Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art Quotes in Silk Stockings (1957)


Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art Quotes:

  • Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art: I want to look somebody up. Does this office have a copy of Who's Still Who?

  • Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art: I am the new commissar of art. My name is Markovitch. Any questions?

    Choreographer: Comrade commissar...

    Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art: I will ask the questions. What are they doing?

    Choreographer: Peter Boroff's tone poem, "Ode to a Tractor."

    Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art: Peter Boroff? Do you not know that the great Peter Boroff may not come back from Paris, and if he does not, he no longer has any talent?

  • Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art: [On telephone] What? But comrade minister, how can I be in trouble already - I just sat down? The Boroff matter? I wasn't the one who sent those three idiots after Boroff, so why is it my fault? Oh, that is true, there is no one else.

  • Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art: You are a music lover?

    Ninotchka Yoschenko: Music is essential for parades.

    Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art: Of course.

  • Ninotchka Yoschenko: It seems to me that seduction can only take place when one is willing.

    Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art: Yeeesss. I can see that you would think that. Have you ever been to Paris?

    Ninotchka Yoschenko: No! I have never been outside the Soviet Union.

    Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art: Welllll, heh, heh, I have spent many years in Paris. I got very close to the French people. In fact, they deported me three times.

  • Vera: Darling, I have looked it up. Comrade Yoschenko is a woman.

    Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art: That's your opinion.

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