Art supplies quotes:

  • I always thought of words as art supplies. -- Douglas Coupland
  • To me, art supplies are always okay to buy. -- Louis C. K.
  • A simple equation for the production of successful art work is lots of reference material plus lots of art supplies equals lots of painting happiness. -- Robert Genn
  • My mother was the most creative, fantastic person and would come up with great things for us to do. She'd buy art supplies and all of us would sit around painting. I was lucky. -- Cher
  • You know you're down and out when Okies laugh at you,' she said. With our garbage bag taped window, our tied down hood, and art supplies strapped to the roof, we'd out-Okied the Okies. -- Jeannette Walls
  • I grew up in what you might call a relentlessly creative household. We were given art supplies, music supplies... Our mother knew enough to get us started and then stand back and not meddle. My parents never said to us, 'Don't you think you'll need something to fall back on?' They acted as though creativity was completely normal. -- Julia Cameron
  • Art supplies constantly to contemplation what nature seldom affords in concrete experience - the union of life and peace. -- George Santayana