Edmond Mbiaka quotes:

  • I am a true winner not because my life is free from struggles, challenges and obstacles, but because I always believe that there are some effective solutions to my difficulties in life.

  • Parenting goes beyond providing foods, shelter, clothing, and other basic necessities. Nurturing a child to travel in the direction of positive enlightenment, is arguably the greatest thing that you could do for a child.

  • Dare not to surrender your faith to your trials and tribulations, they only come to strengthen your mind for your future challenges and obstacles.

  • Aside from God, you are your best helping hand. God has already blessed you with the ability to always strive and thrive. Try not to disappoint yourself.

  • Struggles, challenges and obstacles are nothing but the doorways to future blessings.

  • The main purpose of education isn't just to receive a certification that leads to a career, but to become a well-rounded person in so many aspects of life.

  • It's impossible to notice how blessed you are if you are always focusing on your weaknesses and obstacles.

  • A lot of people don't see the obstacles, struggles, and challenges that come as payments for success, that's why they tend to see successful people as individuals who are very lucky in life.

  • Never surrender your dream to your challenges, struggles and obstacles. No matter how hard you fall, always get back up and keep trying like all the great influential people did.

  • True winners remain winners because they truly believe that challenges, struggles, and obstacles can all lead to big blessings through persistence and perseverance.

  • We all go through struggles in life, but struggling with the same thing for the rest of your life, is definitely a choice you don't have to choose. Your true potential is far greater than your struggles, challenges and obstacles.

  • A strong mind focuses not on its obstacle, but on the reward that lies at the end of it.

  • No level of obstacle can prevail in crippling a mind that's continuously fed with positive self-talk.

  • I smile at every circumstance that comes my way because I don't expected life to be an easy journey.

  • Don't ever shelter the feeling of discouragement in your mind, because it only comes to distract one from one's true abilities in life.

  • Just because you aren't rich or wealthy doesn't mean that you aren't successful. Life is full so many challenges, which pushing beyond each one of them is truly a success of its own

  • Obstacles only surface in your life to reveal to you your untapped mental capabilities.

  • No matter what life throws at you, never stop loving it. Obstacles are meant to be conquered.

  • Until the end of time, a winning positive attitude will always conquer all struggles, challenges and obstacles.

  • You have a lot of great hidden abilities in you, and your destiny demands that you never stop discovering them.

  • For how long are you going to keep wasting your money, time, and energy trying to impress people who will never matter in your life?

  • Negative minds perceive successful people as lucky individuals because they are unaware of their past struggles, challenges and obstacles. But the truth is, they are 'lucky' today because they refuse to give up on themselves.

  • If you continuously plant the right seeds in your mind, a life of abundance would become highly inevitable in your life.

  • The destinies of all followers lie in the hands of their leaders.

  • What is an obstacle to a man who constantly envisions himself standing at the victory line of his dream?

  • Think about your past victories, and then look into the eye of your current obstacle and tell it that it will soon lose like your defeated obstacles.

  • Every obstacle is meant to be temporary; try not to make yours permanent in your life.

  • An obstacle is nothing but a temporary obstruction waiting to be tackled.

  • Many people become discouraged by their obstacles because they focus deeply on what they bring instead of the rewards that come with defeating them.

  • A life of abundance knows nothing about a mind that allows its obstacles to distract it from life's endless possibilities.

  • Obstacles are like gym sessions; they can only make me stronger.

  • Some people think that they know our struggles, challenges and obstacles, but the truth is that they don't know half of them. This is why we should never allow others to define our lives for us.

  • Focus on your daily blessings, future opportunities and possibilities, and never allow your challenges, struggles, and obstacles to interfere with your peace of mind. You owe abundant happiness and success to your inner-self.

  • You are not the only one that is going through some struggles, challenges and obstacles. There is no need to be too hard on yourself. This too will surely pass away just like all that you have been through in the past. Stay strong and keep your faith alive. God is on your side.

  • Vow to always persevere through your struggles, challenges, and obstacles until you arrive at the rewarding end of them.

  • We are all blessed, but the problem is that some of us count their blessings while others count their struggles, challenges and obstacles.

  • Learn to not live in fears and worries over your obstacles, because they don't control your destiny, God does.

  • Every obstacle should be seen as a part of the process of gaining mental strength and wisdom for bigger and better things in life.

  • I go through challenges, obstacles, and struggles just like everyone else out there, but I handle them with the right mental attitude, and this is why I am always happy and positive with my life.

  • Think about how many times in the past that you went through some challenges, struggles, and obstacles and still came out victorious? So why are you doubting your ability to triumph from your current trials and tribulations?

  • Not too many people could walk a mile in your shoes. Only you know your struggles, challenges and obstacles; so be proud of how far you have come.

  • Never stop reminding yourself that God created you to be mentally and physically tougher than your struggles, challenges and obstacles.

  • What else other than success can happen to anyone who refuses to stay down in the midst of any struggle, challenge or obstacle?

  • Do not be troubled by your struggles, challenges and obstacles. Do your best each day and leave the rest for God to handle. There is absolutely no burden too heavy for Him to lift off from your shoulder. You can definitely pull through if you strongly believe it with an undying faith.

  • Does it matter if the whole world is standing against you, if God is already on your side, guiding and protecting you?

  • When faced with obstacles, let your heart beat with courage and faith by focusing on the growing opportunities they bring.

  • There is no greater fulfillment than living with a positive mind and a heart full of unconditional self-love.

  • A heart can only be broken or remain shattered through repeated negative interpretations of a negative experience.

  • The beauty of one's life would never seize to fade away the moment hate settles in one's heart.

  • Nothing on earth fulfills the heart better than unconditional self-love.

  • A heart can only become fragile if unconditional self-love is continuously deprived from it.

  • No matter the level of opposition from external forces, whoever God has elevated, will definitely stay elevated.

  • You cannot carry your whole marriage on your back and call it, compromising. It takes two willing hearts to effectively compromise.

  • Compromising is the only path that all happy couples travel on.

  • If the only thing that you have to offer in a relationship or marriage is your physical appearance, then you are definitely walking on a very thin line. It takes more than physical beauty to sustain a healthy relationship or marriage.

  • Any marriage that exists without a sound level of unconditional love, shouldn't be called a marriage in the first place.

  • The problem with a lot of nations, is that they keep trying to move forward with backward agendas.

  • The greatness of one's mind can only be activated when one learns to unlock the doors to one's opportunities and possibilities with it.

  • Life is too short to be waiting around for opportunities to come in your direction. You must go out there like a hunter and hunt them down.

  • Opportunities are all around us, but the problem is that most people often look with their physical eyes instead of their mental vision.

  • Tough times are opportunities to prove to yourself that your mind is tougher than all challenges.

  • Opportunities to climb to greater heights will surely come. But the question is, are you ready to seize them when they do?

  • Devil must really hate me a lot because I consistently refuse to give him an opportunity to win over my soul.

  • Be so good with your craft to the point that you would no longer have to beg for opportunities.

  • Tomorrow is another opportunity to relentlessly and confidently push harder with your dream. You definitely haven't given it your all until you are living in its reality

  • You solely owe success and happiness to yourself. So why not make your inner-self proud of your daily decisions and actions?

  • Faith and hope mean absolutely nothing where consistent action fails to exist.

  • I work consistently hard and smart because I understand that I can only flourish by contributing positively to the universe through my daily decisions and actions.

  • Let integrity, humility, kindness, compassion, peace, and unity follow you wherever you go. We still have a chance at making this world a better place for us and our future generations. Stop Complaining about all the negativity in this world and start contributing more positive words, decisions, and actions to it.

  • When people pressure you to engage in negative decisions and actions, look at them boldly in the eyes and dare them to do good.

  • Heaven can only help those whose frequent thoughts, decisions, and actions are constantly in the directions of their goals and dreams.

  • It's impossible to live in peace with your inner-self without appointing integrity as the author of your daily decisions and actions.

  • No matter how hard or long the road to your dream seems, dare to consistently impress yourself with your decisions and actions.

  • Actions become very effective when they meet the habit of consistency.

  • Your God's given destiny can only become inevitable if you refuse to go against its manifestation with your frequent thoughts, decisions and actions.

  • It is important to have a dream, but a dream is absolutely nothing until you start to consistently give life to it through strategic actions.

  • A goal without actions has the same fate as a vehicle without gas.

  • Consistency with the right strategic plan is the ultimate key to success. Yesterday's action would never make up for today's procrastination.

  • Stop waiting around for your life to get better and start getting better with your thoughts, decisions and actions.

  • Try not to complicate your life by attaching yourself in a circle of people who would dare to influence you to engage in self-destructive decisions and actions.

  • We all have the potential to climb to greater heights through the infinite powers of dreams and actions.

  • Faith alone is never enough. You must follow up with the right effective plan and strategic action.

  • Your future can never produce different results if you keep doing the same things that you have done all year long. Things can only change in your life when you start to change your daily thoughts, decisions, and actions to align with your positive desires.

  • Be sure to know who your true friends are, because some of the people that you call friends are actually worse than the enemies that you know.

  • I hear a lot of people say, 'teenagers of this generation are so lost.' But I always wonder what they have been doing to help them discover themselves.

  • Isn't it so sad that a lot of the teenagers of this generation know most of the lyrics to countless of worldly songs, but don't know any verse in the bible?

  • The true fate of tomorrow lies on what you make of today.

  • Never ponder to give today all that you have, if you hope for tomorrow to give you all that you need.

  • The problem with a lot of people is that they procrastinate as if tomorrow doesn't have some tasks of its own.

  • Instead of regretting the person you were yesterday, strive to become a better person today and a much better person tomorrow. Everything that you wish you could become, you can still become. Persist and persevere until success becomes a reality in your life.

  • When one achieves massive success, unenlightened minds say, "It's all about luck." But if you were to ask me, I would say, "It is the mighty reward of faith, confidence, courage, patience, relentlessness and resiliency.

  • As long as you invite faith, courage, and perseverance to become your daily companions, every test would inevitably mature into a testimony in your life.

  • When life throws trials and tribulations towards you, shield your destiny with courage, faith and perseverance.

  • The answer to every adversity lies in courageously moving forward with faith.

  • Every great story begins with a very courageous step into the land of the unknown.

  • Never give your enemies a reason to celebrate your lack of courage.

  • A life without integrity, faith, courage and a positive purpose, is an unnecessary gamble with no positive possibility.

  • In you lies the courage and perseverance to endure and conquer any battle. But the question is, are your frequent thoughts cheering for your victory or constantly focusing on your weaknesses?

  • Always protect your heart with unconditional self-love, faith and courage.

  • This is definitely the wrong time to allow fear and doubts to hold you back. Push yourself far away from your fearful past and into a blissful and prosperous future. God is your guide, protection wisdom, courage and strength. You were born to experience greatness.

  • There is absolutely no difference between a dreamer and a non-dreamer, if the dreamer's dream is not accompanied with faith, courage, perseverance, patience, and consistent actions. Every dream needs some consistent actions in order to give birth to success.

  • When positive attitudes meet with faith, courage, consistency and perseverance, miracles tend to happen.

  • A life of success demands that you never starve your dreams from the actions, courage, and faith that they consistently need.

  • Before every great reward, comes the footprints of persistency, consistency, perseverance, courage, faith and patience.

  • Happiness is what happens when you build the level of awareness and courage to continuously identify, challenge, and replace your negative thoughts and beliefs.

  • Your true destiny is desperately waiting on you to start thinking, acting, and walking with faith and courage.

  • You weren't born to live a life of failure. God brought you into this world to fight with faith and courage until each and every one of your battles is won. So by all means, always keep your mind strong, head up, and keep on fighting.

  • It's time for you to step up with courage and fight tirelessly to take back all that your fears and doubts have stolen from you.

  • Keep pushing with faith, hope and courage, for there is a very valuable prize waiting for you at the end of your struggle.

  • Never waste any moment of your life seeking approval or acceptance from people. They are not your creator.

  • The past will always be behind us. The future is currently a mystery. All we can account for is the present. By all means, don't turn a blind eye on it. Embrace it warmly and cherish it to the fullest.

  • One of the best decisions that you could ever make in your life, is to vow to never accept quitting as a final answer.

  • Nothing worth settling for has ever been achieved through quitting.

  • The word 'quit' is only for those who aren't hungry enough for a successful life.

  • Nothing valuable or great was ever discovered by quitting.

  • Quitting is only for those who are doubtful of their destiny.

  • Quitting on one's dreams isn't a way out, because all it does is to bring forth some sufferings and quilts in one's life.

  • Understanding that quitting is never an option, leaves winning as the only option.

  • You would never know what you are truly capable of until quitting is no longer a way out.

  • Why not dare yourself to become a shinning positive light where darkness is the only thing known?
