DC Quotes in Outpost (2008)


DC Quotes:

  • DC: So, fuck your Nobel Prize! I'm pulling the plug right now. Start packing.

    -- DC
  • DC: You said that that machine of yours was made to control them?

    Hunt: Not control, contain. But they obviously got the maths wrong.

    McKay: You know, for a smart man, you don't say much of anything useful, do you?

    Hunt: Now, the last time you found yourself dealing with the undead, what did *you* do?

    -- DC
  • Hunt: You're no different to them out there. Men who once had a purpose and now have nothing but death.

    DC: Except *we're* not dead.

    Hunt: Give it up. They're gonna tear us to pieces here. All of us.

    DC: They can try.

    -- DC
  • DC: Never did care much for the great outdoors.

    Prior: Yeah, ain't like we were gonna do *good* things for the rest of our lives. Fuck, we killed most everybody else. I figure it's about time we touched gloves with some Nazis, huh?

    -- DC
  • Hunt: So, what do you do when you're not out being a soldier of fortune?

    DC: Drink.

    -- DC

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