Already too late quotes:

  • It is already too late to avoid mass starvation -- Denis Hayes
  • Very early in my life it was already too late. -- Elizabeth Wurtzel
  • By the time most people say 'I'm sorry' it is already too late. -- Ken Poirot
  • I think if you play music and you join a scene you're already too late. -- Josh Homme
  • I think if you play music and you join a scene you're already too late. -- Josh Homme
  • Real-time marketing is already too late. Brands should focus on sparking conversation, not constantly reacting. -- David Berkowitz
  • By the time there is a case study about your industry, you are already too late... -- Seth Godin
  • I never know what you really want, if I can give it to you, or if Iâ??m already too late. -- David Levithan
  • I don't see this planet being... they're talking about how they're turning around the environmental problems here, but I think it's already too late. -- Ace Frehley
  • Whenever a woman says 'We need to talk,' it means she's reached a decision and it's already too late for you to talk back. -- Tim Sandlin
  • In the central Indian state of Orissa, mining has scarred the landscape, and it is already too late to secure most of the traditional elephant corridors. -- Mark Shand
  • When you're young, you think you can handle anything. By the time you find out otherwise, it's already too late. You got a stocking wrapped around your neck. -- Haruki Murakami
  • We mustn't keep meeting like this. Communications between the people of the moon and earth is is the way of the gods...we mustn't fall in love...but its already too late...... -- Naoko Takeuchi
  • High-consequence risks have a distinctive quality. The more calamitous the hazards they involve, the less we have any real experience of what we risk: for if things 'go wrong', it is already too late. -- Anthony Giddens
  • My sisters and I sit together on a pair of suitcases. If we've forgotten anything, it's already too late -- our rooms have all been sealed and photographed. Anyway, Tatiana would say it's bad luck to return for something you've forgotten. -- Sarah Miller
  • The hope of the future lies not in curbing the influence of human occupancy - it is already too late for that - but in creating a better understanding of the extent of that influence and a new ethic for its governance. -- Aldo Leopold
  • To the youngsters of today, I say "Believe in the future, the world is getting better; there still is plenty of opportunity." Why, would you believe it, when I was a kid I thought it was already too late for me to make good at anything. -- Walt Disney
  • I've already got my rent paid, and it's too late in my life for me to go around talking up stuff that I don't like or believe in. -- Wilford Brimley
  • I thought acting was what grownups did. It was such a part of my childhood. I was already in love with performing before I knew there were other options. By then, it was too late. -- Katherine Waterston
  • We're not uncomfortable with it, and we've already been through enough of the music business where I'm not really worried that commercial success is going to in some way - we're already past saving, you know what I mean? It's too late for us. -- Jerry Garcia
  • The language 'It's too late' is very unsuitable for most environmental issues. It's too late for the dodo and for people who've starved to death already, but it's not too late to prevent an even bigger crisis. The sooner we act on the environment, the better. -- Jeremy Grantham
  • Once you're already in hell, it's too late to beg for mercy. -- Devon Ashley
  • The NeXT purchase is too little too late. Apple is already dead. -- Nathan Myhrvold
  • We come too late to say anything which has not been said already. -- Jean de la Bruyere
  • It's too late to apologize for I have already forgiven you." -FitzChivalry Farseer -- Robin Hobb
  • "¦told herself likewise not to hope. But it was too late. Hope had already entered"¦ -- Jane Austen
  • Too late. Iâ??ve already seen the blush. Stop trying to hide it from me. I think itâ??s adorable. -- Abbi Glines
  • If you defer investing your time and energy until you see that you need to, chances are it will already be too late. -- Clayton Christensen
  • We are 25 years too late. If the object is to avoid dangerous change, we've already had it. The object now is to avoid really dangerous change. -- Stephen Schneider
  • I don't do regrets. Regrets are pointless. It's too late for regrets. You've already done it, haven't you? You've lived your life. No point wishing you could change it. -- Lemmy Kilmister