Star Wars Movie quotes:

  • Four guys go out and four guys go in like the storm troopers in the Star War movies. -- Chris Spielman
  • The 'Star Wars' movie is coming out. Disney has kept the details of the movie under wraps because they're not Sony. -- Craig Ferguson
  • Maybe the next three Star Wars movies will tell the story of how the last three Star Wars movies got so shitty. -- Dana Gould
  • If one of your best friends is making a Star Wars movie, you're not gonna not abuse that privilege. I defy anybody to say otherwise! -- Simon Pegg
  • When I finally got up to Industrial Light And Magic to work on the 'Star Wars' movies as a model-maker, it felt like dying and going to heaven. -- Adam Savage
  • The first Star Wars movie had come out in 1977 and had become this huge phenomenon with all the toys and everything - it just kind of swept America. -- Ben Affleck
  • I don't know if the '80s were unique, but we certainly got original, groundbreaking stuff at the time with movies like 'Back to the Future' and 'Star Wars' - movies that became classics. -- Ernest Cline
  • As a child I always steered clear of science fiction, but in the autumn of 1977, the bow-wave of publicity for the first Star Wars movie had already reached me, so I was eager for anything science-fictional. -- Philip Reeve
  • I've loved the "Star Wars" movies for the ride and pure fun and found that it just didn't stand up when asked for more, particularly when it comes to back stories, prequels, spin-offs, encyclopedic scope, etc. -- Hank Stuever
  • In the original 'Star Wars' movie, there is a small toaster-sized and shaped robot on the Death Star that guides Stormtroopers to where they need to go. I always liked that robot because I could imagine how to build it - and it served a real purpose. -- Colin Angle
  • The reason the first three Star Wars movies were so terrific, and the second three sucked so bad, is actually very simple. The first three were about rebels, shooting guns and driving fast, and speaking with American accents. The second three were about politicians, discussing treaties and holding court, and speaking with British accents. -- Bill Whittle
  • For me, Glasgow is all about the people and the spirit of the place. You have enough Greggs bakers, though, Ill say that. The opening of the 1977 Star Wars movie was possibly the only time Ive seen a longer queue round the block than in Glasgow for sausage rolls. That was quite an eye-opener. -- Darren Boyd
  • The first Star Wars movie was one of six original stories I had written in the form of two trilogies. After the success of Star Wars, I added another trilogy. So now there are nine stories. The original two trilogies were concieved of as six films of which the first film was number four. -- George Lucas
  • My entire generation has grown up in the shadow of one movie: 'Star Wars.' -- Harry Knowles
  • I'm not one of those Star Wars guys that has seen [my favorite movie] 97 times. -- Rich Fulcher
  • Jurassic Park' is like 'Star Wars.' Different directors can give a different taste to each movie. -- Colin Trevorrow
  • I haven't been to a movie since somebody gave me free tickets to Star Wars, which I went to. -- Jack Vance
  • I think the first movie I ever saw was a 'Star Wars' triple bill, when 'Return of the Jedi' was released. -- Richard Coyle
  • I'm just excited to be a part of the movie [Star Wars]. It's always the particulars that are the most exciting. -- Alden Ehrenreich
  • It was great. We knew we were going back when we finished the movie. It was such a big movie [Star Wars]. -- Alan Tudyk
  • I became addicted to the movie-going experience in the 1970s, when I attended multiple screenings of films such as 'Chinatown', 'Jaws', 'Star Wars' and the original 'Rocky'. -- Richard Roeper
  • I feel like it'll change after the movie [Star Wars] comes out, if it does. It's really the other way around, surprisingly, as far as Con Man goes. -- Alan Tudyk
  • Music plays a huge role in the movie. The music in Star Wars, I can't imagine what the movie would have been like without it. It made the film. -- Joshua Bell
  • Star Wars, the original movie, was all the various old genre of pictures: the swashbucklers, the war movies, all those things were put n there in a different look. -- Bruce Boxleitner