New inventions quotes:

  • This is the patent age of new inventions for killing bodies, and for saving souls. All propagated with the best intentions. -- Lord Byron
  • What business has science and capitalism got, bringing all these new inventions into the works, before society has produced a generation educated up to using them! -- Henrik Ibsen
  • I think I'd be quite good at Builder, like designer, construction... I've always liked making things. I'm quite good with my hands. So I think I'd be quite good at designing new inventions. -- Thomas Brodie-Sangster
  • Just as producers often give consumers things they want but didn't think to ask for, consumers sometimes come up with surprising uses for new inventions. When a new product appears, it can uncover dissatisfactions and desires no one knew were there. -- Virginia Postrel
  • If the government objects to monopoly prices for new inventions, it should stop granting patents. -- Ludwig von Mises
  • We have to find the environments in which it will be possible to live with our new inventions. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • A world in everlasting conflict between the new idea and the old allegiances, new arts and new inventions against the old establishment. -- Joyce Cary
  • No one can see ahead three years, let alone five or ten. Competition, new inventions - all kinds of things - can change the situation in twelve months. -- Thomas Rowe Price, Jr.
  • Power and profit structures're out of cahoots with current technology. Aware of new inventions, corporations put them aside, waiting for competitive reasons until they're obliged to use new gimmicks. -- John Cage
  • God had infinite time to give us.... He cut it up into a near succession of new mornings, and, with each, therefore, a new idea, new inventions, and new applications. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Creative arts, new inventions, and new ideas spring from those blessed with imagination, and magic stimulates imagination. It is no coincidence that many artists, writers, and dancers are interested in magic. -- Vivianne Crowley
  • Surely the Shadowhunter community must honor you and hold you in high esteem as a gentleman who has truly advanced their race. No, Henry said sadly. Mostly they wish that I would stop suggesting new inventions and cease setting fire to things. -- Cassandra Clare
  • I'm afraid for all those who'll have the bread snatched from their mouths by these machines. What business has science and capitalism got, bringing all these new inventions into the works, before society has produced a generation educated up to using them! -- Henrik Ibsen
  • The world isn't getting any easier. With all these new inventions I believe that people are hurried more and pushed more... The hurried way is not the right way; you need time for everything - time to work, time to play, time to rest. -- Hedy Lamarr
  • As with all new inventions, there are upsides and downsides. The commercial drone is no exception. But until robust safeguards have been introduced to protect personal privacy from prying eyes in the skies, the true benefits to society of unmanned aerial vehicles will remain unrealised. -- Alex Morritt
  • Everyone always wants new things. Everybody likes new inventions, new technology. People will never be replaced by machines. In the end, life and business are about human connections. And computers are about trying to murder you in a lake. And to me the choice is easy. -- Michael Scott
  • I've got a new invention. It's a revolving bowl for tired goldfish. -- Lefty Gomez
  • The spirit of adventure to embrace the new and the incredible belief in the power of invention attracted me to the Russian avant-garde. -- Zaha Hadid
  • I've never had plastic surgery, but if they made a new invention for making people taller, I'd be the first to have the surgery. -- Alanna Ubach
  • Invention, strictly speaking, is little more than a new combination of those images which have been previously gathered and deposited in the memory; nothing can come of nothing. -- Joshua Reynolds
  • Every new invention is like a baby. You think it may cure cancer or become the president, but in the end, you're happy it just stays out of jail. -- Eric Betzig
  • I meet the designers very often, we discuss the products, they show me their ideas, we discuss the ad campaigns and every new invention that we can find for the future. -- Bernard Arnault
  • There's a whole generation of young people who are faced with the so-called 'jobless recovery.' Necessity is the mother of invention. They are out there, all around the world, creating new companies. -- Don Tapscott
  • Ever since the arrival of printing - thought to be the invention of the devil because it would put false opinions into people's minds - people have been arguing that new technology would have disastrous consequences for language. -- David Crystal
  • The Internet is this whole new world that allows everyone to communicate and exchange information and be a perfect marketplace and just accelerate everybody's lives. So, for me, the Internet was the greatest invention of mankind so far. -- Kim Dotcom
  • Answers are not enough, students should be encouraged to ask questions and explore alternatives to the norm. Entrepreneurship and invention are the backbone of the new economy, yet I doubt they get more than a nod in economics courses. -- Jim Hunt
  • I always find myself stopping to write down ideas of things I'd like to make from computer hardware items to things new moms need - inventions to share with others to make their lives more fun or interesting or easy. -- Lisa Loeb
  • The Internet makes it possible for people like me to live the way I do now. Without it, I'd have to be in New York or some other city. I think the Internet is the greatest invention in history after antibiotics. -- Jane Haddam
  • To us, the value of a work lies in its newness: the invention of new forms, or a novel combination of old forms, the discovery of unknown worlds or the exploration of unfamiliar areas in worlds already discovered - revelations, surprises. -- Octavio Paz
  • I would say that, in the future, the book will be reserved for things that function best as a book. So, if I need a textbook that's going to be out of date because of new technological inventions, you're better off having it where you can download the supplements or the update. -- Art Spiegelman
  • I love what the Valley does. I love company building. I love startups. I love technology companies. I love new technology. I love this process of invention. Being able to participate in that as a founder and a product creator, or as an investor or a board member, I just find that hugely satisfying. -- Marc Andreessen
  • What's interesting about the shift from an industrial age to a technological age is that we keep inventing new media: movies, records, radio, television, the Internet, and now ebooks - and one of the things that's most interesting about the invention of a new medium is watching it reinvent itself as it penetrates the culture. -- David Gerrold
  • Men are in fact, quite unable to control their own inventions; they at best develop adaptability to the new conditions those inventions create. -- John Galsworthy
  • Almost always the men who achieve these fundamental inventions of a new paradigm have been either very young or very new to the field whose paradigm they change. -- Thomas Kuhn
  • I invented nothing new. I simply combined the inventions of others into a car. Had I worked fifty or ten or even five years before, I would have failed. -- Henry Ford