Two heads quotes:

  • Some of the projects we've proposed over the years have been refused. But we never do other people's ideas; our ideas come out of our two hearts and our two heads. -- Christo
  • There is no real third party in America. There's this one party that has two sides to it - the Democratic and Republican side. It's one party that has two heads. -- Roseanne Barr
  • There's two heads to every coin. -- Jerry Coleman
  • Stereotypes are based on the idea that two heads are bigger than one. -- Anthony Marais
  • Anything with no head is dead, and anything with two heads is a freak. -- Adrian Rogers
  • I mean, if you've ever spoken to someone with two heads, you know they know something you don't. -- Diane Arbus
  • I was able to work with two heads. If anything, doing ads and other commercial work were at least exercises in discipline. -- Garry Winogrand
  • Management and union may be likened to that serpent of the fables who on one body had two heads that fighting each other with poisoned fangs, killed themselves. -- Peter Drucker
  • We live in a two-party tyranny that doesn't believe in competition, can enforce it with penalties and obstructions, and they're getting closer and closer to being both one corporate party with two heads having different labels. -- Ralph Nader
  • In the forest of primeval A school for Good and Evil Twin towers like two heads One for the pure And one for the wicked Try to escape you'll always fail, The only way out is Through a fairytale. -- Soman Chainani
  • People say that poverty is bad, but in fact poverty is good. The poorer people are, the more revolutionary they are. It is dreadful to imagine a time when everyone will be rich... From a surplus of calories people will have two heads and four legs. -- Mao Zedong
  • And now I am sitting in the graveyard, staring at two headstones, and feeling good and bad at the same time. The way we do when our own lives continue to unfold, but the lives that gave us life and others that gave our lives meaning have ended. -- Julene Bair
  • I don't understand art-speak. My pictures are big doodles. I'm amazed what people come up with when they look at them. There's one of a figure with two heads that somebody thought must be a comment on the state of matrimony. None of it is a comment on anything. -- Billy Connolly
  • He has a head, two arms, two legs, just as I. -- Bernard Hinault
  • A hair in the head is worth two in the brush. -- William Hazlitt
  • Model. Two mobile eyes in a mobile head, itself on a mobile body. -- Robert Bresson
  • I hope to grow another head and two more hands, like an Indian goddess. -- Bibhu Mohapatra
  • I felt like I had two fathers. I had my real father and the father in my head. -- Macaulay Culkin
  • I'm death obsessed. You know, I have death all over my house. I have a stuffed two headed sheep! -- Kirk Hammett
  • For me there are two types of country: There's the shoot-yourself-in-the-head country, and then there's really good country music. -- Avicii
  • That sort of half sigh, which, accompanied by two or three slight nods of the head, is pity's small change in general society. -- Charles Dickens
  • I'm on 'Two and a Half Men,' and I don't want to be on it. Please stop watching it, and filling your head with filth. -- Angus T. Jones
  • What is a good performance? It lies in the hands and head of a performer... the shortest way between two people is not a straight line. -- Earle Brown
  • I have been through two wars in my 24 years, and I know what it's like to be without anything, to see the bombs flying above your head. -- Novak Djokovic
  • What we're dealt with hopefully is two arms, two eyes, two legs, a head, a heart. The variations, the extensions, the possibilities of the human body, what that can do. -- John Guare
  • The career of a sage is of two kinds: He is either honored by all in the world, Like a flower waving its head, Or else he disappears into the silent forest. -- Laozi
  • With two thousand years of Christianity behind him... a man can't see a regiment of soldiers march past without going off the deep end. It starts off far too many ideas in his head. -- Louis-Ferdinand Celine
  • For a long time, I dressed like an idiot. In college, I had a fully shaved head with just two horns. Like, a coxcomb of hair that I would sculpt into two horns. I looked like a crazy person. -- Kurt Braunohler
  • We had all this kind of freedom and 'get out of your head' kind of stuff and at the same time, we were trying to establish ourselves in the business. These two things are really difficult to bring together. -- Michael Davis
  • I may discuss love, and I don't mind if two men fall in love, fine. Two women, fine. But I flinch when I think of two Jewish women getting together and having a child because the idea of having two Jewish mothers makes my head explode. I have one; I couldn't handle two. -- Garry Shandling
  • Let me just try to give you sort of the intuitive one here on the stimulus funds. If you have a two-person economy - let's imagine we have two farms, and that's the whole world, just two farms. If one of those farmers gets unemployment benefits, who do you think pays for him? Am I going way over your heads today? -- Arthur Laffer
  • Two heads are better than one. -- John Heywood
  • But put two librarians' heads together, and mountains move. -- Richard Peck
  • Two heads are better than one only if they contain different opinions. -- Kenneth Kaye
  • Republicans are 'bad people who deserve a two-by-four upside their heads.' -- Rahm Emanuel
  • If you're going to wear three hats. You'd better grow two more heads. -- Mel Gibson
  • Confidence is like a dragon where, for every head cut off, two more heads grow back. -- Criss Jami
  • There's ten stuffed heads in my trophy room right now, two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow. -- Tom Lehrer
  • Aristotle and Plato are reckoned the respective heads of two schools. A wise man will see that Aristotle platonizes. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • What has three heads, six arms, and half a brain?" Three asked. One and Two answered in unison. "Nate Sutter. -- Brandon Mull
  • Two heads are better than one because the more people that get involved, the easier it is to reach an agreement. This is why committees are so efficient. -- Jarod Kintz