey...

  • Joey Boca: When somebody shoot you in the head it make you think.

  • Joey Boca: I cheated on my wife.

    Priest: You committed adultery?

    Joey Boca: Yes

    Priest: How many times?

    Joey Boca: Uh... 5 times the last 2 weeks... wait, no, that's wrong... it was uh... it was uh, 4 times this week, uh... with 3 women, and uh... 3 times last week with 2 other women... wow... plus one of the women from this week was the same as last week... or maybe 2 of the women was the same... so uh... I guess that uh... makes uh... what, uh... I dunno, 7 times... I mean it was more than uh... 7 times, father, it was, it was more like uh... 10 or 12 times but, you know, it was like on uh... 7 different occasions uh... only with 5 different women uh... uh... but uh... some of the women eh... more than once uh... some of them, quite a few times uh... in fact uh... it's hard to say father, I, I didn't exactly keep count but uh... uh, let let's say a dozen times in the last 2 weeks, uh... give or take a few times...

  • Lacey: Joey, if you're such a good Catholic, why do you commit adultery?

    Joey Boca: I'm a man; I got a lot of hormones in my body.

  • Joey Boca: Rosalie!

    Rosalie Boca: What?

    Joey Boca: I feel better now. I had a good crap. That's all I needed.

  • Joey Boca: C'mon ladies, let's go... Monnnnnopoleeee!"

  • Joey Boca: Mo... no... poly.

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