Traditional look quotes:

  • Poetry, especially traditional Iranian poetry, is very good at looking at things from a number of different angles simultaneously. -- Asghar Farhadi
  • Traditionally art is to create and not to revive. To revive: leave that to the historians, who are looking backward. -- Josef Albers
  • If you look at the Internet, it's been hard for a lot of the traditional media companies to launch viable brands. -- Tom Freston
  • Traditionally, sport has looked down at number crunchers, but the reality is that they give sport the financial sustenance it needs. -- Harsha Bhogle
  • Fluid intelligence doesn't look much like the capacity to memorise and recite facts, the skills that people have traditionally associated with brainpower. -- Jamais Cascio
  • By the time the traditionally male lexicographers become interested in looking at fashion words, their origins are lost in the mists of time. -- Erin McKean
  • My father felt that his world of ideas was too liberal for traditional rabbinical teachings, and he looked for a chance to find a way in life. -- Immanuel Velikovsky
  • It's absolutely fine to think of new ways of doing things, and I'm not just asking for the traditional reporter to look into our living rooms night after night. -- Jonathan Dimbleby
  • Traditionally, photography is supposed to capture an event that has passed; but that is not what I'm looking for. Photography brings the past into the present when you look at it. -- Julian Schnabel
  • Can you imagine that Cuba and Europe's youth, who had forgotten about traditional music, who only thought of rock music, are now looking back towards their grandparents? That is a phenomenon. -- Compay Segundo
  • First, it doesn't surprise me that traditional music has experienced a kind of exhaustion in the 20th century - not forgetting that many musicians started to look outside the traditional structures of tonality. -- Pierre Schaeffer
  • Looking towards the future, one of the most important issues the national community must face is the widening gap between the liberated, modern, independent women and our traditional men who are being left behind. -- Kamla Persad-Bissessar
  • Looking feminine is important to me. My personal style is fairly traditional. I was definitely influenced by my mother, who always looks elegant, and by Estee's classic style; she was always in Givenchy or Ungaro. -- Aerin Lauder
  • When you look at Japanese traditional architecture, you have to look at Japanese culture and its relationship with nature. You can actually live in a harmonious, close contact with nature - this very unique to Japan. -- Tadao Ando
  • For me, 'Bookends' marks the start of my foray into commercial fiction, away from what has always been thought of as more traditional chick lit - single girl in the city trips around in Manolos looking for Mr. Right. -- Jane Green
  • I think it's too easy often to find a villain out of the headlines and to then repeat that villainy again and again and again. You know, traditionally, America has always looked to scapegoat someone as the boogie man. -- Edward Zwick
  • It's not music you can evaluate in traditional ways. If you look around at a concert, you might see what look like bored people, or maybe they're drifting, but they're just having another kind of experience, an inner thing. -- Paul Horn
  • You're gonna get your traditional Busta Rhymes and Pharrell collabo. My man Focus from the Aftermath crew; Dr. Dre; the late, great J Dilla got work on the album. It's gonna be great - look forward to the new bang-out. -- Busta Rhymes
  • As I look into the future, I see radical changes in both how people 'attain beauty,' and how the world perceives beauty. In general, I believe traditional beauty will be less valuable - and more uniqueness will be heralded. -- Tyra Banks
  • Google attracts so much talent, it can afford to look beyond traditional metrics, like G.P.A. For most young people, though, going to college and doing well is still the best way to master the tools needed for many careers. -- Thomas Friedman
  • In the traditional Ikebana things always have to be asymmetrical, because in this they look more natural and balanced. -- Camille Henrot