School is hell quotes:

  • At college age, you can tell who is best at taking tests and going to school, but you can't tell who the best people are. That worries the hell out of me. -- Barnaby C. Keeney
  • I went to a Steiner School, which is very small and nurturing and creative, so I felt like I was in an environment where I could mature. There was less of the clique-y stuff, which can really make high school a living hell for a lot of people, going on, so I was very similar then to who I am now. I'm still a dork. -- Zoe Kravitz
  • If there is hell, it was modeled after junior high school. -- Lewis Black
  • I was hell-bent on being a soccer player all through junior high and high school. -- James Snyder
  • Hell, when I was in high school, a drive-by shooting meant somebody had their rear end hanging out a car window! -- Jeff Foxworthy
  • The hardest part of being a Canadian kid is having to color in Nunavut with a crayon in school, hell on earth. -- Rebecca McNutt
  • Sometimes relationships are short, sometimes long, sometimes they're very deep and intense, and drama school is a hell of a learning curve. -- Sophie Cookson
  • The school-room sends men to the Legislature, to the bench, and the executive office. The bar-room sends them to the scaffold and hell. -- Thomas Jordan Jarvis
  • The book of Genesis, a farrago of nonsense so wholly absurd that even Sunday-school scholars have to be threatened with Hell to make them accept it. -- H. L. Mencken
  • The lack of energy struck unfairly keen when Mo bounced into the stables"Just had to come by before I headed off to the hell of school. -- Nora Roberts