Peak performance quotes:

  • Rested, Refreshed, and Ready to run, the three Rs of peak performance. -- Hal Higdon
  • Ive always been really inspired by watching top athletes putting in peak performances. -- Manu Bennett
  • Ranger declined the butterscotch pudding, not wanting to disrupt the consistency of his blood sugar level. I had two puddings and coffee, choosing to keep my pancreas at peak performance. Use it or lose it is my philosophy. -- Janet Evanovich
  • The third important ingredient for achieving peak performance is attitude. Attitude is how you deal with the inevitable adverse situations that occur in the markets. Attitude is also how you handle the daily grind, the constant 2 steps forward and 2 steps back. -- Linda Bradford Raschke
  • A good coach is postive. Your job when coaching is not correcting mistakes, finding fault, and assessing blame. Instead, your function is achieving goals by coaching your staff to peak performance. Focusing on the positive means that you start with what's good and what works, and spend your attention and energy there. -- Marshall Cook
  • Questions are far more effective than defensive statements. They do not imply agreement, but they do convey interest and a desire to understand and facilitate an environment for peak performance, a central thread of effective leadership.... The next time someone accuses you of virtually anything, ask some questions. Resolving the situation may take more time, but the outcome will likely be more productive for both of you. -- Stephen Young
  • I've always been really inspired by watching top athletes putting in peak performances. -- Manu Bennett
  • Early in my career, I had difficulty breathing during workouts and my performance on the ice suffered. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with EIB and received the proper treatment that I was able to reach my peak performance. -- Apolo Ohno
  • Peak performance is meditation in motion. -- Greg Louganis
  • Peak performance begins with your taking complete responsibility for your life and everything that happens to you. -- Brian Tracy
  • A guy my size needs a tremendous amount of protein on a daily basis, just to maintain peak size, strength, and performance. Basically, that means six or seven small meals a day, so I depend on protein supplementation. -- Kevin Nash
  • In my whole career, in fact, I can remember only two first nights when a show was at its peak on the first night. And I just wish we could devise a system where critics came not on a single evening but were given a choice of performances to attend. -- Richard McCabe