Letting things go quotes:

  • As we get older, we get better at choosing in ways that will make us happy. We do a better job at picking activities that make us happy, and at spending time with people who make us happy. We're also better at letting things go. -- Sheena Iyengar
  • True mastery can be gained by letting things go their own way. -- Stephen Mitchell
  • Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • I realise there's something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they're experts at letting things go. -- Jeffrey McDaniel
  • When you own nothing, it's easy to let things go. -- Jerry Spinelli
  • I don't let things go unless I'm ready for them to go. -- Faith Hill
  • Learning to let things go is key for a good quality of living. -- Christina Perri
  • Sleeping is the most difficult part of what I do, relaxing afterwards. Letting things go. -- Madonna Ciccone
  • Do your best and then relax. Let things go on in a natural way, rather than force them. -- Paramahansa Yogananda
  • Murder is such a charged word. You know how some people fixate and won't let things go? They're called cops. -- Tim Dorsey
  • You never let things go unanswered for too long. Emails. Phone calls. Questions. As if you know the waiting is the hardest part for me. -- David Levithan
  • I just don't do anything fun anymore. But, that's dying, isn't it? I mean, you die in stages, right? You let things go in pieces. -- Mel Gibson
  • As human beings we have a tendency when we like something to tie it up and make sure it's there for a long time. I've been working on being able to let things go. I don't think I ever want to buy property again. -- Ricky Williams
  • My mother passed away, my marriage ended, and I moved. Those are some pretty big things to let go of. But I find that if you hold on to something too tightly, you strangle it and yourself. If you don't let go, and let things go through you, it's toxic - physically. -- Ingrid Michaelson
  • I'm bad at letting go of things. -- Heidi Klum
  • I'm bad at baking. I'm bad at letting go of things. I'm probably bad at reading. -- Heidi Klum
  • When you get a role, you completely lose yourself in it. That's one of the great things about acting - letting yourself go. -- Molly Quinn
  • Letting go of things and not being afraid of being ridiculous or over the top - I think that's the main thing for me to work on. -- Charlotte Gainsbourg
  • You can live your life angry, bitter, mad at somebody or even guilty, not letting go of your own mistakes, but you won't receive the good things God has in store. -- Joel Osteen
  • Writers, actors, anybody working on an ensemble-type thing, there are going to be some creaks in the beginning. It seems like there's tremendous potential in just letting things sort of breathe a little bit. It's tremendously important. -- Edie Falco
  • I think I grew up, stopped worrying about what people thought of me, and whether things were going to turn out OK. I'm concentrating on doing the best work I can do and letting it go at that. -- Janis Ian
  • Some kind of clutter is difficult - letting go of things with sentimental value, sifting through papers - but some clutter I find very refreshing to clear. I drive my daughters nuts because I'm always wandering into their rooms to clear clutter. -- Gretchen Rubin
  • It's important that people are open. Some people say, 'I'm going to be a doctor,' and they're a really good doctor. But for the rest of us, it's a big question mark. Just giving yourself a break, letting yourself try new things, and when something doesn't work out, moving along... it's all we can really do. -- Sophia Amoruso
  • Teenage years, having gone through it all, I know it's a rough, rough time, and I would say to accept that message of letting go, letting it happen and accepting that things don't always happen for a reason, or you may not understand the reason, but it's all part of the journey, and try to enjoy the ride. -- Austin Stowell
  • I hate when a movie just sort of ends and is so open-ended you feel like it wasn't finished. I appreciate leaving things up to the interpretation of the audience and letting them make decisions about where things will go in the future - but the director has to make a decision; otherwise it is sort of a cop-out. -- Zach Gilford
  • I don't want people mistreating me. I found out when you're vulnerable and your heart's open, then people step on you. You're really stupid for letting that happen. And the only way to counteract that is to be like Wolfman Jack. Because if you do nice, kind things for people, then how are they going to mess you over? -- Wolfman Jack
  • I feel prematurely old. I'm actually having this major belated quarter-life crisis. I'm turning 30 in a couple of weeks. I've been thinking a lot about mortality. A lot about what I'm going to do with my life and how to enjoy it. One of the things I'm going to work on is being more spontaneous, letting go, embracing the beauty of come-what-may. -- Chris Pine
  • I feel when acting, I am sometimes overly self-conscious; I think, 'Going, no, don't, put your eyebrow back where it was and, you know, turn to the left.' You know, I'm sort of very consciously adopting this character. But with music, I don't know. I found it was a question of just closing my eyes and just sort of letting things come out. -- Hugh Laurie
  • Possessing by letting go of things was a secret of ownership unknown to youth. -- Yukio Mishima
  • I don't like songs about wanting things. I like songs about letting go, saying goodbye. -- Jasmine Warga
  • All innovation is about letting go, saying goodbye to things to create space for the new. -- Geoff Mulgan
  • There is no control and perfection is arrogant. Practice messiness, letting go, and doing things badly. -- Sark
  • Letting go of the need to control things doesn't mean letting go of responsibility. It means embracing life. -- Marc David
  • In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself. -- Deepak Chopra
  • Letting go does not mean not caring about things. It means caring about them in a flexible and wise way. -- Jack Kornfield
  • On rides you see things that trigger ideas. And most the time it's just not doing anything but riding ... letting it all go. -- Robin Williams
  • This is a story about survival.Letting go and learning to let in. Getting along and moving on. The truth about life.The things left unsaid -- Nadège Richards
  • Radical acceptance rests on letting go of the illusion of control and a willingness to notice and accept things as they are right now, without judging. -- Marsha M. Linehan