Pretty daughter quotes:

  • I think my mother realized she had a somewhat unusual daughter pretty early on. -- Amber Heard
  • I think my daughters have a pretty healthy self-awareness but I can't speak on their behalf. -- Annie Lennox
  • When I need a break from the boys, I go with my girlfriend to buy pretty little dresses for her daughter. -- Kim Raver
  • I don't want to feel like a failure to my daughter. She's the best thing I've ever done. Buffy - pretty great and all, but Charlotte's way better. -- Sarah Michelle Gellar
  • Having children, they're not your property. They need to figure out their own views. I think my daughters have a pretty healthy self-awareness, but I can't speak on their behalf. -- Annie Lennox
  • Pretty isn't the only thing that matters - being smart and kind matters more, of course - but all daughters should hear from their moms that they look pretty once in a while. -- Meg Cabot
  • I was the eldest daughter with these four beautiful younger sisters with ringlets and pretty faces, and I used to dress them up in Victorian clothes and take them out for the day and pretend they were mine. -- Sadie Frost
  • I think Desperate Housewives is a pretty good show, I watch it, I like it and I don't love reality tv that much. I do watch some, I've got three daughters so we'll watch the good stuff, the fun stuff. -- Bob Saget
  • I am a lover. And with my kids I am even softer. I realize with my son, I have to sometimes be tough, especially now when he's pushing boundaries. With my daughter, I can get a little stern with her and she pretty much will listen. -- Jennifer Lopez
  • My father was and is a great father. My father always wanted to do stand-up. He wanted to be an actor. But instead he did two jobs. He did customer service at a hospital and he worked as a waiter at night. He pretty much sacrificed everything for his daughters. -- Sherri Shepherd
  • If my daughter's going to go out in the winter with summer clothes, I'm gonna question it. And at some point, I assume, if the conversation goes on long enough, if I can convince her, she will put on some warm clothes. And I think that sort of exchange is pretty valid. -- Susanne Bier
  • When you have girl children, they torture you! If at any moment of the day I ever think I'm remotely cool at all, which is hardly ever, I have two daughters who make sure that never happens. They say, 'Mom, you didn't really wear that?' And I say, 'Yes, and pretty much everyone saw it.' -- Pat Benatar
  • I hate to sound cliché, but it would probably be the day my daughter was born. That was a pretty amazing experience. -- Cassandra Peterson
  • I don't want my daughter to think she has to deprive herself to be pretty...It's all about balance and I can teach that best by living it. -- Cindy Crawford