Speaking hope quotes:

  • I hope for the day when everyone can speak again of God without embarrassment. -- Paul Tillich
  • I hope the English-speaking world can see that I'm not only an Israeli actress. -- Hani Furstenberg
  • These ancient stories in religion speak to our desire. But they move us toward hope. -- Elaine Pagels
  • Put your blog out into the world and hope that your talent will speak for itself. -- Diablo Cody
  • As I travel across the country speaking about MS, perhaps I can offer others comfort and hope. -- Annette Funicello
  • Generally speaking, the more money that's involved in anything, the more people are expecting and hoping that it's not going to fail. -- Chris Pine
  • Man is, properly speaking, based upon hope, he has no other possession but hope; this world of his is emphatically the place of hope. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • I can't speak for the other authors, but what I hoped to achieve was to illuminate certain corners of the Lucas universe that hadn't yet been explored. -- Walter Jon Williams
  • One of my biggest superstitions is to never speak about the future out loud. Let's just say I got a lot out there and I hope to keep on going. -- Steven Blum
  • Yes, after some time spent last year on other commitments, most of them speaking engagements, I am now about halfway through a novel that I hope will come out in 1998. -- Robert MacNeil
  • There isn't much point in the whole 'celebrity' nonsense unless one is prepared to go out on a limb and, one hopes, speak up for some under-represented section of the community. -- Julian Fellowes
  • Reggae music is a music of integrity; reggae's consciousness was built on a message. My music speaks of love, equality and spirituality, and I would hope that one finds this integrity in my music. -- Stephen Marley
  • Some of you may have been hoping that today I would speak about Lucien Bouchard's latest economic theories. But I have decided to spare him for the time being: after all, he is a man. -- Kim Campbell
  • Wherever the invitation of men or your own occasions lead you, speak the very truth, as your life and conscience teach it, and cheer the waiting, fainting hearts of men with new hope and new revelation. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • We did not speak in terms of strategy, in terms of overall economies, in terms of production and territorial conquest. We spoke of the impact of the bomb on the homes and the hopes of men and women. -- Philip Morrison
  • I was hoping that I could say stuff about mental illness that maybe people didn't know. You know, speak up for bipolar disorder and let people know a little bit more about it that they may not have known. -- Eric Millegan
  • I can only speak for myself, and hope people hear my words and see me on television speaking for myself. And, hopefully, they'll be able to make their own judgment. And at the end of the day, I just want my work to speak for itself. -- Jennifer Lopez
  • You're not going to be liked by everybody when you speak the truth. I don't speak the truth to put people down; I don't speak the truth to show disrespect. -- Hope Solo
  • You know what I have noticed? And this is really sad. Flying first class is less scary than flying coach. They speak to you and they're so nice to you and they want to help you and they know you want a drink before the plane takes off. And they bring it to you without asking. If you're sitting in coach and hoping for a drink, good luck. -- Hope Davis
  • Speaking of hope, did you see that shot Alec got off with his bow? That's my boyfriend. -- Cassandra Clare
  • Generally speaking, violence always arises out of impotence. It is the hope of those who have no power ... -- Hannah Arendt
  • Lincoln, speaking of his mother:] "God bless my mother; all that I am or ever hope to be I owe to her. -- William Herndon
  • The way you speak to others can offer them joy, happiness, self-confidence, hope, trust, and enlightenment. Mindful speaking is a deep practice. -- Nhat Hanh
  • Those who keep speaking about the sun while walking under a cloudy sky are messengers of hope, the true saints of our day. -- Henri Nouwen
  • Speaking out and creating art that truly reflects the world we live in goes part of the way towards doing that. At least that's what I hope. -- Justine Larbalestier