Technologies quotes:

  • Technologies tend to undermine community and encourage individualism. -- Henry Mintzberg
  • Technologies are invented to make our lives easier, not our choices. -- Adam Jensen
  • Incantations for Muggles: The Role of Ubiquitous Web 2.0 Technologies in Everyday Life -- danah boyd
  • Technologies themselves, regardless of content, produce a hemispheric bias in the users. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • Technology is technology. Technology doesn't have a, it is not good or bad. Technologies are tools. -- Alfonso Cuaron
  • Technologies are not merely aids to human activity, but also powerful forces acting to reshape that activity and its meaning. -- Langdon Winner
  • Technologies and specific vendors may come and go, but massive cultural transformations and new kinds of relationships? Those don't go away. -- Clara Shih
  • Technologies for stimulating the brain and controlling the mind can have benefits, but they have a dark side that military and intelligence planners have been exploiting for decades -- Nick Begich
  • In my first company, Seer Technologies, where I was chief technology officer, we shied away from the media. We watched every word and were guarded in front of journalists. -- Vivek Wadhwa
  • New standards for safety are now in place and Canada has helped provide tools and techniques that were needed. Technologies like these are innovative and represent great achievements for us. -- Marc Garneau
  • Technologies that exist between man and nature in a simple form and those that enable the interaction with other technologies are becoming significantly more complex and create their own information systems. -- Hubert Burda
  • Technologies of easy travel give us wings; they annihilate the toil and dust of pilgrimage; they spiritualize travel! Transition being so facile, what can be any man's inducement to tarry in one spot? -- Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Technologies evolve in the strangest ways. Computers were created to calculate ballistics equations, and now we use them to create amusing illusions. Creating amusing illusions is a big business if you play it right. -- Howard Rheingold
  • Technologies like PayPal foster competition because they enable people to shift their funds from one jurisdiction to another, and I think that ultimately will lead to a world in which there's less government power and therefore more individual control. -- Peter Thiel
  • Technologies that may be realized in centuries or millennium include: warp drive, traveling faster than the speed of light, parallel universes; are there other parallel dimensions and parallel realities? Time travel that we mentioned and going to the stars. -- Michio Kaku
  • Technologies, including cell phones, have the potential to help millions of poor people out of poverty by enabling access to a range of safe, affordable financial services - most importantly, savings accounts - that have long been out of reach. -- Sylvia Mathews Burwell
  • Technologies first equipped the territorial body with bridges, aqueducts, railways, highways, airports, etc. Now that the most powerful technologies are becoming tiny - microtechnologies, all technologies can invade the body. These micro-machines will feed the body. Research is being conducted in order to create additional memory for instance. -- Paul Virilio
  • Let students use technologies in the classroom. -- Weili Dai
  • Customers require the effective integration of technologies to simplify their workflow and boost efficiency. -- Anne M. Mulcahy
  • Hurricane season brings a humbling reminder that, despite our technologies, most of nature remains unpredictable. -- Diane Ackerman
  • The most important innovators often don't need any technologies - just imagination and acute sensitivity to people's needs. -- Geoff Mulgan
  • There's a long list of technologies that have now made it possible to carry out very precise search efforts in the deep sea. -- Robert Ballard
  • In the United States, resources exist to retrain displaced workers and promote the development of technologies that create new job opportunities for American workers. -- Oscar Arias
  • To turn really interesting ideas and fledgling technologies into a company that can continue to innovate for years, it requires a lot of disciplines. -- Steve Jobs
  • If we look at the life cycle of technologies, we see an early period of over-enthusiasm, then a 'bust' when disillusionment sets in, followed by the real revolution. -- Ray Kurzweil
  • We need to shift the paradigm from reactive technologies to more integrative solutions that deal with the variety and complexity of the threats that are out there today. -- John W. Thompson
  • When grand plans for scientific and defence technologies are made, do the people in power think about the sacrifices the people in the laboratories and fields have to make? -- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
  • Mobile communications and pervasive computing technologies, together with social contracts that were never possible before, are already beginning to change the way people meet, mate, work, war, buy, sell, govern and create. -- Howard Rheingold
  • Enlightened self-interest from those involved in hydrocarbons should lead to the support of technologies enabling the clean use of hydrocarbons, such as carbon capture and storage, and not to the defence of deniers and cranks. -- Nicholas Stern
  • With portable cameras and affordable data and non-linear digital editing, I think this is a golden age of documentary filmmaking. These new technologies mean we can make complicated, beautifully crafted and cinematic films about real-life stories. -- Lucy Walker
  • Google's founders have had a good eye for imagining what technologies will be significant in the near future. No one asked Google to develop self-driving cars, but it helped them with street views for Google Maps. -- Barry Ritholtz
  • The only reason we don't notice how absolutely interwoven our thinking processes have become with older technologies - pencils, paper, electric light, penicillin, fire - is that they're old, so we've ceased to notice their effects. -- Clive Thompson
  • Markets are as old as the crossroads. But capitalism, as we know it, is only a few hundred years old, enabled by cooperative arrangements and technologies, such as the joint-stock ownership company, shared liability insurance, double-entry bookkeeping. -- Howard Rheingold
  • Of all the failed technologies that litter the onward march of science - steam carriages, zeppelins, armoured trains - none has been so catastrophic to prosperity as the last century's attempt to generate electricity from nuclear fission. -- James Buchan
  • As Michigan's voice on the Senate Finance Committee and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, I will continue working to make sure the next generation of advanced technologies and alternative fuel vehicles are made right here in America. -- Debbie Stabenow
  • The world is being re-shaped by the convergence of social, mobile, cloud, big data, community and other powerful forces. The combination of these technologies unlocks an incredible opportunity to connect everything together in a new way and is dramatically transforming the way we live and work. -- Marc Benioff
  • The backbone of any improvement of governance, its development as well as its protection from any form of wastage or excessiveness, is a mechanism to place laws under the microscope of revision and modernization until they resonate in tune with the methodological development and new administrative technologies. -- Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan
  • What the American public thinks is very important to the future of global health. Many people are moved by the idea that there is unnecessary suffering in the world, and we could do a lot to stop it. We have the technologies necessary to stop most of the suffering. -- Paul Farmer
  • The same products, services or technologies can fail or succeed depending on the business model you choose. Exploring the possibilities is critical to finding a successful business model. Settling on first ideas risks the possibility of missing potential that can only be discovered by prototyping and testing different alternatives. -- Alexander Osterwalder
  • Over the last few millennia we've invented a series of technologies - from the alphabet to the scroll to the codex, the printing press, photography, the computer, the smartphone - that have made it progressively easier and easier for us to externalize our memories, for us to essentially outsource this fundamental human capacity. -- Joshua Foer
  • We've been surrounded by images of space our whole lives, from the speculative images of science fiction to the inspirational visions of artists to the increasingly beautiful pictures made possible by complex technologies. But whilst we have an overwhelmingly vivid visual understanding of space, we have no sense of what space sounds like. -- Honor Harger
  • These technologies can make life easier, can let us touch people we might not otherwise. You may have a child with a birth defect and be able to get in touch with other parents and support groups, get medical information, the latest experimental drugs. These things can profoundly influence life. I'm not downplaying that. -- Steve Jobs
  • When color TV arrived, it just sat there and you saw color. I've been to retail stores where there were no 3-D glasses at all and the 3-D images were all blurred. People were coming in and saying, 'I don't want to buy that.' There's a lot of marketing connected to introducing technologies and especially introducing new experiences. -- Howard Stringer
  • Social engineering bypasses all technologies, including firewalls. -- Kevin Mitnick
  • There is huge demand for artificial intelligence technologies. -- Yuri Milner
  • I'm fascinated with materials, with processes, with technologies. -- Marc Newson
  • Use the new technologies for the old purposes. -- Leon Wieseltier
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  • Hard disks have disappointed me more than most technologies. -- Steve Wozniak
  • Art is obsolete now. New technologies are taking over. -- Jeff Koons
  • We've got paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technologies. -- E. O. Wilson
  • We are all robots when uncritically involved with our technologies. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • Today, almost all-current technologies put the speed of light to work. -- Paul Virilio
  • Film and the other creative industries are being transformed by digital technologies. -- David Puttnam
  • To change the world , we need to combine Ancient wisdom with new technologies -- Paulo Coelho
  • A nation's economy is more than its markets, tastes, technologies and property rights. -- Edmund Phelps
  • Even Silicon Valley investors have put well over a $1 billion in new energy technologies. -- Daniel Yergin
  • I'm excited to see how current and future technologies revolutionize the way we learn. -- LeVar Burton
  • There's no such thing as technology in the singular, only technologies in the plural. -- John Michael Greer
  • We not only need to train people, we also need to develop deflection technologies. -- Rusty Schweickart
  • All of the clean technologies are known, it's a question of simply applying them. -- Barry Commoner
  • The technologies which have had the most profound effects on human life are usually simple. -- Freeman Dyson
  • It is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday facilitate a police state. -- Bruce Schneier
  • Our new technologies, combined with our numbers, have made us, collectively, a force of nature -- Al Gore
  • Cybersecurity is not only a question of developing defensive technologies but offensive technologies, as well. -- Donald Trump
  • The problem is that there are very few technologies that essentially haven't changed for 60, 70 years. -- Robert Sternberg
  • Save interesting thoughts, quotations, films, technologies... the medium doesn't matter, so long as it inspires you. -- Aaron Koblin
  • Let our information and social technologies raise awareness and not propaganda, build connections and not passive-aggression. -- Criss Jami
  • I'm definitely more interested in technologies that are more accessible, that are as accessible as possible. -- John Lindsay
  • History is replete with examples of tech firms that were marginalized by new companies and technologies. -- Barry Ritholtz
  • Apple products aren't simple technologies by any stretch, but there is a beautiful simplicity to them. -- John Maeda
  • It is a well-known fact that bringing in technologies in retail sector is good for consumers. -- N. R. Narayana Murthy
  • We are products not of our technologies, but of our choices about how to use them. -- Mal Fletcher
  • In a digital world, there are numerous technologies that we are attached to that create infinite interruption. -- Tim Ferriss
  • When new technologies impose themselves on societies long habituated to older technologies, anxieties of all kinds result. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • Participating in the newest communications technologies becomes compulsory if you want to remain part of the culture. -- David Porush
  • Keep building and supporting new tools, technologies, and platforms to empower independence, interoperability, and web property ownership. -- Marco Arment
  • Across the communication landscape move the specters of sinister technologies and the dreams that money can buy. -- J. G. Ballard
  • In a digital world, there are numerous technologies that we are attached to that create infinite interruption. -- Tim Ferriss
  • Government needs to do two things: put a price on carbon and invest heavily in new technologies. -- Van Jones
  • Energy-saving technologies keep improving faster than they're applied, so efficiency is an ever larger and cheaper resource. -- Amory Lovins
  • The new technologies that we see coming will have major benefits that will greatly alleviate human suffering. -- Ralph Merkle
  • Many new technologies come with a promise to change the world, but the world refuses to cooperate. -- Henry Petroski
  • The more we deploy the technologies to capture wind and solar power, the cheaper those technologies become. -- Van Jones
  • People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think. -- Aldous Huxley
  • No place in the US better exemplifies the ethos to engineer new digital technologies than Silicon Valley -- John Maeda
  • Israel has the best engineers in the world... I view Israel as a tremendous source of technologies -- Douglas H. Bosco
  • I feel every technology can be abused, but fundamentally we put new technologies into the service of humanity. -- Sebastian Thrun
  • So many of the things I've predicted were technologies that were just sitting right in front of us. -- Joshua Lederberg
  • Changing technologies, changing marketplaces, and even changing trends in anti-competitive practices have all presented challenges to antitrust enforcement. -- Al Franken
  • One of the failures of technology companies is that they build technologies thinking everything else will work out. -- Steve Jobs
  • Whole new businesses will emerge around breakthrough products as revolutionary technologies accelerate capitalism's creative destruction of slower industries. -- Robert Kiyosaki
  • Diverse groups of countries can do a lot by trading amongst themselves, exploiting differences in costs, resources, and technologies. -- Daniel Altman
  • We humans have always been resilient. With each industrial revolution, we have adapted, creating new jobs with new technologies. -- Hari Sreenivasan
  • The real technology -behind all our other technologies- is language. It actually creates the world our consciousness lives in. -- Andrei Codrescu
  • Social media, like blogs, are truth-seeking technologies. In fact, the Internet itself is the greatest truth-generating device ever created. -- Jason Calacanis
  • All the scientists and technologists should work in appropriate region, specifically the rural technologies, to transform Indian rural sector. -- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
  • The best and most evolved technologies are those that do not destroy the very base on which we live -- Vandana Shiva
  • You can use a lot of different technologies to create something that doesn't really have a lot of value. -- Shigeru Miyamoto
  • If it's in people's interest to invest in renewables and invest in clean technologies, I'm convinced it will happen. -- Sally Jewell
  • Personally, I believe that government, rather than money, tends to be the primary factor limiting the development of new technologies. -- Charles Platt
  • Ajax isn't a technology. It's really several technologies, each flourishing in its own right, coming together in powerful new ways. -- Jesse James Garrett
  • Just as there's some technologies that jeopardize revenue for traditional products, there are also technologies that can significantly lower costs. -- Norman Pearlstine
  • As smart technologies become more intrusive, they risk undermining our autonomy by suppressing behaviors that someone somewhere has deemed undesirable. -- Evgeny Morozov
  • The low price of oil is a headwind to investments in alternative energy technologies, but it will not stop them. -- Carlos Ghosn
  • Critics are not creators. They rarely write great novels, invent new technologies, or come up with a great business idea. -- Jacqueline Leo
  • I can keep learning about all the different technologies. It's my most telling characteristic. I'm interested in trying anything new. -- Martha Stewart
  • With the revolution in information technology, with the revolution in transport technologies, I think just geography has lost its all significance. -- Manmohan Singh
  • I develop artificially intelligent technologies, along with educational and game software and let the business people take it where they will. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • The very technologies that empower us to do great good can also be used to undermine us and inflict great harm. -- Barack Obama
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  • Bookstores will not disappear but will exploit digital technologies to increase their virtual and physical inventories, and perhaps become publishers themselves. -- Jason Epstein
  • Health innovation, enabled by digital technologies to build big consumer service brands, is an incredibly interesting, complex problem to work on. -- John Sculley
  • The same technologies enabling us to work together at a distance are creating the expectation to do better at governing ourselves. -- Beth Simone Noveck
  • It's our machines and our technologies that are now the major evolutionary forces acting upon us. It's not our political systems. -- Terence McKenna
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  • ... we're moving into an era when we will define ourselves more by the technologies we refuse than the ones we accept. -- Douglas Rushkoff
  • Truly smart technologies will remind us that we are not mere automatons who assist big data in asking and answering questions. -- Evgeny Morozov
  • I think so long as fossil fuels are cheap, people will use them and it will postpone a movement towards new technologies. -- Paul Krugman
  • Why did the Clinton Administration continue to liberalize export controls on sensitive technologies even after it learned that China had stolen designs? -- Charles Bass