Transaction quotes:

  • Financial transaction tax raises problems of competition. -- Jose Manuel Barroso
  • No transaction happens unless it is voluntary. It only happens if both of you think you win. -- John Stossel
  • God is not glorified in any transaction upon earth so much as in the conversion of a sinner. -- Archibald Alexander
  • If you make any trades during the year, keep a record of each transaction for at least three years. -- Suze Orman
  • The International Health Partnership Plus is addressing the need to harmonize development assistance and reduce the current waste, duplication, and high transaction costs. -- Margaret Chan
  • I tend to regard the Coase theorem as a stepping stone on the way to an analysis of an economy with positive transaction costs. -- Ronald Coase
  • Just as the Internet drops transaction and collaboration costs in business and government, it also drops the cost of dissent, of rebellion, and even insurrection. -- Don Tapscott
  • You want to know the way to raise money? Put a transaction fee on Wall Street, so maybe we can curb some of the speculation and raise some money. -- Bernie Sanders
  • True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance. It is far deeper than that - it is spiritual transaction with the Creator of Heaven and Earth. -- Charles Spurgeon
  • Your customers are judging every aspect of every transaction and rating everything, from friendliness of people to ease of doing business to quality of product to service after the sale. -- Jeffrey Gitomer
  • If love does not know how to give and take without restrictions, it is not love, but a transaction that never fails to lay stress on a plus and a minus. -- Emma Goldman
  • Politics is a matter of human transaction. I consider absolutely everything political, because all fiction involves relationships between people, and relationships between people always include matters of power, of equity, of communication. -- Deborah Eisenberg
  • Content is power in today's world, and if you can own that content, create it and make interaction more of an experience than a transaction, you create a different kind of loyalty. -- Mindy Grossman
  • What's taking place during stress is actually much simpler than a transaction between stressful life events and you. There aren't two parties involved in stress. There is only one - your own mind. -- Andrew J. Bernstein
  • Like the marriage contract you entered into, your divorce is a legal transaction. Treat it that way. Try not to let emotion, hurt, fear or anger dictate the circumstances of your discussions or negotiations. -- Laura Wasser
  • Most people who are selling their mineral rights, this is a once-in-a-lifetime transaction. The people who are buying, the landmen who are coming in, do it every day. So there's a little inequity there about knowledge. -- Mike DeWine
  • The only people who steal are thieves, and that's a very small percentage of civilization. Most people want to have some way to make the economic transaction valid. They want to return the favor, if you will... return the benefit and reciprocate. -- Michael Nesmith
  • I think that any business that thinks that the transaction is 'you give me money and I give you food, next, you give me money and I give you food, next,' without understanding that people deeply want to feel restored is in danger. -- Danny Meyer
  • A typical medical practice is like an old-fashioned business which keeps all of its records on paper. It can probably track down any individual transaction if it needs to, but it's basically helpless when it comes to overall measurements of performance. And that's the big problem. -- Mitch Kapor
  • Everybody loves to spend money at least some of the time - because everybody loves the stuff you can buy with it. The key to the pleasure level of any transaction is the balance between the pain of the payment and the reward of the purchased object. -- Jeffrey Kluger
  • Regardless of how it's done, transaction costs will continue to plummet as computers get more powerful. Low transaction costs are a wonderful thing if you're in the transaction business. They're wonderful for consumers too, making it cheaper and easier to buy things and creating new things to buy. -- Nathan Myhrvold
  • Everything we do in the digital realm - from surfing the Web to sending an e-mail to conducting a credit card transaction to, yes, making a phone call - creates a data trail. And if that trail exists, chances are someone is using it - or will be soon enough. -- Douglas Rushkoff
  • Empathy is the most mysterious transaction that the human soul can have, and it's accessible to all of us, but we have to give ourselves the opportunity to identify, to plunge ourselves in a story where we see the world from the bottom up or through another's eyes or heart. -- Sue Monk Kidd
  • Like its agriculture, Africa's markets are highly under-capitalized and inefficient. We know from our work around the continent that transaction costs of reaching the market, and the risks of transacting in rural, agriculture markets, are extremely high. In fact, only one third of agricultural output produced in Africa even reaches the market. -- Eleni Zaude Gabre-Madhin
  • The seminal elements of what makes a story great - challenge, struggle, resolution - are the same whether we're talking about story content for a movie such as 'Rain Man,' or telling a purposeful story to forge new business relationships or conclude a fruitful transaction, such as acquiring an NBA franchise. -- Peter Guber
  • In a flash order transaction, buy or sell orders are shown to a collection of high-frequency traders for just 30 milliseconds before they are routed to everyone else. They are widely considered to give the few investors with access to the technology an unfair advantage, even by some of the marketplaces that offer the flash orders for a fee. -- Charles Duhigg
  • Every transaction in commerce is an independent transaction. -- David Ricardo
  • The most confident person in any transaction ALWAYS introduces themselves first. -- Ronald Reagan
  • Was not writing poetry a secret transaction, a voice answering a voice? -- Virginia Woolf
  • Eloquence invites us to bring some part of ourselves to the transaction. -- William Zinsser
  • The worst financial transaction you will ever make is selling yourself short. -- Greg Gilbert
  • I prefer thought to action, an idea to a transaction, contemplation to activity. -- Honore de Balzac
  • I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects -- Napoleon Hill
  • Charity is to will and do what is just and right in every transaction. -- Emanuel Swedenborg
  • Sex is like any other transaction, except that it is not like any other transaction. -- Frederick Lenz
  • Any marijuana transaction I ever did with anyone, there were never any guns involved, ever. -- George Jung
  • The gratitude ascending from man to God is the supreme transaction between heaven and earth. -- Albert Schweitzer
  • Prayer had always struck me as more or less a glorified attempt at a business transaction. -- Barbara Kingsolver
  • I have confidence that the government of Luxembourg will not make any decision that frustrates this transaction. -- Lakshmi Mittal
  • Every transaction has its process. Until you submit to it, you will always be living below potential. -- Bidemi Mark-Mordi
  • When old men decided to barter young men for pride and profit, the transaction was called war. -- Len Deighton
  • When Berkshire buys common stock, we approach the transaction as if we were buying into a private business. -- Warren Buffett
  • English businesses would face massive transaction costs if Scotland, their second biggest export market, used a different currency. -- Nicola Sturgeon
  • We never realize the power of real love unless we witness or experience a transaction, because real love costs. -- Eric Samuel Timm
  • The gift economy represents a shift from consumption to contribution, transaction to trust, scarcity to abundance and isolation to community. -- Charles Eisenstein
  • Part of the transaction between writer and reader is the pleasure of building a community and encouraging people to play along. -- John Hodgman
  • Due process requires some definite link, some minimum connection, between a state and the person, property or transaction it seeks to tax. -- Robert H. Jackson
  • Selling - at its core - is not a business transaction. It is first and foremost the forging of a human connection. -- Bob Burg
  • A sort of hostile transaction, very necessary to keep the world going, but by no means a sinecure to the parties concerned. -- Lord Byron
  • I was raised as a Christian but the transaction has to be made by yourself - you and God - at some point. -- Jerry B. Jenkins
  • Harold, the young kids out there are not going to be willing to go to the barricades in defense of lowered transaction costs. -- Murray Rothbard
  • Language in art remains a highly ambiguous transaction, a quicksand, a trampoline, a frozen pool which might give way under you ... at any time. -- Harold Pinter
  • Only love that continues to flow in the face of anger, blame, and indifference can be called love. All else is simply a transaction. -- Vironika Tugaleva
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  • No matter what your circumstances are, whether you are in prosperity or in adversity, you can learn from every person, transaction, and circumstance around you. -- Brigham Young
  • To sell oneself for thirty pieces of silver is an honest transaction; but to sell oneself to one s own conscience is to abandon mankind. -- Arthur Koestler
  • Without respect, the subtle alchemy that binds an organization or that serves as the impetus for a business transaction would dissolve into mutual suspicion and hostility. -- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • Some cynical Frenchman has said that there are two parties to a love-transaction: the one who loves and the other who condescends to be so treated. -- William Makepeace Thackeray
  • The more people are involved in a given task, the more potential agreements need to be negotiated to do anything, and the greater the transaction costs. -- Clay Shirky
  • Love is not a business. It's not a transaction. It's not an exchange or something you get for doing something it's not a trade. It's a gift! -- Tony Robbins
  • On the way to work good-hearted young girls sometimes offer me their seats, which I accept and bless them in return, a transaction satisfying to all concerned. -- Lionel Blue
  • An IPO is like a negotiated transaction - the seller chooses when to come public - and it's unlikely to be a time that's favourable to you. -- Warren Buffett
  • The transaction will enable us to become a single source of integrated products and services that building owners want in order to optimize comfort and energy efficiency -- John Barth
  • Give every man more in use value than you take from him in cash value; then you are adding to the life of the world by every business transaction -- Wallace D. Wattles
  • The fact is that the intrinsic worth of the book, play or whatever the author is trying to sell is the least, last factor in the the whole transaction. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • It is a rule that those who come into a Court of justice to seek redress, must come with clean hands, and must disclose a transaction warranted by law. -- Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • Sex without love is like a goddamn business transaction. And sometimes both parties feel as if they got a good deal, but that doesn't make it any less so. -- Emma Bull
  • The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was asked what type of earning was best, and he replied: " A man's work with his hands and every (lawful) business transaction." -- Muhammad ibn Isa at-Tirmidhi
  • COMMERCE, n. A kind of transaction in which A plunders from B the goods of C, and for compensation B picks the pocket of D of money belonging to E. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • ... the transaction between a writer and the spirit of the age is one of infinite delicacy, and upon a nice arrangement between the two the whole fortune of his works depend. -- Virginia Woolf
  • When the Christian praises and gives thanks to God, this not only pleases God, but it enriches the Christian's life with joy. It is a reciprocating transaction between God and man. -- Rick Warren
  • Human interactions, stimulated as they are by disequilibrium, never achieve balance. In even the most favorable transaction, one party whether he realizes it or not must always come out the worse. -- Jack Vance
  • Print is predictable and impersonal, conveying information in a mechanical transaction with the reader's eye. Handwriting, by contrast, resists the eye, reveals its meaning slowly, and is as intimate as skin. -- Ruth Ozeki
  • I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice, therefore, I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. -- Napoleon Hill
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  • In the same way that central banking nearly wrecked the world and created one calamity after another, bitcoin can save the world one transaction at a time.It is time for a new beginning. -- Jeffrey Tucker
  • Postmodernism shifts the basis of the work of art from the object to the transaction between the spectator and the object and further deconstructs this by negating the presence of a representative objective viewer. -- Arnold Aronson
  • The transaction reflects our disciplined strategy of investing capital in core businesses where we can leverage scale and expertise for competitive advantage. In addition to being a great strategic fit, the deal is compelling financially. -- Jamie Dimon