Happy positivity quotes:

  • I'm very naturally happy, quirky and positive. -- Kiesza
  • I like being upbeat, positive, happy, enjoying family. -- Jamie Lynn Sigler
  • I found that being with happy positive people annoys me. -- Karl Pilkington
  • In nicey-nicey land, you must be happy-clappy and positive all the time - bad news is taboo. -- Michael Leunig
  • We made happy sounds because we were upset... just trying to make a positive situation out of a negative one. -- Ian Williams
  • If we could get your subconscious mind to agree with your conscious mind about being happy, that's when your positive thoughts work. -- Bruce Lipton
  • I'm not happy not doing anything. When positive things are rolling in, you've got to take them when you can get them. -- Tori Spelling
  • If a girl is smiling and is bringing positive energy and she's happy, that's what I notice right away - and her teeth. -- Chandler Parsons
  • I get so many big ideas while I'm running and such clarity while I'm lifting weights. And staying fit keeps me happy and positive. -- Robin S. Sharma
  • I actually think that I'm a rather optimistic and happy person; it's just that I'm not a very positive person, if you see the difference. -- Linus Torvalds
  • You know what? I'm not always in a positive, happy place. But I'm able to concentrate enough to come up with a really good song. -- Brian Wilson
  • Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don't give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people. -- Tena Desae
  • It annoys me a little when people try to be positive when I don't play my best. I play to win. I'm like that. I'm like any other player. I'm never happy. -- Camilo Villegas
  • I'm big on being positive. I'm generally so positive and happy. I just always felt that I was exactly where I wanted to be. And things have continued to go in great directions. -- Andy Cohen
  • Decades of research have shown that most happy families communicate effectively. But talking doesn't mean simply 'talking through problems,' as important as that is. Talking also means telling a positive story about yourselves. -- Bruce Feiler
  • I believe the only thing that we really have control over is our attitude. If we focus on the positive things in our lives and learn how to cope with all the surprises, we will be happier people. -- Brandon Jenner
  • My son is an inspired child, a very positive and happy child. The year he was born, he travelled 13 countries with us. I still remember he was so well behaved that the flight attendants used to thank him! -- Sonu Nigam
  • If I can lead a happy life, touch the lives of others in a positive way, win the respect of those that I care about - and make a few million along the way - then I have been successful. -- Bill Rancic
  • To be happy when you are travelling, you need to be happy inside before you leave. A positive frame of mind will definitely enhance your travelling experience. If I'm not in a positive frame of mind then the whole thing definitely becomes more of a challenge for me. -- Andrea Bocelli
  • I am a positive person. I am not cynical. If you are born in this world, no matter who you are, negative things will happen. If you aren't positive as a person, you'll be very unhappy. It's extremely important to be positive, to laugh, to be happy, to accept life as it comes. -- Bipasha Basu
  • People who make mistakes and learn from them are role models too. I'm just happy to inspire growth and positivity. -- Chris Brown