Looking hard quotes:

  • I stared hard, trying to find a pattern. Thinking if I kept looking hard enough, maybe the pieces of the world would fit back together into something I could understand. -- Carol Rifka Brunt
  • If you're inclined to dismiss L.A. as a place of unrelenting vapidity and generic 1980s architecture, then you're doing yourself and L.A. a huge disservice, and you're just not looking hard enough. -- Moby
  • What I want, more than anything, is to turn back time a little. To become the kid I used to be, who believed whatever my mother said was one hundred percent true and right without looking hard enough to see the hairline crack. -- Jodi Picoult
  • I'm not ashamed; I work hard to look how I do. -- Pooch Hall
  • I'm hard to pin down. I tend to look different in films. -- Joan Allen
  • Make the hard ones look easy and the easy ones look hard. -- Walter Hagen
  • I find it hard to focus looking forward. So I look backward. -- Iggy Pop
  • In Japan, sometimes it's hard to know what you are looking at. -- Simon McBurney
  • It's hard work to make a four-minute program look effortless and elegant. -- Katarina Witt
  • Everyone is looking for the hack, the secret to success without hard work. -- Sam Altman
  • If you look hard enough, you'll find something good about me and say it. -- Jimmy Swaggart
  • Look, sometimes, no matter how hard you try, sometimes you need a bit of luck. -- Bear Grylls
  • You don't want to look back and have any regrets because things are too hard. -- Gabriel E. Gomez
  • People have a hard time making me dress up to look like a classy gal. -- Judy Holliday
  • It's hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse. -- Adlai E. Stevenson
  • It is hard to look up to a leader who keeps his ear to the ground. -- James H. Boren
  • An English summer's day is wonderful, but sometimes you have to look hard to find one! -- Romain Grosjean
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  • Society bristles with enigmas which look hard to solve. It is a perfect maze of intrigue. -- Honore de Balzac
  • Besides, Weebles are too hard to draw - they just end up looking like eggs, not people. -- Jesse James Garrett
  • In some neighborhoods, if you want to walk down the streets, you've got two choices - look down, or look hard. -- Andrew Vachss
  • You don't want to be hard to look at. Plain very good, hard to look at bad. The plain shall inherit the earth; time is our friend. -- Graham Norton
  • Maine is wonderful. It can be very hard. I mean, if you look at the profile maps it doesn't look it, but somehow when you get out there it's really steep and hard. -- Bill Bryson
  • Sometimes looking so hard can make one blind. -- William Wharton
  • It's hard to see a halo when you're looking for horns. -- Cullen Hightower
  • Somehow, while I wasn't looking, I fell. And I fell hard. -- M. Leighton
  • Patch: "It's hard to concentrate on answers with you looking like that. -- Becca Fitzpatrick
  • It is hard to focus on going forwards when you are looking backwards. -- Gillian Duce
  • Opportunity is sometimes hard to recognize if you're only looking for a lucky break. -- Oliver Cromwell
  • To find the right plan is just as hard as looking for its sound justification. -- Emanuel Lasker
  • Pacifism simply is not a matter of calm looking on; it is work, hard work. -- Kathe Kollwitz
  • Anything's hard to find if you go around looking for it with your eyes shut. -- Shelagh Delaney
  • In the land of God's and Monsters, I was an angel looking to get f-ked hard. -- Lana Del Rey
  • Transformation also means looking for ways to stop pushing yourself so hard professionally or inviting so much stress. -- Gail Sheehy
  • Everyone tries to define this thing called Character. It's not hard. Character is doing what's right when nobody's looking. -- J. C. Watts
  • When you're looking so hard to get on your path, you're putting up resistance that keeps you from finding it. -- Esther Hicks
  • It is hard to accept being different, hard to have people avoid looking at you, and still believe in yourself. -- Patricia Briggs
  • When I felt like I was looking down the barrel of nothing on the horizon it was hard for me. -- Greta Gerwig
  • I'm trying to find someone who doesn't want to be found.""That can be as hard as looking for a shadow. -- Alice Hoffman
  • Racism is a virus. And since nobody's really looking too hard for a cure it reproduces itself over and over again. -- Marita Golden
  • It's hard to be in a bad mood when you're walking around looking like you're about to play the semifinals at Wimbledon. -- A. J. Jacobs
  • Looking so cool, his greed is hard to conceal, he's fresh out of law school, you gave him a license to steal. -- Al Stewart
  • [s]he was a compulsive pessimist, always looking for the soft brown spot in the fruit, pressing so hard she created it. -- Amy Waldman
  • The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work. -- Thomas A. Edison
  • You amaze me and its hard for me to turn away and make it not so obvious that I'm looking at you. -- Shailee J-N
  • Looking hard for a drive in, searching for a corner cafe, where the hamburgers sizzle on an open grill night and day, -- Chuck Berry
  • I tried to do my best impression of The Jonas Brothers, but no matter how hard I tried I ended up looking cool! -- Alex Trebek
  • I still work hard to know my business. I'm continuously looking for ways to improve all my companies, and I'm always selling. Always. -- Mark Cuban
  • Any teen gets into a little trouble here and there. It's not hard to find trouble when you're looking for it as a kid. -- Channing Tatum
  • One of the problems of writing and working and looking at the Internet is that it's very hard to separate fashion from deep change. -- Yochai Benkler
  • It's hard enough to find an error in your code when you're looking for it; it's even harder when you've assumed your code is error-free. -- Steve McConnell
  • It was so hard to watch myself back because whatever movie I do, I never look at the monitor. I hate looking at the monitor. -- Odeya Rush
  • I have no regrets. I don't believe in looking back. What I am proudest of? Working really hard... and achieving as much as I could. -- Elena Kagan
  • It's hard sometimes to take a step back and realize what's happened because you're always trying to move forward. You're always looking at the next palette. -- Alexander Wang
  • American women drove hard bargains and the ended up looking the worst for it. The few natural American women left were mostly in Texas and Louisiana. -- Charles Bukowski
  • My brother and I, we were both relatively good-looking guys growing up, but we had our awkward stages, where we were just hard to look at. -- Dan Fogler
  • You can't be a strong or cool woman and be represented except in a harsh way, looking mean and cold and hard. It's like reverse sexism -- Kim Gordon
  • You can't be a strong or cool woman and be represented except in a harsh way, looking mean and cold and hard. It's like reverse sexism. -- Kim Gordon
  • If so many Americans are looking for the government to save them, then it is hard to have a dignified search for a shepherd in chief. -- James Bovard
  • It sounds so cheesy, but there's something very powerful about looking in the mirror and asking yourself a question. Because I think it's really hard to lie. -- Kristen Wiig
  • Oh lord, it's hard to be humble when your perfect in every way. I can't wait to look in the mirror, cause I get better looking each day. -- Mac Davis
  • Comic books, graphic novels, involve constant toggling and it's hard work. You get tired reading comic books, but you never get tired looking at pictures or reading words. -- Peter Schjeldahl
  • It is really a hard life. Men will not be nice to you if you are not good-looking, and women will not be nice to you if you are. -- Agatha Christie
  • I hope you find what you're looking for," Micah said. "I've already stopped looking," Damon said quietly. "It's kind of hard to look for something you've stopped believing in. -- Maya Banks