Having interest quotes:

  • I think that being perceptive and having interests is nothing but an asset. -- Ashley Judd
  • For me, it's not about breaking big in Hollywood, but having interesting experiences. -- Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
  • I really have no interest in myself. -- Paul Auster
  • I have absolutely zero interest in politics. -- Jerry Hall
  • I don't have a strong interest in history. -- Larry Niven
  • I didn't have any interest in traditional art. -- Cindy Sherman
  • I have a long-term interest in the humanities. -- Jim Leach
  • I didn't really have any interest in producing anything. -- Mark Ruffalo
  • Even socialist dictators have an interest in gorgeous supermodels. -- Hugo Chavez
  • I have absolutely no interest in creating depressing images. -- Ryan McGinley
  • Characters who don't suffer have no interest to me. -- Kate Christensen
  • I have no interest in writing, directing or producing. -- Ted Shackelford
  • I have no interest in managing my financial affairs. -- Ken Livingstone
  • I really don't have that much interest in stardom. -- Tom Verlaine
  • My parents did not have any interest in music. -- Maurice Jarre
  • I don't have interest in life. Life has an interest in me. -- Alejandro Jodorowsky
  • Business and the state have a common interest; not an adversarial interest. -- Roy Barnes
  • It is hard to interest those who have everything in those who have nothing. -- Helen Keller
  • I have never considered myself a poet. I have no interest in poetic artistry. -- Muhammad Iqbal
  • We should have an inclusive growth model in India. Agro-interest is also as important as industrial interest. -- Baba Kalyani
  • Well, I have an interest in power. I have an interest in people who find themselves in the position to exercise absolute power. -- Boyd Rice
  • I have an expression I use as I've gone around the world through my career: 'You never tell another man or woman what's in their interest. They know their interest better than you know their interest.' -- Joe Biden
  • I, for one, have no interest at all in having my heart stolen. -- Sarah MacLean
  • Having this interest here in the Redskins is the chief hobby of my life. -- Jack Kent Cooke
  • Fun is going to enhance interest, because people don't feel incompetent when they're having fun. -- Matthew Richter
  • Facebook itself has an interest in having great content so that its users keep coming back. -- George Takei
  • I have no interest in anyone who wants to criticise me, or doesn't like me despite never having met me. -- Kevin Pietersen
  • I have no interest in romanticizing poor black people, having been one of them myself in our beloved hometown of Detroit. -- Michael Eric Dyson
  • Having a vested interest in other souls unconditionally creates a ripple effect that produces miracles in the lives of those around us. -- Molly Friedenfeld
  • We know there is real interest from the American public in having easy access to the new, affordable choices in the Health Insurance Marketplace. -- Todd Park
  • But I am a girl with a keen interest in having it all, and what follows are hopeful dispatches from the frontlines of that struggle. -- Lena Dunham
  • It's great that people get together and collaborate, talk about the facts and the analysis, all in the interest of having a great financial system. -- Jamie Dimon
  • For years now, the Lakers have expressed interest in having me play for them, but we could never get the stars to align. I'm finally a Laker. -- Metta World Peace
  • Could one imagine a stone's having consciousness? And if anyone can do so-why should that not merely prove that such image-mongery is of no interest to us? -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • I have no private interest in the reception of my inventions by the world, having never made, nor proposed to make, the least profit by any of them. -- Benjamin Franklin
  • The greatest thing that prepared me for editing 'Vanity Fair' was having four kids because you just learn to subjugate your ego with the greater interest in mind. -- Graydon Carter
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  • As long as the problem of world reconstruction remains the center of interest for all nations, blocs having similar attitudes will form and operate even within the League itself. -- Hjalmar Branting