Looking closer quotes:

  • Big companies are looking closer term, and even the most technological companies spend less than 1% of sales on research. Startups have suffered the burst bubble. -- Nicholas Negroponte
  • ...it is worth looking closer and remembering something Marcos Alvito told me: Statistics are like a bikini. They show so much, but they hide the most important parts. -- Dave Zirin
  • Anything looked at closely becomes wonderful. -- A. R. Ammons
  • I'm always trying to look for different roles. -- Eric Close
  • I look at it logically. We need four wins. We're one step closer. -- Brady Anderson
  • The trick to forgetting the big picture is to look at everything close-up. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • I look at actors very closely. It's not an accident when the actors excel. -- John Frankenheimer
  • If we look too closely at many historical figures, we won't like what we see. -- Roxane Gay
  • The universe is fractal. The closer you look at it, the more interesting it becomes. -- John Lloyd
  • The closer a Negro got to the ballot box, the more he looked like a rapist. -- E. Franklin Frazier
  • If you think Wall Street firms have it good, you haven't looked closely at Big Oil. -- Jeff Goodell
  • I don't think I look like the pope's favorite Catholic - at least not under close scrutiny. -- Mary Karr
  • If I could look like anyone, it would be Jamie Redknapp - even up close, he's amazing. -- Jack Whitehall
  • It is very difficult for girls. They're told to look one way, but to act another way. -- Glenn Close
  • Use a make-up table with everything close at hand and don't rush; otherwise you'll look like a patchwork quilt. -- Lucille Ball
  • It puts you in a kind of a strange situation where everybody is looking at every little thing you do. -- Glenn Close
  • If you looked at my iPod, you would get a trip out of all the different music, from the real heavy metal to bluegrass to classical. -- Eric Close
  • What difference does it make whether you're looking at a photograph or looking at a still life in front of you? You still have to look. -- Chuck Close
  • I usually look at things like that from an audience perspective first, then have a closer look at the specific character they're talking about me for. -- Colm Meaney
  • Boxing is really an art form. It might just look like two people beating each other up, but when you look closer, it's actually quite beautiful and interesting. -- Seth Numrich
  • Part of the joy of looking at art is getting in sync in some ways with the decision-making process that the artist used and the record that's embedded in the work. -- Chuck Close
  • I always thought that one of the reasons why a painter likes especially to have other painters look at his or her work is the shared experience of having pushed paint around. -- Chuck Close
  • Looking closer can make something beautiful -- Cynthia Lord
  • People are looking for something a little more stable; people are feeling like they need to get closer to God. -- Dolly Parton
  • I turned down a date once because I was looking for someone a little closer to the top of the food chain. -- Judy Tenuta
  • Looking back on the production of 'Nevermind,' I'm embarrassed by it now. It's closer to a Motley Crue record than it is a punk rock record. -- Kurt Cobain