Screening quotes:

  • I believe the public's confidence would be increased if the federal government took over the functions of airport security screening for all passengers. -- David Neeleman
  • Rehearsals and screening rooms are often unreliable because they can't provide the chemistry between an audience and what appears on the stage or screen. -- Gene Tierney
  • Newborn screening is a public health intervention that involves a simple blood test used to identify many life-threatening genetic illnesses before any symptoms begin. -- Lucille Roybal-Allard
  • Superstar was made so early in my career I had nothing to do with it at all. The first time I saw it was the opening screening. -- Andrew Lloyd Webber
  • Big Brother is on the march. A plan to subject all children to mental health screening is underway, and the pharmaceuticals are gearing up for bigger sales of psychotropic drugs. -- Phyllis Schlafly
  • I'll never forget the first screening at the Berlin Film Festival. As soon as the film ended there was an outbreak of booing, which made us look at each other with some surprise. -- John Schlesinger
  • Death is a billion-dollar business. They can't even pass a law where it takes seven days to get a gun. Why don't you have to go through the same kind of screening you do to get a driver's license? It's totally insane. -- John Cusack
  • Screening for colon cancer can stop cancer in its tracks. -- Hill Harper
  • Corey feldman and I did sneak into the screening room one day during Lost Boys. -- Corey Haim
  • Of course, screening for HIV did essentially eliminate the transmission of this virus by transfusions. -- Serge Lang
  • I find that after a screening, people really want to come and tell you what they feel. -- Tom Hooper
  • The bottom line is, if somebody doesn't go through proper security screening, they're not going to go on the flight. -- John Pistole
  • The target audience goes back to conception. That means pre-natal care, safe delivery, post-natal screening, and the ordinary stuff you do in pediatrics. -- C. Everett Koop
  • We save limited resources in terms of who we are physically screening. The approach will allow us to pay more attention to those potential terrorists. -- John Pistole
  • An estimated 2 million American women will be diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer this decade and screening could prevent up to 30% of these deaths for women over 40. -- Matthew Lesko
  • A woman came up to me after one of the screenings with tears pouring down her face and sobbed, You've defined my entire life for me on the screen. -- Jill Clayburgh
  • When I'm shooting, really the audience I'm thinking the hardest about is that first test screening audience who I want to like the film and that first opening weekend audience. -- Jay Roach
  • But friends invited me to a private screening of Emmanuelle and said I'd learn a few things. But I know all the swear words. I just don't use them. So I declined -- Irene Dunne
  • I am not opposed to the limited use of polygraphs in a case where a person is suspected of wrongdoing. But widespread use of the polygraph as a screening tool goes far beyond what is acceptable. -- Jeff Bingaman
  • All I mean is, I'm not the kind of audience comedy directors want at a test screening because I seldom laugh, and if I do, it's not very loud. That doesn't mean I don't like the movie. -- Todd Solondz
  • A few nights ago I went to a Hollywood screening of a small independent film made by Sally Kirkland, an old friend of mine who also did terrific job acting in it. There were other actors in it and they were all terrific. -- Nick Mancuso
  • I think certain filmmakers going into Sundance or other big festivals should consider screening more for press and tastemakers before the festival. The traditional wisdom has always been the opposite: to not screen for anyone prior, let your film be seen by an audience, and generate the buzz from there. -- Thom Powers
  • Screening telephone calls with a receptionist or the humbler answering machine is not a dishonorable thing to do. The warmest people in the world still need uninterrupted time to attend to their lives and should not be outwitted if they have made it obvious that they are not always available upon summons. -- Judith Martin
  • As part of our layered approach, we have expedited the deployment of new Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) units to help detect concealed metallic and non-metallic threats on passengers. These machines are now in use at airports nationwide, and the vast majority of travelers say they prefer this technology to alternative screening measures. -- Janet Napolitano
  • I was going to make movies. I was the one in the family who was always rolling the video camera, making movies of my brothers around town, and then screening them for my parents. I still would love to make movies someday that's something that really means a lot to me, and I know I'll have the chance to do it one day. -- Joe Jonas
  • Screening is an invaluable part of the process, obviously, having test screening and you definitely learn something. -- Bryan Burk
  • We promised new benefits to seniors like preventive screening and diabetes testing. We kept that promise. -- Mike Rogers
  • The bottom line is, if somebody doesn't go through proper security screening, they're not going to go on the flight. -- John Pistole
  • When screening engineers from other companies, its smart to value engineers from great companies more than those from mediocre companies. -- Ben Horowitz
  • I'm for mechanical art. When I took up silk screening, it was to more fully exploit the preconceived image through the commercial techniques of multiple reproduction. -- Andy Warhol
  • Sometimes airport security people recognize me. I'll go through the whole screening process and at the end they'll go, 'Hey, man, I really like your work.' That's so cool. -- Reggie Watts
  • Today the demands are for even higher standards in the quality of care, for greater flexibility and convenience in treatment times, and for more prevention through screening and health checks. -- Lucy Powell
  • Texting is a lot like an answering machine. If you don't want to talk to somebody, it's like screening your calls. To me, it's a way of communication, but not one that I favor. -- Pat Gillick
  • Upper education used to open doors. Not so true anymore. The degree used to be a screening tool, but that is falling by the wayside as there are a glut of college grads on the market. -- Dale Archer
  • Well, a special screening was set up for government officials, so they didn't have to see the experience of going to see the film. They certainly aren't going to the projects to see for themselves the situation. -- Mathieu Kassovitz
  • When it comes to meritocracy and diversity, the symbolic is real. And that means that simple actions that reduce bias, such as blind resume or application screening, are a double win: they reduce implicit bias and they help communicate our commitment to meritocracy. -- Eric Ries
  • It seemed like my professional life would take a more scientific route. I guess that plan started to become undone when, at the age of 17, I happened upon a screening of Alain Resnais' 'Hiroshima Mon Amour,' and it took my breath away. -- Arnon Goldfinger
  • No one leaves the edit room thinking, 'Yeah, I nailed that one!' Everyone I know goes into their first premiere or their first screening thinking, 'I screwed up so bad. I'm sorry, I messed up.' It's just a real common feeling. -- Mike Mills
  • The bottom line is, until we're helping people to stop smoking, screening for breast cancer, giving Pap smears, giving prenatal care to pregnant women, we should not go into publicly paying for the artificial heart, which will benefit at great cost only a few people. -- Richard Lamm
  • I had one of those light bulb 'a ha' moments while screening 'Good Will Hunting' in Camp David in 1998 - Madeleine Albright and the Clintons were there, and I just became really inspired by all of these amazing people. I left the screening asking myself what I could do. -- Lawrence Bender
  • I haven't fully moved over to the iPad. At any given time, I have about four DVDs in my pocket. I'm constantly screening 'Top Chef,' 'Housewives,' and all the other shows we have in development, racing to meet a deadline. So I pretty much bring my laptop everywhere. -- Andy Cohen
  • I remember when I took Quentin Tarantino with me to a very private screening of the documentary 'Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired,' which shows some of the legal irregularities of his case. I was involved by the film, and it was an amazing experience to see people weep at the end of it. -- Harvey Weinstein
  • If you want to lose 40 pounds, you order salad instead of fries. If you want to be a better friend, you take the phone call instead of screening it. If you want to write a novel, you sit down and write a single paragraph. It's scary to make major changes, but we usually have enough courage to take the next right step. -- Regina Brett
  • A good breeder or experienced rescue agency wants you to prove that you'll be a capable caretaker. The interrogation and screening can be annoying, but it's also a sign that you're on the right track. A breeder ought to know if you work long hours away from home, have a fenced yard, have kids or other animals, or if you have access to parks. -- Jon Katz
  • It's not a movie, no private screening This method acting, well, I call that living -- Conor Oberst
  • History is not to be whitewashed "by a screening out of the importance of suffering." -- Johann Baptist Metz
  • We are going to suspend the issuance of visas to any place where adequate screening cannot occur. -- Donald Trump
  • I suddenly realized that a bunch of my friends needed babysitters and vowed to start screening my calls. -- Kim Harrison
  • I was too jitterbuggy happy to sleep, and the whole day kept playing in my brain's little screening room. -- Daniel Handler
  • I do believe there is absolutely space for legitimate debate in a liberal democracy about immigration selection, screening and integration. -- Jason Kenney
  • I think the part I enjoy most is reading the scripts and screening films because I'm a bookworm and a movie buff. -- Rebecca Eaton
  • The makers of '21 and Over' have been screening it, and I'm getting a lot of comparisons to a young Vince Vaughn. -- Miles Teller
  • I have no doubt there are magician psychopaths, and magician serial killers. I doubt Brakebills admissions is very good at screening for those. -- Lev Grossman
  • It was like a family reunion, watching the movie. It's always a good feeling when I can get a screening for my family. -- Chris Tucker
  • I didn't go to the special screening on a spaceship where everybody goes to have their special screeningsEverybody knows that's what happens in Hollywood. -- John Krasinski
  • I had a screening in Baltimore where one of the hardest individuals just broke into tears at the end. That's the response you want. -- Sheldon Candis
  • If we stopped calling it profiling and started calling it "proactive intelligence screening" or "high alert detecting", people would be saying "Well, it's about time". -- Bill Maher
  • We save limited resources in terms of who we are physically screening. The approach will allow us to pay more attention to those potential terrorists. -- John Pistole
  • An interesting opportunity is actually not just thinking about building organs for patients, but actually building little tiny organs that you could do drug screening on. -- Sangeeta N. Bhatia
  • There's no bigger atheist than me. Well, I take that back. I'm a cancer screening away from going agnostic and a biopsy away from full-fledged Christian. -- Adam Carolla
  • Parties and political systems used to be about excluding renegades who would never play well with others in government. Now it's actually systematically screening them in. -- Jonathan Rauch
  • When better screening certain Muslim immigrants first came up, one of the big defenders was Carl Higbie. He's a former Navy Sean and a [Donald] Trump supporter. -- Megyn Kelly
  • When I was a kid, they bussed us down to a screening of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' in an old theater, and it was just a great experience. -- Raymond Cruz
  • Polygraphs are not allowed as evidence in most U.S. courts, but they're routinely used in police investigations, and the Defense Department relies heavily on them for security screening. -- Bill Dedman
  • Another reform, involves new screening tests for all applicants that include, and this is so important, especially if you get the right people. And we will get the right people. -- Donald Trump
  • I'm a believer in screening movies early, and using the movie itself to help sell the movie. If you can't do that, I feel like you shouldn't be releasing the movie. -- Jason Blum
  • For any filmmaker who has just released a film and who is experiencing some measure of success, the temptation can be great to respond to every screening request that comes in. -- Julia Bacha
  • You learn quite a bit about your film from test screening audiences. With both comedies and movies that are intense, you need to calibrate the film and see how audiences react. -- Rod Lurie
  • But friends invited me to a private screening of Emmanuelle and said I'd learn a few things. But I know all the swear words. I just don't use them. So I declined. -- Irene Dunne
  • There's no single company in the whole world that has a big-scale production base and at the same time has screening and distribution channels. Wanda Group is the first one in the world. -- Wang Jianlin
  • I really do think you shoot for that beautiful experience of showing your movie in a crowd or room full of people, or even just one person who happens to go to a matinee screening. -- Robert Greene
  • If I'm able to catch the screening, there's a point in the film where, like clockwork, a portion of the audience gets really emotional and begins to cry. And that's very difficult to make happen. -- Michael Pitt
  • It was as if he (Sigmar Polke) painted his imagery in a highly wrought way, instead of a calculatedly dumb way, or mechanical way, by silk-screening or by tracing from epidiascope projections, and so on. -- Matthew Collings
  • Options other than mastectomy include high risk surveillance and risk reduction. Surveillance is a combination of monthly self breast exam, annual mammography and whole breast screening ultrasound, annual breast MRI, and biannual clinical breast exam. -- Kristi Funk