Family size quotes:

  • If you educate women, family size tends to go down. -- Jane Goodall
  • Mainly because as women's education increases all around the planet, we find that family size tends to drop. -- Jane Goodall
  • I have two hammocks, one Mayan and one Guatemalan, both family size because I like to lie in them perpendicular. When I'm working on a character, I lie in them and daydream. They're the best tools for working that I have. -- Mark Ruffalo
  • Environmentalists have been outspoken in their support of smaller family size and abortion rights as keys to reducing global warming. But when it comes to immigration, the single biggest contributor to population growth in the industrial world, they stand largely silent. -- Gary Bauer
  • We must not put pressure on people, but by providing information on the population and the environments, and appropriate contraception for everyone...doctors should help bring family size into the arena of environmental ethics, analogous to avoiding patio heaters and high carbon cars. -- John Guillebaud
  • From 1970 onwards, our culture told both sexes that individual expression was paramount. And for women, that was defined as the right to choose an interesting a career, a high-status mate, the desirable handbag or vacation, the perfect family size, and a definitionally fruitless quest for 'perfection.' -- Naomi Wolf
  • World fertility surveys indicate that anywhere from one third to one half of the babies born in the Third World would not be if their mothers had access to cheap, reliable family planning, had enough personal empowerment to stand up to their husbands and relatives, and could choose their own family size. -- Donella Meadows
  • Love comes in far more shapes and sizes than what the family-values crowd condones, of course. -- Wally Lamb
  • I have received nasty e-mails, messages on Twitter and ridiculous comments, not only about my size, but my family. -- Ireland Baldwin
  • I am committed to strengthening our agricultural economy by protecting the unique interests of small and medium size family farms so that they can continue to operate. -- Sue Kelly
  • It's time for the State Department to permanently change its official policy to allow all members of U.S. citizens' families - no matter what size they are or how many legs they have - to evacuate together when disaster strikes. -- Ingrid Newkirk
  • The national debt is totally unlike a family budget for about a gazillion reasons, not the least of which being that families cannot raise money by fiat or deflate the size of their debt unilaterally and that family members die instead of existing infinitely. -- Matt Taibbi
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights describes the family as the natural and fundamental unit of society. It follows that any choice and decision with regard to the size of the family must irrevocably rest with the family itself, and cannot be made by anyone else. -- Garrett Hardin
  • Americans want and deserve a broad array of health insurance choices so they can identify those that best fit their own individual or family needs. These choices expand when we allow free enterprise to foster innovation, not smother it with taxes and one-size fits all ideology. -- Fred Upton
  • We talked about many issues, like welfare, is it the way of life or hand up? Talked about size of government, how much should it tax families and small businesses? And when we left that lunch, we got in the car and I looked over at Chuck and said, 'I'll be damned. we're Republicans.' -- Susana Martinez
  • With the counseling of my family doctor, my mother ended up turning to Weight Watchers and their children's program. I went to weekly meetings, got counseling and would exercise with my peers who were my size. It was the first time I saw a proper children's portion size, and it wasn't two burgers, it was one. -- Ginnifer Goodwin
  • We need to make sure that we have one another's back and recognize the fact that patriots come in all different sizes, shapes, colors, not all of them wear uniforms, some of them are employers, some of them are the family members who stay at home and take of business back here in the state of Oklahoma. -- Harry M. Wyatt III
  • One person may need (or want) more leisure, another more work; one more adventure, another more security, and so on. It is this diversity that makes a country, indeed a state, a city, a church, or a family, healthy. 'One-size-fits-all,' and that size determined by the State has a name, and that name is 'slavery.' -- David Mamet
  • I chose not to go home and struggle with the New York scene. My size sort of locked me out. I was too short for the stage. I would have been doing character roles, so I went to Los Angeles. There is a lot more happening out there. I also felt it was important to break away from my family. -- Julie Warner
  • It isn't the size of the family, it's the interactions of the members inside. -- Michele Borba
  • I saw a bottle of conditioner the other day that said, "Family Size," and I thought, That's odd, I didn't know too many families showered together. -- Jarod Kintz
  • Where success is concerned, people are not measured in inches, or pounds, or college degrees, or family back-ground; they are measured by the size of their thinking. -- David J. Schwartz