Respect to others quotes:

  • Proper respect to others is the most prudent rule of directing the measure of reverence due to ourselves. -- Norm MacDonald
  • It's important for couples to be friends first and to respect each other as individuals. -- Anupam Kher
  • Until we learn to honor and respect what other people believe, I think we are doomed. -- Patricia Polacco
  • Because we should always respect other nationalities, I have always tried to play them with dignity. -- Ricardo Montalban
  • I think the criticism that I take to heart is from other writers that I respect. -- Steve Earle
  • Above all, there is Mother. She taught me how to love, how to have respect for other people. -- Joe Greene
  • I did learn that it was the greatest thing in the world to respect yourself. Respect other people. -- Little Milton
  • In my old age I've come to find that if you respect other people, you feel better about yourself. -- Bijou Phillips
  • Discretion is nothing other than the sense of justice with respect to the sphere of the intimate contents of life. -- Georg Simmel
  • Civility is not about dousing strongly held views. It's about making sure that people are willing to respect other perspectives. -- Jim Leach
  • You know, I would like to ask to the other parts of Canada to respect the minority of the French Canadians. -- Pauline Marois
  • But really, we also need to learn how to love one another as women. How to appreciate and respect each other. -- Chaka Khan
  • To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves - there lies the great, singular power of self-respect. -- Joan Didion
  • It is through accepting other people in our own countries that we shall come to respect our neighbours and be respected in our turn. -- Tahar Ben Jelloun
  • I've always sort of admired and respected one's ability to be comfortable with other people's discomfort or, you know, their being comfortable making other people uncomfortable. -- Timothy Olyphant
  • We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart. -- H. L. Mencken
  • The duty of man is the same in respect to his own nature as in respect to the nature of all other things, namely not to follow it but to amend it. -- John Stuart Mill
  • The players get no respect around here. They give you money, that's it, not respect. We get constantly dogged and players from other teams love to see that. That's why nobody wants to play here. -- Don Mattingly
  • If guys don't respect themselves, they don't respect other people. That's times and personalities. And all of them are not that way. But it don't take but one or two to screw up the whole crowd. -- Richard Petty
  • The difference must be distinguished between worship and respect. Islam orders you to obey and respect, as long as you are not worshiping anything other than God... Islam is a religion of peace. You don't attack. You explain. -- Hakeem Olajuwon
  • You have to respect your parents. They are giving you an at-bat. If you're an entrepreneur and go into the family business, you want to grow fast. Patience is important. But respect the other party... My dad and I pulled it off because we really respect each other. -- Gary Vaynerchuk
  • Respect yourself and others will respect you. -- Confucius
  • Respect for the rights of others means peace. -- Benito Juarez
  • Respecting others is best tool to earn respect. -- Junaid Raza
  • Respect yourself if you would have others respect you. -- Baltasar Gracian
  • Self-respect governs morality: respect for others governs our behavior. -- Joseph Alexandre Pierre de Segur, Viscount of Segur
  • Works of love are always to accept and respect others. -- Mother Teresa
  • Love Yourself and Care Others,People Will Respect You Automatically -- Chiranjit Paul
  • Only by self-respect will you compel others to respect you. -- Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • If you respect it in others, you respect it in yourself. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • There is no respect for others without humility in one's self. -- Henri Frederic Amiel
  • Respect. Have it not only for others, but also for yourself. -- Xondra Day
  • Look carefully at what is of value in others and respect that. -- Amma
  • Don't ever underestimate the importance of treating others with respect and kindness. -- Alison Levine
  • Think first. Think twice. Think again. Respect others. Respect yourself. Respect dreams. -- Kevin James
  • I respect my boundaries, and I insist that others respect them, too. -- Louise Hay
  • Nothing destroys one's respect in the hearts of others more than greed. -- Muhammad Taqi Usmani
  • Think first. Think twice. Think again. Respect others. Respect yourself. Respect dreams. -- Kevin James
  • Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners. -- Laurence Sterne
  • When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others. -- Dalai Lama
  • Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners -- Laurence Sterne
  • Look carefully at what is of value in others and respect that. -- Amma
  • I've never been out with a married woman, never. I respect others properties. -- Michael Caine
  • If we continue to devalue ourselves we cannot realistically expect respect from others. -- T.I.
  • It is more important to have self-respect than to gain respect from others. -- Madeleine de Scudery
  • Seek perfection of character. Be faithful. Endeavor. Respect others. Refrain from violent behaviour. -- Gichin Funakoshi
  • Maturity is developed by respecting others and accepting responsibility for violating that respect. -- Wes Fesler
  • Self-respect leads to self-discipline and self-discipline paves a way for respect towards others. -- Unarine Ramaru
  • I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them. -- Herbert H. Lehman
  • Class is an intangible quality which commands, rather than demands, the respect of others. -- John Wooden
  • Responsibility and respect of others and their religious beliefs are also part of freedom. -- Horst Koehler
  • Responsibility and respect of others and their religious beliefs are also part of freedom. -- Horst Koehler
  • Good sportsmanship means treating others with respect. I consider myself a pretty good sport. -- Tommy Hilfiger
  • If you live what you believe, you will always have the respect of others. -- Dale Murphy
  • Deeply respecting yourself is the first step toward having a deep respect for others. -- Amy Leigh Mercree
  • Respect toward others can't be imposed.It's a blessing...or learning the hard way. -- Toba Beta
  • Treat others with respect. How you treat others will be how they treat you. -- Gautama Buddha
  • As we grow as unique persons, we learn to respect the uniqueness of others. -- Robert H. Schuller
  • If one doesn't respect oneself one can have neither love nor respect for others. -- Ayn Rand
  • Don't make fun of others. They have feelings too. Respect all and despise none. -- Kevin Keenoo
  • Some of us would be greatly astonished to learn the reasons why others respect us. -- Luc de Clapiers
  • Then others for breath of words respect, Me for my dumb thoughts, speaking in effect. -- William Shakespeare
  • Only those who respect the personality of others can be of real use to them. -- Albert Schweitzer
  • The secret of a happy life is respect. Respect for yourself and respect for others. -- Ayad Akhtar
  • The respect you give others is a dramatic reflection of the respect you give yourself. -- Robin Sharma
  • Respect is the most important thing. Be respectful toward others and have respect for yourself. -- Georges St-Pierre
  • Good manners reflect something from inside-an innate sense of consideration for others and respect for self. -- Emily Post
  • Let us respect others no one lives alone in a city, a nation, or a world. -- Thomas S. Monson
  • If there's one value that is immutable, it's integrity or respect, for others and for yourself. -- Jacqueline Novogratz
  • I respect anyone who achieves something that countless others have dared to try before and failed. -- Keiynan Lonsdale
  • Treat others with respect and you will always be wealthy, because your community is your real currency. -- Bryant McGill
  • Thoughtfulness for others, generosity, modesty, and self-respect are the qualities which make a real gentleman or lady. -- Thomas Huxley
  • We confide in our strength, without boasting of it, we respect that of others, without fearing it. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • Have no respect for the authority of others, for there are always contrary authorities to be found -- Bertrand Russell
  • How can you blame others for disrespecting you when you think of yourself as unworthy of respect? -- Elif Safak
  • Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view and demand that they respect yours. -- Tecumseh
  • It is important to me to instill in [kids] a sense of compassion and respect for others. -- Adriana Lima
  • Our humanity consists in our ability to sense and respect and respond to the humanity of others. -- C. Terry Warner
  • Respect yourself as well as others; make commitments, not excuses, and make every day a fun day. -- Wally Amos
  • Conduct yourself in a manner that is worthy of respect and don't worry about what others think. -- Bohdi Sanders
  • So many of the problems we have today are because people don't respect the beliefs of others. -- Sally Quinn
  • One compels respect from others when he knows how to defend his dignity as a human being. -- Rudolf Rocker
  • I grew up in a loving household that taught me how to respect others and love God. -- Sho Baraka
  • You do not owe anyone your time. When you realize that, others will respect your time much more. -- Martha Beck
  • Follow the three R's: - Respect for self. - Respect for others. - Responsibility for all your actions. -- Dalai Lama
  • In many ways, effective communication begins with mutual respect, communication that inspires, encourages others to do their best. -- Zig Ziglar
  • To earn respect, you must earn your own self respect before you can expect others, to respect you. -- Auliq Ice
  • Stop rejecting that unique pathway that was designed exclusively for you. Embrace your destiny, respect yourself and love others. -- Auliq Ice
  • Respect yourself and others will follow suit. Most people will not treat you any better than you treat yourself. -- Leon Brown
  • Stay in school, stay off drugs, don't make the same mistakes I did, respect yourself, and others will follow. -- Ike Turner
  • If a religion does not teach love, respect, and regard for others, it cannot be the religion of humanity. -- Swami Muktananda
  • Everyone in society should be a role model, not only for their own self-respect, but for respect from others. -- Barry Bonds
  • You are the first person who you should treat with humility. Respect yourself and let it overflow to others. -- Bryant McGill
  • I respect all artists, just some more than the others. Because it's something that really needs to be done. -- Brice Marden
  • In fully accepting your creative power, you honor and respect your soul and remind others to do the same. -- Sonia Choquette
  • The way you give your name to others is a measure of how much you like and respect yourself. -- Brian Tracy
  • To be true to one's own freedom is, in essence, to honor and respect the freedom of all others. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Isn't it very awkward how disrespectful people tend to be the same ones to desperately demand respect from others? -- Edmond Mbiaka
  • Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others. -- Denis Waitley
  • Any creed whose basic doctrines do not include respect for the creeds of others, is simply power politics masquerading as philosophy. -- Sydney J. Harris
  • Good manners is just being respectful of others. Whether you know them or not, you should show respect for all people. -- John Patrick Hickey
  • What I have known with respect to myself, has tended much to lessen both my admiration, and my contempt, of others. -- Joseph Priestley
  • Peoples, be peoples and others will respect you. Be courtiers and others will scorn you and it will be well deserved. -- Louis-Joseph Papineau
  • Refraining from harm, not out of fear, but out of concern for others, their well-being and out of respect is non-violence. -- Dalai Lama
  • Leaders must (1) define the business of the business, (2) create a winning strategy, (3) communicate persuasively, (4) behave with integrity, (5) respect others, and (6) act. -- Judith M Bardwick
  • Give the respect you want to receive; embody the grace you hope to encounter; and help others with no expectations whatsoever. -- Cory Booker
  • The thing about Republicans is that they don't care so much about respect, but they love fear, at least in others. -- Jane Smiley
  • It's not manly to hurt others or belittle them. Respect and kindness require more courage because people take advantage of those. -- Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves. -- U Thant
  • Set the standard! Stop expecting others to show you love, acceptance, commitment, & respect when you don't even show that to yourself. -- Steve Maraboli
  • We should never insult others on account of their faults, for it is our duty to show charity and respect to everyone. -- John Calvin
  • Anglo-Saxon civilization has taught the individual to protect his own rights; American civilization will teach him to respect the rights of others. -- William Jennings Bryan
  • Once you realize you're a spiritual being, you see life so differently. You respect things. You're more responsible to yourself and others. -- James Van Praagh
  • Certain beliefs must accompany every action: One should act without selfishness, cultivate compassion for all living things, and develop respect for others. -- Dalai Lama
  • I don't see how you can respect yourself if you must look in the hearts and minds of others for your happiness. -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • I was taught a very strong work ethic that included punctuality, which I've always felt is a sign of respect for others. -- Nicole Kidman
  • If you expect respect from others, show it first to yourself. You can't expect from others what you don't give to yourself. -- Shams Tabrizi
  • He was the soul of politeness to everyone -- to some with a hint of aversion, to others with a hint of respect. -- Ivan Turgenev
  • The moral decisions of others should be treated with respect, as long as such decisions do not conflict with the principle of tolerance. -- Karl Popper
  • You can have a certain arrogance, and I think that's fine, but what you should never lose is the respect for the others. -- Steffi Graf