Term Limits quotes:

  • I fundamentally believe in term limits, for Congress, presidents, and board members. -- Jim Breyer
  • You know, you look at term limits, you poll term limits, 70, 80 percent of Republicans or Democrats are for it. -- Rand Paul
  • I can see both sides of term limits, and I think, in different positions, term limits make more sense than in some others. -- Caroline Kennedy
  • I didn't want to make it a lifetime thing. I don't believe in statutory term limits, but people can limit themselves if they want to, and that's what I decided to do. -- George J. Mitchell
  • As a lobbyist, I was completely against term limits, and I know a lot of people are against term limits, and I was one of the leaders, because why? As a lobbyist, once you buy a congressional office, you don't have to re-buy that office in six years, right? -- Jack Abramoff
  • They wanted me to be a Washington. -- Napoleon Bonaparte
  • [I support] term limits for career politicians and the death penalty for career politicians. -- Bill Frist
  • I am for making of terms annual, and for sending an entire new set every year. -- John Adams
  • If the voters really understood what we were up to they'd vote us out of office. -- Robert Byrd
  • The founding fathers never once rationalized getting in power and having control so they could stay in power. -- Tom Coburn
  • Watching the debate this afternoon it was apparent they loved term limits in the House - as Brutus loved Caesar. -- Bill Moyers
  • It is easy to see how after receiving this adoration for a term or two most members become convinced they are indispensable. -- Tom Coburn
  • People that had the guts to put their loyalty to the Constitution ahead of their loyalty to their political party were citizen legislators. -- Tom Coburn
  • Where annual elections end, there slavery begins ... Humility, patience, and moderation, without which every man in power becomes a ravenous beast of prey. -- John Adams
  • The voting records of virtually every member of Congress reveal that the oath of office is more a ceremonial gesture than a sacred commitment. -- Tom Coburn
  • What makes this mentality dangerous is that when the team is held together by careerism and mindless partisanship, individual members are punished for thinking for themselves. -- Tom Coburn
  • Career politicians do not have the courage to prioritize spending and say no to demanding special interest groups who do not reflect the best interests of the country. -- Tom Coburn
  • When I came to Washington, I was troubled to observe so many similarities between the behaviors of drug-addicted patients and my political colleagues. In Washington power is like morphine. -- Tom Coburn
  • During the CPAC conference, Rand Paul told the crowd it was time for a new president and that people need to help make the change. Of course, most people agreed with him, since that's how term limits work. -- Jimmy Fallon
  • Statesmen exhibit five key commitments: 1) A commitment to principles above politics; 2) An ability to compromise without abandoning principle; 3) A commitment to truth over spin; 4) A commitment to courage over cowardice; and 5) A commitment, or willingness, to give up power. -- Tom Coburn
  • "I've become a huge fan of term limits," the former aide said, "because Armey and the others in leadership used to be just like you and your crew in their approach to spending. They have changed over the years." -- Mark Sanford
  • It's a lot easier to see, at least in some cases, what the long-term limits of the possible will be, because they depend on natural law. But it's much harder to see just what path we will follow in heading toward those limits. -- K. Eric Drexler
  • Few things infuse a member of Congress with more courage than self-imposed term limits or an imminent retirement. The issues they choose to focus on in their final months say a great deal about what are really the most important issues in the country. -- Tom Coburn
  • I would like to believe I would not have behaved differently had I not made a term limits pledge, but my own frailties and human desire for prestige and position tell me my term limits pledge did make a difference in how I approached my job in Congress. -- Tom Coburn
  • There are no term limits on His reign. He has always been King and He always will be King. There is no death that threatens the perpetuity of His sovereign authority. There is no usurping of power by a lesser rival to His throne. There are no coups, no revolutions (at least, none that succeed). There is no threat of impeachment. He is a King who rules eternally. -- Sam Storms
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  • I've declined every congressional benefit I could decline, federal health insurance, the retirement program, the 403(b) program, which I think is overly generous. I've got self-imposed term limits of six terms if I have the privilege to serve that long. -- Scott Rigell
  • What are the "maximum" limits of acceptance of the term "intellectual"? -- Antonio Gramsci
  • Term limits would make Congress bolder, more independent, and less risk-averse. -- George Will
  • Term limits would cure both senility and seniority- both terrible legislative diseases. -- Harry S. Truman
  • I think if you do term limits, you would really increase the power of lobbying. -- Tim Kaine
  • Term limits mean that you don't trust the voters. 'Stop me before I vote again.' -- Garry Wills
  • A constitutional amendment for congressional term limits could never achieve the blessing of Congress; it could be initiated only by the states. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Asking an incumbent member of Congress to vote for term limits is a bit like asking a chicken to vote for Colonel Sanders. -- Bob Inglis
  • The permanent institutional expertise class is now no longer the legislators, it's the lobbyists who don't have term limits and are there forever. -- Tim Kaine
  • I am opposed to term limits because if we did not have seasoned professionals, we would not have the good government that we have. -- George Will
  • I think we want to see new voices and new ideas emerge - that's part of the reason why term limits are a really useful thing. -- Barack Obama
  • I believe in term limits for presidents because I think that there is no doubt I'm a better president now than I was when I start. -- Barack Obama
  • I still believe that term limits is the best way to ensure that the next generation, not the next election, is the central concern in our elected bodies. -- Tom Coburn
  • Central banks need to be able to buy bonds if there are short-term malfunctions of the markets. But buying bonds without differentiation and without limits would be very problematic. -- Lars Feld
  • To be anthropocentric is to remain unaware of the limits of human nature, the significance of biological processes underlying human behavior, and the deeper meaning of long-term genetic evolution. -- E. O. Wilson