Space discovery quotes:

  • Things changed with the discovery of neutron stars and black holes - objects with gravitational fields so intense that dramatic space and time-warping effects occur. -- Paul Davies
  • For Web-based services, owning the .com is very important when considering search and discovery. But consider your channel. For companies playing in the mobile app space, the dot com may be less important - it's about status and searchability in the app store. -- David Rusenko
  • We need affordable space travel to inspire our youth, to let them know that they can experience their dreams, can set significant goals and be in a position to lead all of us to future progress in exploration, discovery and fun. Thanks to the X Prize for the inspiration. -- Burt Rutan
  • The privilege I've had as a curator is not just the discovery of new works... but what I've discovered about myself and what I can offer in the space of an exhibition - to talk about beauty, to talk about power, to talk about ourselves, and to talk and speak to each other. -- Thelma Golden
  • The International Space Station is a phenomenal laboratory, an unparalleled test bed for new invention and discovery. Yet I often thought, while silently gazing out the window at Earth, that the actual legacy of humanity's attempts to step into space will be a better understanding of our current planet and how to take care of it. -- Chris Hadfield
  • The reason I like tracking shots has to do more with a sense of real time than anything else. In 'Gravity,' the use of tracking - of long extended takes - was partially because we wanted to film it like an IMAX-style Discovery Channel documentary. You don't have the luxury of cuts when you're in space. The camera is there; you're just observing. -- Alfonso Cuaron
  • We must allow people the space and time of discovery, and trust in all that is to come. -- Bryant McGill
  • The discovery of any kind of life [in Space] at all would be a tremendous watershed moment in biology, as well as all of science. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson