Medical experiments quotes:

  • I want medical experiments on animals stopped. They don't do anything, and they don't work. -- Sam Simon
  • I want medical experiments on animals stopped. They don't do anything, and they don't work, -- Sam Simon
  • The history of using mice to stand in for humans in medical experiments is replete with failures. -- Gary Wolf
  • The whole story of the comfort women, the system of forced sexual slavery, the medical experiments of Unit 731, is not something that is in the US psyche. That is changing because many books are coming out. -- Iris Chang
  • Medical science in particular will get exponentially better, especially once computers will be powerful enough to digitally simulate entire human brains, meaning medical experiments that would normally take years can be digitally run taking only hours. -- Benjamin Stone
  • Experiments suggest that if one particle of Ebola enters a person's bloodstream, it can cause a fatal infection. This may explain why many of the medical workers who came down with Ebola couldn't remember making any mistakes that might have exposed them. -- Richard Preston
  • These human experiments have gone largely unchallenged and unquestioned by Congress, the medical profession, and the scientific community at large. -- Ted Gup