Tv advertising quotes:

  • The only prejudice I've found anywhere in TV is in some advertising agencies, and there isn't so much prejudice as just fear. -- Nat King Cole
  • A lot of consumers actively enjoy advertising, especially fashion print ads and clever TV commercials. The nostalgic cable channel TVLand features not only vintage shows but also vintage commercials. -- Virginia Postrel
  • There is no such thing as national advertising. All advertising is local and personal. It's one man or woman reading one newspaper in the kitchen or watching TV in the den. -- Morris Hite
  • I come out of TV. I come out of live television, BBC drama: that's where I started first as a designer, then a director. Then I went independent TV, then television advertising. -- Ridley Scott
  • The network and local TV angle of broadcast television has received a black eye for not properly debating within the news issues that should be debated, instead of shuffling them of to television advertising. -- Mark E. Hyman
  • I've come up through art school, through painting, through graphic design, through advertising, through TV commercials and music video. I've designed books, built billboards, matchbooks, corporate identities. I continuously paint, I've done conceptual art pictures. -- Tony Kaye
  • The forced influence of advertising has given us completely useless TV. You don't want that on the Net. But most on-line information providers need to attract advertising - which slows download times and clutters the screen with windows. -- Robert Cailliau
  • Money is tighter now, with the advertising dollar spread a lot more thinly across a whole range of media because of the Internet. It means the television networks have less power to produce shows, and TV is where most Australian actors make their money. -- Grant Bowler
  • Client companies and advertising agencies are old-world-order places. The systems and processes and structures come from a time when you shot the TV commercial, then you did the print ads, then you did everything else - including the website. Everything has changed, but the systems haven't. -- Cindy Gallop
  • Critics say Internet advertising suffers from limitless inventory, which depresses prices. These exclusive front-page sponsorships are not limitless. If HBO doesn't move quickly enough, Showtime can buy out Gawker and Jezebel for the key fall TV season. On any individual day, there isn't room for both of them; and that's healthy. -- Nick Denton
  • I think you will see a point where the traditional model of advertising on TV or advertising online will go, and advertisers will cover one programme, no matter what platform it's being broadcast on. You'll see the same ads whether you are watching it on your TV, your computer or your phone. -- Chad Hurley
  • Digital advertising is now larger than TV. -- Henry Blodget
  • Advertising is what happens on TV when people go to bathroom. -- Luke Sullivan
  • Advertising. The movies do it. TV does it. Why don't you do it? -- Dale Carnegie
  • TV is just advertising for your live gig, so I'm playing whichever show is gonna get me the biggest crowd. -- Lenny Bruce
  • Advertising and art are getting all mixed up. I think some of the most exciting pieces of TV are the commercials. -- The Edge
  • People ultimately get what they deserve on TV. What people end up watching is what the advertising end up glomming onto and promoting. -- Adrian Pasdar
  • I've had it-the agencies, the winking, the networks, the ratings. Anyone who thinks TV is an art medium is crazy-it's an advertising medium. -- Robert Altman