Dr. Zira Quotes in Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)


Dr. Zira Quotes:

  • Dr. Zaius: Someone, or something, has outwitted the intelligence of the gorillas.

    Dr. Zira: That shouldn't be difficult.

  • John Brent: [Dr. Zira pours a powder on Brent's wound] Ow! What is that damn stuff?

    Dr. Zira: You wouldn't know if I told you. Just relax. Among other things, I'm a trained vet.

  • Dr. Zira: Gorillas are cruel because they're stupid! All bone and no brain!

  • Chairman of the President's Committee of Inquiry: [testing Lewis's assertion that the apes can speak] What is your name?

    Dr. Zira: Zira.

    Chairman of the President's Committee of Inquiry: One might as well be talking to a parrot.

    Dr. Zira: A parrot?

    Chairman of the President's Committee of Inquiry: What did I tell you? Mechanical mimicry. Unique in an ape, vocally, without a doubt, but... does the other one talk?

    Cornelius: Only when she lets me.

  • Dr. Zira: Because I loathe bananas!

  • Dr. Zira: A marriage bed is made for two. But every damn morning, it's the woman who has to make it. We have heads as well as hands. I call upon men to let us use them!

  • Dr. Zira: We are peaceful creatures. We are happy to be here. May we be unchained?

  • Dr. Zira: [to Dr. Dixon] You're the second human I have kissed.

    Cornelius: [to Dr. Branton] And you are the first.

  • Curator: [in the museum, Zira sees a giant stuffed gorilla and faints] It must have been the shock!

    Dr. Zira: [reviving] Shock, my foot... I'm pregnant!

  • Dr. Zira: What will he find out there, doctor?

    Dr. Zaius: His destiny.

  • [Taylor ties up Dr. Zaius]

    Dr. Zira: Taylor! Don't treat him that way!

    George Taylor: Why not?

    Dr. Zira: It's humiliating!

    George Taylor: The way you humiliated me? All of you? YOU led me around on a LEASH!

    Cornelius: That was different. We thought you were inferior.

    George Taylor: Now you know better.

  • George Taylor: Doctor, I'd like to kiss you goodbye.

    Dr. Zira: All right, but you're so damned ugly.

  • George Taylor: There's your Minister of Science; honor-bound to expand the frontiers of knowledge...

    Dr. Zira: Taylor, please!

    George Taylor: ...except that he's also chief Defender of the Faith!

    Dr. Zaius: There is no contradiction between faith and science... true science!

    George Taylor: Are you willing to put that statement to the test?

    Cornelius: Taylor, I would much rather...

    George Taylor: Take it easy... you saved me from this fanatic, maybe I can return the favor!

  • Dr. Zira: But what about your theory? The existence of someone like Taylor might prove it.

    Cornelius: Zira, do you want to get my head chopped off?

    Dr. Zira: Oh, don't be foolish. If it's true, they'll have to accept it.

    Cornelius: [chuckles] No, they won't.

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Characters on Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)