Moving office quotes:

  • Obviously the Senate is a federal office, but to get California's economy moving again we need to do some things in the federal arena. -- Carly Fiorina
  • I observed a man sourcing candle wax from South America and selling it to Japan. I thought: 'That's unbelievable. Talking on the phone in his office, that man made money moving candle wax from one country to another.' It really interested me. -- Ivan Glasenberg
  • When I worked in the Department of Justice, in the office of the solicitor general, it was my job to argue cases for the United States before the Supreme court. I always found it very moving to stand before the justices and say, 'I speak for my country.' -- John Roberts
  • For the three years I lived in New York leading up to moving out to Los Angeles for 'Mad Men,' I was an office temp at Ernst & Young in Times Square. That's about as desk-jobby as it can get. There was a lot of, 'Go two floors up and make a copy of this and then bring it to me.' -- Rich Sommer
  • The maintenance man is moving the thermostat in our office today. I started talking with him about the -- Scott Adams