Saying less quotes:

  • I think you often say more by saying less. And interestingly enough, I mean, Jesus really set the standard. I mean, he could say more with fewer words than anybody. Most of the parables were less than 250 words. And, boy, did he have some one-liners just packed with truth. -- Mark Batterson
  • To say more while saying less is the secret of being simple. -- Dejan Stojanovic
  • I feel there is something nice about not talking. Like you can say more by actually saying less. -- Ryan Gosling
  • There is at least one thing more brutal than the truth, and that is the consequence of saying less than the truth. -- Ti-Grace Atkinson
  • I worry about protectionists, which is another way of saying less competition, less trade around the world. And I view those as twins of negativity. -- George W. Bush
  • If you call [the synagogue] a brothel, a den of vice, the devil's refuge, Satan's fortress, a place to deprave the soul, an abyss of every conceivable disaster or whatever else you will, you are still saying less than it deserves. -- St. Jerome
  • Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it. -- George Santayana
  • I am less comfortable saying I am a jeweller and more comfortable saying I am a story teller. -- Waris Ahluwalia
  • I thought that would go without saying, that if a mother gives up her children, it's very painful. -- Doris Lessing
  • Politicians are good at saying how Government must do more, but we must also think carefully about where Government should do less. -- Charles Kennedy
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  • It is less fun to talk about what I am feeling rather than what I am thinking. Saying 'I feel awesome' isn't really interesting or enquiring. -- Eleanor Catton
  • I have had a number of less-than-enviable moments in my life when dealing with other people. I won't attempt to blunt that by saying I am not the only one. -- Henry Rollins
  • Here's a vice: I say yes to too many things. I wish I had the guilty pleasure of saying no. My goal is to try to do less, but more fully. -- Sigourney Weaver
  • The poem is a form of texting... it's the original text. It's a perfecting of a feeling in language - it's a way of saying more with less, just as texting is. -- Carol Ann Duffy
  • Then they started pulling me in and I was very resistant. All the other actors would be saying write more, more dialogue for me, and I'd always be saying 'No, less, less'. -- Peter Berg
  • I am proud of the President's leadership. I am proud to support him in saying: Yes, we are going to do what is necessary now when it is less painful and less expensive. -- Kay Bailey Hutchison
  • Because Hightower's problem, among other things, is that advertisers would be a lot less interested in his show than in Limbaugh's, even if they have similar ratings, because of what Hightower is saying. -- Robert Waterman McChesney
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  • I think I was more or less, convinced of that by just the press, the US press. By people who were pressuring you, saying that you gotta beat the Russian's, if you don't win anything else, win the Russian meet and so forth. -- Ralph Boston
  • When it comes to Chinese food I have always operated under the policy that the less known about the preparation the better. A wise diner who is invited to visit the kitchen replies by saying, as politely as possible, that he has a pressing engagement elsewhere. -- Calvin Trillin
  • But for everyone, I think, there is always a pressure to conform, and I guess as you get older you realize it's less interesting to do that. It starts with you, though, saying, 'I know what I like doing and that's what I'm going to do.' -- Felicity Jones
  • Commerce is abusive. It's very hobbling to always be saying, 'Please let me put this out, this thing I've worked on for years.' It's like a nasty parent saying, 'No! Now go to your room.' As publishing companies got bigger, you felt even less significant. -- Patti Davis
  • Multi-millionaires who pay half or less than half of the percentage of tax the rest of us pay justify their actions by saying they pay what the law requires. Though true, the fact is they found ways within the law to beat the purpose of the law - which, in the case of taxes, is that we all pay our fair share. -- Simon Sinek
  • Jane was my wicked stepmother: she was generous, affectionate and resourceful; she salvaged my schooling and I owe her an unknowable debt for that. One flaw: sometimes, early on, she would tell me things designed to make me think less of my mother, and I would wave her away, saying, 'Jane, this just backfires and makes me think less of you.' -- Martin Amis
  • Whatever is worth saying, can be stated in fifty words or less. -- Stanislaw Ulam
  • If I'm not saying it in four choruses or less, then I'm not saying it. -- Milt Jackson
  • What you're saying is often less important than what you're feeling when you're saying it. -- Duncan Trussell
  • We have this saying, Christy and I. We don't wake up for less than $10,000 a day. -- Linda Evangelista
  • No mortal has a right to wag his tongue, much less to wag his pen, without saying something. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • One key to successful group decisions is getting people to pay much less attention to what everyone else is saying. -- James Surowiecki
  • If a rumor comes out that I'm gay, I could care less. There are so many worse things that they could be saying. -- James Van Der Beek
  • Simply minding one's own business is more offensive than being intrusive. Without ever saying a word one can make a person feel less-than. -- Criss Jami
  • Future leaders will be less concerned with saying what they will deliver and more concerned with delivering what they have said they would. -- Dave Ulrich
  • I am not saying that I want to ban Islam. I want less Islam in Europe because it doesn't allow any room for debate. -- Geert Wilders
  • Saying just the right thing after a considerable, awkward pause is far less effective than saying the wrong thing with perfect timing. I'm telling you. -- Augusten Burroughs
  • Lyrically, 'less words mean more' is a pretty good rule of thumb. Try to cut out the fat and get to the meat of what you're saying. -- Chris Stapleton
  • We support Hillary [Clinton]. We're saying that strongly. "I'm with her," I don't think that we can be any less strident. She's the best person for the job. -- Kathleen Hanna