Truth and government quotes:

  • I'm concerned about truth and credibility in government. -- George W. Romney
  • In truth, government has been good to Wall Street and big business. -- Robert Reich
  • The truth is in California you can't build a new manufacturing facility, and businesses are leaving in droves because of bad government policy. -- Carly Fiorina
  • Despite all the gains for democracy in the world, in many countries anyone who wants to publish truths unwelcome to the government risks suppression and criminal punishment. -- Anthony Lewis
  • The Tea Party elites gained extraordinary influence by being able to funnel millions of undisclosed dollars into campaigns with ads that distort the truth and attack government. -- Chuck Schumer
  • People should be free, people should be unencumbered by regulation as much as possible, that big government always goes corrupt and the truth shall always set you free. -- Glenn Beck
  • I don't think that any government has a right to subvert the truth or to cover up the truth, and all I see WikiLeaks doing is exposing the truth. -- Paul Watson
  • No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people. -- Noah Webster
  • All I can say right now is the U.S. government is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me. Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped. -- Edward Snowden
  • In 1994, when I went back to Haiti from exile, we established a Commission for Truth and Justice and Reconciliation. I passed the documents to the next government, and I never heard about it again. -- Jean-Bertrand Aristide
  • I don't think people maybe think that the government does tell them the truth. I think they expect politicians who are going to tell them one thing and then when they get in office do something else. -- Ann Richards
  • When governments rely increasingly on sophisticated public relations agencies, public debate disappears and is replaced by competing propaganda campaigns, with all the accompanying deceits. Advertising isn't about truth or fairness or rationality, but about mobilising deeper and more primitive layers of the human mind. -- Brian Eno
  • I made a promise to Michael Brown's parents that I would do everything to bring all of the resources of the federal government to this investigation so that it is transparent; so that it is a viable investigation, and we get to the truth. -- William Lacy Clay, Jr.
  • We see that pedantry has never been held in such esteem for the government of the world as in our times, and it offers as many paths of the true intelligible species and objects of infallible and sole truth as there are individual pedants. -- Giordano Bruno
  • For a government to declare a vice to be a crime, and to punish it as such, is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things. It is as absurd as it would be to declare truth to be falsehood, or falsehood truth. -- Lysander Spooner
  • My education was dominated by modernist thinkers and artists who taught me that the supreme imperative was courage to face the awful truth, to scorn the soft-minded optimism of religious and secular romantics as well as the corrupt optimism of governments, advertisers, and mechanistic or manipulative revolutionaries. -- Ellen Willis
  • The government of Puerto Rico has every right to hold a plebiscite, to consult the people of Puerto Rico regarding their wishes. But the truth is that for a change in the status of Puerto Rico to happen, you need both Congress and Puerto Rico agreeing to it. -- Pedro Pierluisi
  • The basic idea that if you increase government spending or you cut people's taxes that stimulates the economy and lowers the unemployment rate, is a very widely accepted idea. It's in every economics textbook, that's what we teach our undergraduates, and I certainly try to teach them the truth. -- Christina Romer
  • The guy keeps making speeches about redistribution and maybe we ought to do something to businesses that don't invest, their holding too much money. We haven't heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists. Everybody's afraid of the government and there's no need soft peddling it, it's the truth. It is the truth. -- Steve Wynn
  • The government that governs from afar absolutely requires that the truth and the facts reach its knowledge by every possible channel, so that it may weigh and estimate them better, and this need increases when a country like the Philippines is concerned, where the inhabitants speak and complain in a language unknown to the authorities. -- Jose Rizal
  • In any government, interests precede truth. -- Toba Beta
  • Truth is the glue that holds government together. -- Gerald R. Ford
  • [The people] are in truth the only legitimate proprietors of the soil and government. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • Things are difficult enough about Iraq without the Federal Government suppressing the truth about Iraq. -- Jay Inslee
  • It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • Morality in government begins with officials using words as honestly as possible to describe the truth. -- David Gergen
  • The Word of God proves the truth of religion; the corruption of man, its necessity; government, its advantages. -- StanisÅ?aw I LeszczyÅ?ski
  • I believe that truth is the glue that holds government together, not only our government, but civilization itself. -- Gerald R. Ford
  • The time has come to tell the truth about the corruption of the government employee unions in this country. -- Newt Gingrich
  • Above all, ascribe no decent motives to the federal government. Always and everywhere, it is the enemy of truth. -- Llewellyn Rockwell
  • There was in Italy a hidden demand for a boring government which would try to tell the truth in non-political jargon. -- Mario Monti
  • We Americans are the ultimate innocents. We are forever desperate to believe that this time the government is telling us the truth. -- Sydney Schanberg
  • There are some power-abusing, corrupt monsters in our federal government that despise me because I have the audacity to speak the truth. -- Ted Nugent
  • Truth is suppressed, not to protect the country from enemy agents but to protect the Government of the day against the people. -- Roy Hattersley
  • It should be remembered, as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • The . . . inescapable truth is: government does not have all the answers. In too many instances, government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. -- Ronald Reagan
  • The simple truth is that our businessmen do not want a government that will let business alone. They want a government they can use. -- Albert J. Nock
  • Government has never increased the standard of living of one single human being in civilization's history. For some reason that simple truth has evaded everybody. -- Steve Wynn
  • The US government is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me. Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped. -- Edward Snowden
  • When you claim to have the truth, as opposed to the truth as you perceive it, then you move us toward a theocratic view of government. -- Gene Robinson
  • For reporting a scientific finding, I was called a 'conspiracy theorist.' Only in America is scientific analysis seen as conspiracy theory and government lies as truth. -- Paul Craig Roberts
  • The Liberty of the press consists in the right to publish with impunity truth with good motives for justifiable ends, though reflecting on government, magistracy, or individuals. -- Alexander Hamilton
  • The honest truth is that if this government were to propose the massacre of the first-born, it would still have no difficulty in getting it through the Commons. -- Diane Abbott
  • Truth can be sifted out from falsehood only if the government is vigorously and consistently cross-examined, so that the fundamental issues of the struggle may be clearly defined -- Zechariah Chafee
  • The Bible must be considered as the great source of all the truth by which men are to be guided in government as well as in all social transactions. -- Noah Webster
  • The only accusation of Gillian Triggs with the ring of truth is that she has lost the confidence of the government - but then, so too has Tony Abbott. -- Richard Flanagan
  • The truth is that the government cannot give if it does not take from somebody...It is not in the power of the government to make everybody more prosperous. -- Ludwig von Mises
  • The truth is that the State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit, but above all to corrupt its citizens... Henceforth, I shall never serve any government anywhere. -- Leo Tolstoy
  • I believe in friendly compromise. I said over in the Senate hearings that truth is the glue that holds government together. Compromise is the oil that makes governments go. -- Gerald R. Ford