Endless war quotes:

  • For what can war, but endless war, still breed? -- John Milton
  • The prescription for endless war poses a far greater danger to Americans than perceived enemies do, for reasons the terrorist organisations understand very well. -- Noam Chomsky
  • It's not a choice between war and peace. It's a choice between war and endless war. It's not appeasement. I think it's better even to call it American self-interest. -- Michael Scheuer
  • I can't quite remember the exact moment when I became obsessed with writing a play about the seemingly endless war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but I knew that I wanted to somehow tell the stories of the Congolese women caught in the cross-fire. -- Lynn Nottage
  • life's endless war against the self you cannot live without. -- David Foster Wallace
  • The beauty and variety of the natural world are merely the visible legacies of endless war. -- Elizabeth Gilbert
  • The reason why China suffers bitterly from endless wars is because of the existence of feudal lords and kings. -- Qin Shi Huang
  • The genius of America's endless war machine is that, learning from the unpleasantness of the Vietnam war protests, it has rendered the costs of war largely invisible. -- Glenn Greenwald
  • Over time, however, the endless war in Iraq began to play a role in natural selection. Only idiots signed up; only idiots died. Back home, the average I.Q. soared. -- Ted Rall
  • She supposed they were imperfections, those marks, but they didn't feel that way to her; they were a history, cut into his body: the map of a life of endless war. -- Cassandra Clare
  • Where eldest Night And Chaos, ancestors of Nature, hold Eternal anarchy amidst the noise Of endless wars, and by confusion stand; For hot, cold, moist, and dry, four champions fierce, Strive here for mast'ry. -- John Milton
  • Once you have opened up prisoner interrogation, wiretapping, border patrol, jailing and the services of the military, when this has been turned into a for-profit business in this endless war, then we're in deep trouble. -- John Cusack
  • Do we substantially increase military spending and prepare for endless war in the middle-east, or do we make college affordable for all Americans, regardless of income. My answer: I will soon be introducing legislation that will make public colleges and universities tuition free. -- Bernie Sanders
  • People say the war in Iraq is a bad war, and the war in Afghanistan is a good war, but what's the difference between them? Democratic people around the world cannot accept that this is a good war. This is just endless war. -- Malalai Joya
  • Happy people are not their own enemies, do not carry on an endless war with their souls. We may be fiercely at odds with the wrongs of the world around us. But inside ourselves, near the core, if we are happy, we are at peace. -- Lewis B. Smedes
  • It may take endless wars and unbearable population pressure to force-feed a technology to the point where it can cope with space. In the universe, space travel may be the normal birth pangs of an otherwise dying race. A test. Some races pass, some fail. -- Robert A. Heinlein
  • The interior of a teenager's mind is an endless war between Stupid and Clever. -- William Landay
  • By now, you've heard endless warnings about the risk of short, trivial passwords. There's a good chance you ignore them. -- Barton Gellman
  • An endless war against terrorism can tend to inflate the terrorists, because being at war is attractive to some angry, unemployed, disaffected youth. -- Mary Robinson
  • I get a headache when I hear supporters of this endless warfare complaining about the federal budget deficits. They're like arsonists complaining about the smell of smoke in the neighborhood. -- Bob Herbert
  • As the sun has endless lights, endless power, endless warmth, so do you also have endless love with endless power and, even better, your power of love and capacity to give grows by giving. -- Debasish Mridha
  • Orwell is almost our litmus test. Some of his satirical writing looks like reality these days. When you have someone like Cheney who talks about "endless war" or war that might last fifty years, he could be Big Brother. You have Bush incessantly going on about the evil ones. -- John Pilger
  • There are so many things that we have to be very concerned about. But I always come back to feminism. People look at me sideways now and are like, "With everything going on, the destruction of the environment, these endless wars, this capitalism that has a stranglehold on our culture and our world and you're talking about feminism still?" -- Ani DiFranco
  • By fighting a limited, defensive war, America permitted the enemy to endlessly re-supply their field armies. -- Nguyen Cao Ky
  • The Bay of Pigs is one of America's most infamous Cold War blunders, and it has been studied, debated, and dramatized endlessly ever since. -- Robert Dallek
  • The basic fact about human existence is not that it is a tragedy, but that it is a bore. It is not so much a war as an endless standing in line. -- H. L. Mencken
  • Life is now a war zone, and as such, the number of people considered disposable has grown exponentially, and this includes low income whites, poor minorities, immigrants, the unemployed, the homeless, and a range of people who are viewed as a liability to capital and its endless predatory quest for power and profits. -- Henry Giroux
  • Politics is an endless, borderless war against individual liberty. -- Jakub Bo?ydar Wi?niewski
  • Endless money forms the sinews of war. [Lat., Nervi belli pecunia infinita.] -- Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • Warriors make wars, but it is also true that, in what has so far been an endless reproductive cycle, war makes warriors. -- Barbara Ehrenreich