Desert beauty quotes:

  • I don't see the desert as barren at all; I see it as full and ripe. It doesn't need to be flattered with rain. It certainly needs rain, but it does with what it has, and creates amazing beauty. -- Joy Harjo
  • Poets say science takes away from the beauty of the stars - mere globs of gas atoms. I, too, can see the stars on a desert night, and feel them. But do I see less or more? -- Richard P. Feynman
  • If you don't die of thirst, there are blessings in the desert. You can be pulled into limitlessness, which we all yearn for, or you can do the beauty of minutiae, the scrimshaw of tiny and precise. The sky is your ocean, and the crystal silence will uplift you like great gospel music, or Neil Young. -- Anne Lamott
  • The house, the stars, the desert -- what gives them their beauty is something that is invisible! -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • If you sing of beauty though alone in the heart of the desert you will have an audience. -- Khalil Gibran
  • Beauty, wit, High birth, vigour of bone, desert in service, Love, friendship, charity, are subjects all To envious and calumniating time. -- William Shakespeare
  • A beautiful morning is not a guarantee for a beautiful afternoon! Just like a man of desert appreciates water, value well whatever beauty you have now! -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Beauty matters. It is not just a subjective thing but a universal need of human beings. If we ignore this need we find ourselves in a spiritual desert. -- Roger Scruton
  • I find Los Angeles to be a place of great physical beauty, in which you have the oceans and the mountains, and there's a vertical sense and a desert light that you can see forever. -- Dan Gilroy