Government aid quotes:

  • There are cases where government-to-government aid actually has worked. Look at the eradication of smallpox and the near eradication of polio. But these are really top down solutions that require government-to-government support and aid. -- Jacqueline Novogratz
  • The belief that recipients of government aid are better off the more we spend on them is remarkably persistent. No matter how many times this central tenet of liberalism gets debunked, like Brett Favre, it just keeps coming back. -- Paul Ryan
  • The business of government is to keep the government out of business - that is, unless business needs government aid. -- Will Rogers
  • Government-to-government aid rests on socialistic assumptions and promotes socialism and stagnation, whereas private foreign investment rest on capitalist assumptions and promotes private enterprise and maximum economic growth. -- Henry Hazlitt
  • Conservatives define compassion not by the number of people who recieve some kind of government aid but rather by the number of people who no longer need it. -- Jack Kemp
  • Giving government aid to a bank basically transforms it into a utility. The huge salaries in this sector are only a symptom of a more profound misalignment. The profitability of the finance industry has been excessive. That is absurd. -- George Soros
  • By operating independently of government aid, the churches . . . avoid the resentment of those who do not want to be forced to contribute to churches to which they do not belong and of their own members who do not welcome being forced to contribute through government taxation. -- John M Swomley
  • Well, no one gives aid to Zimbabwe through the Mugabe government. -- Bill Gates
  • Religion flourishes in greater purity, without than with the aid of Government. -- James Madison
  • Things in our country run in spite of government, not by aid of it. -- Will Rogers
  • I was deposed by a coup d'etat, by friends that I trusted and aided by the American Government. -- Ferdinand Marcos
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  • Dependency arguments often come from elites - either aid agencies or governments - and say something about attitudes to poor people. -- Paul Harvey
  • Despite the hundreds of non-governmental organizations and the continued outpouring of foreign aid, East Africa remains as a region overwhelmed by extreme poverty. -- Jacqueline Novogratz
  • When a machine begins to run without human aid, it is time to scrap it - whether it be a factory or a government. -- Alexander Chase
  • Aid can work where there is good governance, and usually fails where governments are unable or unwilling to commit aid to improve the lives of their people. -- Lee H. Hamilton
  • The Federal Reserve has always recognized the importance of allowing markets to work, and government oversight of financial firms will never be fully effective without the aid of strong market discipline. -- Ben Bernanke
  • I'm wondering if they haven't reported all the people with MS, because if all of the cases were reported, the government would have to step in and give more financial aid to us. -- Teri Garr
  • Nearly all government advice on terrorism sacrifices practical particulars for an unalarming tone. The usual guidance is to maintain a three-day supply of food and water along with a radio, flashlight, batteries and first-aid kit. -- Barton Gellman
  • The most obvious criticism of aid is its links to rampant corruption. Aid flows destined to help the average African end up supporting bloated bureaucracies in the form of the poor-country governments and donor-funded non-governmental organizations. -- Dambisa Moyo
  • The people are forbidden to give aid and comfort to rebels. What of a government that has the power to cut off from aid and comfort all the rebels of the South and fails to exercise it? -- Robert Dale Owen
  • Universal suffrage should rest upon universal education. To this end, liberal and permanent provision should be made for the support of free schools by the State governments, and, if need be, supplemented by legitimate aid from national authority. -- Rutherford B. Hayes
  • All that a good government aims at... is to add no unnecessary and artificial aid to the force of its own unavoidable consequences, and to abstain from fortifying and accumulating social inequality as a means of increasing political inequalities. -- James F. Cooper
  • During the Cold War, the U.S. instituted a policy of sending money to governments in poor countries to buy their political loyalty. While studies show that sending aid to foreign governments creates allegiance, it does not lead to economic progress. -- Iqbal Quadir
  • Governments of rich countries spend some $6bn of tax money a year on disaster relief and development aid overseas, while each new earthquake, famine or tidal wave can attract 1,000 aid organisations, from the United Nations Children's Fund and Oxfam to the 'Jesus Brigades' of the American south and other charitable adventurers. -- James Buchan
  • Government aid impedes success and creates dependence, while entrepreneurs create success and independence. -- Cal Thomas
  • I think that the churches do a better job in many respects than the government does in various kinds of things. Extending aid, the helpfulness, and so on, yes. -- Gordon B. Hinckley
  • We have no government and no laws, if by law is meant a stereotyped convention supported by force, and not to be altered without the aid of cumbersome machinery. -- Olaf Stapledon