Starlight quotes:

  • Starlight and comet tails burned the tips of endless grass below into hammered silver. Like thousands of tapers in the chapel, just blown out but still glowing. If one could drown in the might be the best way to die. -- Gregory Maguire
  • A man can see by starlight, if he takes the time. -- Michael Crichton
  • Three young cats with starlight in their eyes and the whisper of ancient wind in their fur." -Rock, Cats of the Clans -- Erin Hunter
  • Aliens might be surprised to learn that in a cosmos with limitless starlight, humans kill for energy sources buried in the sand -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • there are only these: sparkling eyes, smudged lipstick, fading starlight, the crunching of feet on gravel, laughter, and a slow walk home. -- Jon McGregor
  • Behind the cloud the starlight lurks, Through showers the sunbeams fall; For God, who loveth all his works, Has left his Hope with all. -- John Greenleaf Whittier
  • Light coursed through Karou and darkness chased it-burning through her, chilling her, shimmer and shadow, ice and fire, blood and starlight, rushing, roaring, filling her. -- Laini Taylor
  • The pinpoints of starlight we see with the naked eye are photons that have been streaming toward us for a few years or a few thousand. -- Brian Greene
  • I've sucked way too much cement for this year. Bad juju rising off them city sidewalks. I need to babble with a brook or two, inhale starlight, make friends with some trees. -- Tom Robbins
  • He had never missed God or the hope of heaven, but he had dearly wanted confession to rest his mind, Communion to let him touch something beyond Father Krone's dry, shaky hand, and holy water to taste like starlight. -- Peter S. Beagle
  • And I say the sacred hoop of my people was one of the many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. -- Black Elk
  • Tell me a story. / In this century, and moment, of mania, tell me a story. / Make it a story of great distances, and starlight. / The name of the story will be time, / But you must not speak its name. / Tell me a story of deep delight. -- Robert Penn Warren
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  • Let me peer out at the world through your lens. (Maybe I'll shudder, or gasp, or tilt my head in a question.) Let me see how your blue is my turquoise and my orange is your gold. Suddenly binary stars, we have startling gravity. Let's compare scintillation - let's share starlight. -- Naomi Shihab Nye
  • The first ghost to leave the world of the dead was Roger. He took a step forward, and turned to look back at Lyra, and laughed in surprise as he found himself turning into the night, the starlight, the air. . .and then he was gone, leaving behind such a vivid little burst of happiness. -- Philip Pullman
  • Amory took to writing poetry on spring afternoons, in the gardens of the big estates near Princeton, while swans made effective atmosphere in the artificial pools, and slow clouds sailed harmoniously above the willow. May came too soon, and suddenly unable to bear walls, he wandered the campus at all hours through starlight and rain. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • The world of life, of spontaneity, the world of dawn and sunset and starlight, the world of soil and sunshine, of meadow and woodland, of hickory and oak and maple and hemlock and pineland forests, of wildlife dwelling around us, of the river and its wellbeing--all of this [is] the integral community in which we live. -- Thomas Berry
  • Our minds, as well as our bodies, have need of the out-of-doors. Our spirits, too, need simple things, elemental things, the sun and the wind and the rain, moonlight and starlight, sunrise and mist and mossy forest trails, the perfumes of dawn and the smell of fresh-turned earth and the ancient music of wind among the trees. -- Edwin Way Teale
  • I've done so many superhero comics, and I've actually just been really excited about sci-fi, and Chrononauts and Starlight were both sci-fi, which I had a great time doing. -- Mark Millar
  • Now, as Global Ambassador for Starlight Children's Foundation, which brightens the lives of poorly children, I visit hospitals and tell stories to the young patients. Sometimes I read. Sometimes I draw. -- Tony DiTerlizzi
  • Starlight is falling on every square mile of the earth's surface, and the best we can do at present is to gather up and concentrate the rays that strike at area 100 inches in diameter. -- George Ellery Hale
  • He dispensed starlight to casual moths. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Ah! the soft starlight of virgin eyes. -- Honore de Balzac
  • Even goats may have starlight in their eyes. -- Robert W. Service
  • We only see starlight because all the stars are bleeding. -- Steven Hall
  • Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me, starlight and dewdrop are waiting for thee. -- Stephen Foster
  • Mathematics has the inhuman quality of starlight, brilliant and sharp, but cold. -- Hermann Weyl
  • And a softness came from the starlight and filled me full to the bone. -- William Butler Yeats
  • White." He spoke with conviction and I knew he'd seen. "A thousand shades of white, from mist to snow to starlight. -- Deborah Cooke
  • O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!We still remember, we who dwellIn this far land beneath the trees.Thy starlight on the Western Seas. -- J. R. R. Tolkien
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  • The past and the future were starlight, seemingly so close, but forever out of reach. Eli felt that starlight, the infinity of knowing nothing but his finite existence. -- Daniel J. Rice
  • He had waited five years and bought a mansion where he dispensed starlight to casual moths - so that he could 'come over' some afternoon to a stranger's garden. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Where am I and doing what? You might well ask. Freaky chick, you say? You can't imagine. I am priestess of a sandcastle in a land of dust and starlight. -- Laini Taylor
  • The nights did not come gently but seemed to slam down angrily upon the Earth, and starlight transformed the golden brown of the wheat to the colour of polished silver. -- Rick Yancey
  • I was pretending that I did not speak their language; on the moon we spoke a soft, liquid tongue, and sang in the starlight, looking down on the dead dried world. -- Shirley Jackson
  • What is a husband? He is the one who, with a touch, can bring back the starlight and glow of years long ago. At least he hopes he can - don't disappoint him. -- Alan Beck
  • Look at the stars, how they shine and glow, some of the stars died a long time ago. Still they shine in the evening skies for you see, love like starlight never dies -- Debi Gliori
  • The Brother's hood fell back, and his silvery hair shone out in the dim chamber like starlight. All the air rushed out of Tessa's lungs in a single instant. The Silent Brother was Jem. -- Cassandra Clare