Proud of self quotes:

  • I'm proud, I've been working with this kind of self-sacrificing people like you. -- Islom Karimov
  • Many mathematicians derive part of their self-esteem by feeling themselves the proud heirs of a long tradition of rational thinking; I am afraid they idealize their cultural ancestors. -- Edsger Dijkstra
  • I can be a rock star with a television show and still have a self-esteem problem. So it's nice to have your dad go, 'Hey Melissa, I'm proud of you - you're doing good.' -- Melissa Etheridge
  • The proud depend upon the world to tell them whether they have value or not. Their self-esteem is determined by where they are judged to be on the ladders of worldly success. They feel worthwhile as individuals if the numbers beneath them in achievement, talent, beauty, or intellect are large enough. -- Ezra Taft Benson
  • Self-reflection is so healthy. Journaling works for me - when I record the details of what I'm going through, whether it's a relationship issue or negative thoughts, I can look back and see how far I've come. It makes me proud to see my progress and how I got through a bad situation. -- Kelly Rowland
  • Even after he was gone, I still loved my father. I looked Norwegian, like him, with a long face, strong jaw, thin mouth, and flashing eyes. And, like him, I was verbal, easygoing, and low-key on the surface, and, deep down, proud, socially paranoid, full of self-loathing, and prone to rage at injustice. -- Kate Christensen
  • I was a wife and mother, blameless in moral life, with a deep sense of duty and a proud self-respect; it was while I was this that doubt struck me, and while I was in the guarded circle of the home, with no dream of outside work or outside liberty, that I lost all faith in Christianity. -- Annie Besant
  • The real power of the Buddha was that he had so much love. He saw people trapped in their notions of small separate self, feeling guilty or proud of that self, and he offered revolutionary teachings that resounded like a lion's roar, like a great rising tide, helping people to wake up and break free from the prison of ignorance. -- Nhat Hanh
  • One of the most heartening phenomena in today's Britain is the great diversity of the modern nerd - the nerd is out and proud, and while she may love 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' merchandise more than is strictly warranted, she is in every way to be cherished as an exemplar of cosmopolitanism and tolerance. -- Will Self
  • The self-made man is often proud of a poor job. -- Ethel Mumford
  • Self-made men are most always apt to be a little too proud of the job. -- Josh Billings
  • You solely owe success and happiness to yourself. So why not make your inner-self proud of your daily decisions and actions? -- Edmond Mbiaka
  • You solely owe success and happiness to yourself. So why not make your inner-self proud of your daily decisions and actions~? -- Edmond Mbiaka
  • Then she was pressing her little proud broken self against his face, as close as she could get, and then they died. -- Philip Pullman
  • The condition of being forgiven is self-abandonment. The proud man prefers self-reproach, however painful --because the reproached self isn't abandoned; it remains intact. -- Aldous Huxley
  • I'm proud to call myself a feminist and am proud to say I have two young boys who are self-proclaimed feminists as well. -- Dyllan McGee
  • Be proud of your scars. They have everything to do with your strength, and what you've endured. They're a treasure map to the deep self. -- Clarissa Pinkola Estes
  • In Bolivia, the middle class, intellectuals and the self-employed are proud of their Indian roots. Unfortunately, some oligarchic groups continue to treat us as being inferior. -- Evo Morales
  • Ladies, get confident bout yourselves, build up your self-worth and esteem, love yourself and be proud of your achievements and your man will adore you for life. -- Jaachynma N.E. Agu
  • Ladies, get confident about yourselves, build up your self-worth and esteem, love yourself and be proud of your achievements and your man will adore you for life. -- Jaachynma N.E. Agu
  • Ladies, get confident about yourselves, build up your self-worth and esteem, love yourself and be proud of your achievements and your man will adore you for life." -- Jaachynma N.E. Agu
  • Our very business is to teach the great lesson of self-denial and humility to our people, and how unfit is it then that we should be proud ourselves! -- Richard Baxter
  • What if I were seeking a hardcopy? A book I can bury my nose in metaphorically and literally if I'm a self-confessed book-sniffer and proud to say so. -- S.A. Tawks
  • Prostitutes are in no danger of finding their present life so satisfactory that they cannot turn to God: the proud, the avaricious, the self-righteous, are in that danger. -- C. S. Lewis
  • Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us. -- Abraham Lincoln