Meaning of music quotes:

  • Either your understanding of the meaning of music is there from the beginning or it is not. -- Gordon Getty
  • The profound meaning of music's essential aim... is to produce a communion, a union of man with his fellow man with the Supreme Being -- Igor Stravinsky
  • The hardest of all the arts to speak of is music, because music has no meaning to speak of. -- Ned Rorem
  • Language in fiction is made up of equal parts meaning and music. The sentences should have rhythm and cadence, they should engage and delight the inner ear. -- Michael Cunningham
  • There's something so wonderful about writing in rhyme where it isn't just the meaning of the words, it's the music to the words and the shape and the sound. -- Gary Ross
  • There's so much you can do with laying words on a bed of music. You can completely change their meaning with the type of music or the way they're sung. -- PJ Harvey
  • All roads for me lead back to Mozart. In his tragically short life, he breathed new life, fire and meaning into every form of music that existed in his time. -- Charles Hazlewood
  • Everyone's just extracting meaning and feeling and emotion from almost every aspect of music, and I think that for me, it's a huge antidote to that to have a concept album. -- Aimee Mann
  • If not for music, I would probably be a very frustrated scientist. It's one way to answer the question, 'What is the meaning of life?' I feel music answers it better. -- Paula Cole
  • When Merle and I started out we called our music 'traditional plus,' meaning the traditional music of the Appalachian region plus whatever other styles we were in the mood to play. -- Doc Watson
  • I think things can have more than one meaning and still connect with people. There's a lot of meaning to the title 'Music For People' and they're all true and they're all accurate. -- Jon Crosby
  • A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later. -- Stanley Kubrick
  • Whatever you do in life, there's content and form; only those two put together create special meaning of a great work of art or great interpretation of music or a great story that you tell. -- Itay Talgam
  • Music is the biggest tool of revolution - the best way to reach out to the youth and involve them. If you can't contribute to the world with your art, I don't see the meaning of life. -- Kailash Kher
  • And to understand this, I think this is a most important point where I would like always to be understood what we do with the New York Philharmonic. That the meaning of the music is number one. -- Kurt Masur
  • Go Back Home' encompasses not only actual geographic location but also, for me, back home in the worlds of music and theatre, and back home in terms of making albums again. There are lots of meanings to that. -- Audra McDonald
  • My training in music and composition then led me to a kind of musical language process in which, for example, the sound of the words I play with has to expose their true meaning against their will so to speak. -- Elfriede Jelinek
  • I'm sort of like Jean-Paul Goude, the graphic designer who used to style Grace Jones and shoot all her visuals, just meaning that I use all mediums in one - music, fashion, and art. I'm hitting it from all angles. -- ASAP Ferg
  • The basic idea of a hyper instrument is where the technology is built right into the instrument so that the instrument knows how it's being played - literally what the expression is, what the meaning is, what the direction of the music is. -- Tod Machover
  • I don't feel a real need to specify the meaning of something. When I was little and I was introduced to Led Zeppelin, I didn't know what a zeppelin was or who Zeppelin was or what the machine was. The real meaning is whatever feelings and memories you attach to the music. -- Kyp Malone
  • I feel that for years of teaching in the country and reading criticism in books, I feel like the things most needed in our culture are the understanding of the meanings of our music. We haven't done that good of job teaching our kids what our music means or how we developed our taste in music that reminds us and teaches us who we are. -- Wynton Marsalis
  • ...a good poem contains both meaning and music -- Eve Merriam
  • Sometimes language can't even read the music of meaning. -- David Mitchell
  • Nothing is more odious than music without hidden meaning. -- Frederic Chopin
  • A story is not only meaning, it's music as well. -- Aharon Appelfeld
  • I guess people naturally try to find meaning in music. -- Girl Talk
  • ...words are not only meaning but music and magic and power. -- Frederick Buechner
  • Nobody talks about music as having intrinsic meaning, how it engages the mind. -- Tod Machover
  • There's no meaning to life without music. Everybody has their own connect with music. -- Kailash Kher
  • Into the day as by dream I swim / To the music of nourished meaning. -- Dejan Stojanovic
  • I think meaning is something that's really unnecessary in music, at least for me. -- Tim Rutili
  • A poem compresses much in a small space and adds music, thus heightening its meaning. -- E. B. White
  • I like the pop music, but I still want to have meaning in my music. -- David Archuleta
  • In the beginning we were making tape music, meaning, we were making music on tape. -- Pauline Oliveros
  • music is not technique and melody, but the meaning of life itself, infinitely sorrowful and unbearably beautiful. -- Pearl S. Buck
  • In nearly all ballads, the words set the mood and meaning, while the music intensifies or enhances them. -- Kate Smith
  • Isn't it funny the way some combinations of words can give you--almost apart from their meaning--a thrill like music? -- C. S. Lewis
  • Is there a meaning to music? Yes. Can you state in so many words what the meaning is? No. -- Aaron Copland
  • The hardest of all the arts to speak of is music, because music has no meaning to speak of -- Ned Rorem
  • the truth of a poem is its form and its content, its music and its meaning are the same. -- Muriel Rukeyser
  • A fine poem combines the elements of meaning, music, and a form like a living frame that holds it together. -- Arnold Adoff
  • Sharing music is not a crime. It shouldn't be. There should be a deeper meaning to making music than just selling downloads. -- Dave Grohl
  • I wanted to make some music with deeper meaning mixed with the fun and cool stuff I've been doing for so long. -- Princess Superstar
  • It has been said with some meaning that if men would but rest in silence, they might always hear the music of the spheres. -- Arthur Helps
  • Music, of all the arts, stands in a special region, unlit by any star but its own, and utterly without meaning ... except its own. -- Leonard Bernstein
  • There's almost no content in terms of language at all. I don't like using language to convey meaning. I'd rather use images and music. -- Philip Glass
  • Music gives us a language that cuts across the disciplines, helps us to see connections and brings a more coherent meaning to our world. -- Ernest L. Boyer
  • I never work with music. I hate background music, always did. I only like music in the foreground, meaning, deliberately listen to it, actually. -- David Hockney
  • If you want meaning, you read poetry or a novel or something, you don't read song lyrics. You're supposed to listen to them with music. -- Roddy Woomble
  • So long as the human spirit thrives on this planet, music in some living form will accompany and sustain it and give it expressive meaning. -- Aaron Copland
  • Hip hop is still strong. As an art form, music helps people express themselves, find meaning in their own lives and connect with their tribes. -- Erik Parker
  • The finest singing, given a good voice to begin with, comes from the constant play of a fine mind upon the inner meaning of the music. -- Ernest Newman
  • The muffled syllables that Nature speaksFill us with deeper longing for her word; She hides a meaning that the spirit seeks,She makes a sweeter music than is heard. -- George Santayana
  • The thing I like about 'Nashville,' it just happens to be about musicians, and all the music is practical, meaning it's performed at a concert or during a rehearsal. -- Will Chase