Things To Be Grateful quotes:

  • There is always one thing to be grateful for - that one is one's self and not somebody else. -- Emily Dickinson
  • When you appreciate what you have, then you will receive more. When you are in this moment feeling gratitude for this moment you actually up your vibrational signal to attract more things to be grateful for. -- Joe Vitale
  • When a person looks through a colored lens, everything seems to be that color. If the lens is tinted yellow or blue, everything seems yellow or blue. A person who looks at life through the lens of gratitude will always find things to be grateful for. -- Zelig Pliskin
  • I used to jog every day and call it my 'gratitude run.' I'd make my gratitude list as I ran. I never ran out of things to be grateful for. My knees aren't what they used to be, but I still do my gratitude list every day. -- Sheryl Crow
  • You forget that you do choose your life, and there are so many things to be grateful for. I feel like society has gotten to that point where we're always looking for the next and the better, and we lose sight of what's actually in front of us. -- Shailene Woodley
  • Be grateful for what you have now. As you begin to think about all the things in your life you are grateful for, you will be amazed at the never ending thoughts that come back to you of more things to be grateful for. You have to make a start, and then the law of attraction will receive those grateful thoughts and give you more just like them. -- Rhonda Byrne
  • There's so much to be grateful for, words are poor things. -- Marilynne Robinson
  • We need to be grateful for many things that didn't happen. -- C.J. Langenhoven
  • The grateful mind continually expects good things, and expectation becomes faith. -- Wallace D. Wattles
  • When you feel grateful, you become great, and eventually attract great things. -- Plato
  • Contemplate the good things in your life and be grateful for them. -- Rebecca Pidgeon
  • Appreciate your surroundings and be grateful for it and that's when good things happen. -- Conor McGregor
  • A grateful mind is a great mind which eventually attracts to itself great things. -- Plato
  • Be grateful for what you already have, and you will attract more good things. -- Rhonda Byrne
  • Of all the things God created, I am often most grateful He created laughter. -- Charles R. Swindoll
  • I'm still pinching myself. I am very grateful of the way things have gone. -- Jason Bay
  • When you are grateful, that allows God to do great things in your life. -- Joel Osteen
  • "thanks" in MaoriGrateful living: an alchemic operation of converting "disgraceful" things into grateful events. -- Raimon Panikkar
  • I have ended as a Reform Rabbi, grateful to Christianity for so many good things. -- Lionel Blue
  • And what marvelous things there are for which to be grateful in God's great Creation! -- Norman Vincent Peale
  • When you focus on gratitude, positive things flow in more readily, making you even more grateful. -- Lissa Rankin
  • Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart. -- Zig Ziglar
  • Take a deep breath and think of the three things you are grateful for, right in this moment. -- M. J. Ryan
  • Part of growing up spiritually is learning to be grateful for all things, even our difficulties, disappointments, failures and humiliations. -- Mike Aquilina
  • ...Be grateful for what you have to be thankful for instead of complaining about the little things that annoy you. -- Dale Carnegie
  • Be grateful for every thing good and bad that comes to you. For all things have contributed to your advancement. -- J. P. Blake
  • It is easier to be grateful for the things we have than to the people who have helped us get them. -- Michael Josephson
  • I'm very grateful for the platform that I've had in my life to speak out about the things I care about. -- Anne Heche
  • It seems like the first law of Nature is that everybody likes to receive things, but nobody likes to feel grateful. -- Zora Neale Hurston
  • I'm really grateful that my baby daddy is incredibly involved. But there's certain things I wish he could just telepathically know. -- Kathryn Hahn
  • A first walk in any new country is one of the things which makes life on this planet worth being grateful for. -- William Beebe
  • Each day two things I am very grateful for:the blessing of a new day and a successful ending of the day. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • My life has been a blessing. I'm grateful for everything I do have and the places I'm going and the things I've seen. -- Leah LaBelle
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  • What are the things you are grateful for?? Feel the gratitude.. focus on what you have right now that you are grateful for. -- Rhonda Byrne
  • Happiness is a continuous creative activity of imaginatively comparing your experiences to things that aren't as good and thereby feeling happy and grateful. -- Baba Amte
  • It is hard to get in the habit of forcing yourself to find three things on a regular basis that you are grateful for. -- Deborah Norville
  • By talking to yourself about the things you have to be grateful for you can fill your mind with thoughts that soar and sing. -- Dale Carnegie
  • I was so grateful that Lemony Snicket wasn't the worst movie ever made that I overlooked many things that might have otherwise upset me. -- Daniel Handler
  • Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life. -- Christiane Northrup
  • When they give you things, ask yourself why. When you're grateful to them for giving you the things you should have anyway, ask yourself why. -- Jeff Vandermeer
  • If you can't feel grateful, if you're discouraged or depressed, then think of the fact that things could be a lot worse than they are. -- Frederick Lenz
  • If you can't feel grateful, if you're discouraged or depressed, then think of the fact that things could be a lot worse than they are. -- Frederick Lenz
  • No matter what the situation is...close your eyes and think of all the things you could be grateful for in your life right now. -- Deepak Chopra
  • Even if you don't have all the things you want, be grateful for the things you don't have that you don't want (Bob Dylan's dad) -- Bob Dylan
  • Always take hold of things by the smooth handle grateful that they are not worse rather than the rough handle, bitter that they are not better. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • Out of suffering comes the serious mind; out of salvation, the grateful heart; out of endurance, fortitude; out of deliverance faith. Patient endurance attends to all things. -- Teresa of Ávila
  • Out of suffering comes the serious mind; out of salvation, the grateful heart; out of endurance, fortitude; out of deliverance faith. Patient endurance attends to all things. -- Teresa of Ávila
  • I love physics with all my heart ... It is a kind of personal love, as one has for a person to whom one is grateful for many things. -- Lise Meitner
  • Don't focus on what's wrong. Things may not be perfect, but be grateful for the opportunity to experience each day. Live each day like it could be your last. -- Joel Osteen
  • Not for the mighty world. O Lord, tonight, Nations and kingdoms in their fearful might--Let me be glad the kettle gently sings, Let me be grateful for little things. -- Edna Jaques
  • When we direct our thoughts properly i.e. 'Things could be worse but aren't', we can control our emotions... i.e. and feel relieved, grateful, satisfied, hopeful and happy -- W. Clement Stone
  • Whatever you focus upon, increases......When you focus on the things you need, you'll find those needs increasing......A grateful perspective brings happiness and abundance into a person's life. -- Andy Andrews