Running Shoes quotes:

  • I believe in gradual experimentation with running shoes. -- Bill Rodgers
  • Every day you've got running shoes on, it's a good day. -- Sean Astin
  • Want a strong, solid relationship that is willing to go the distance? Get to know your running shoes. -- Dean Karnazes
  • My schedule goes: wake up, running, exercise, downstairs, running shoes off, then to the shower. That's the Jackie Chan diary. -- Jackie Chan
  • ... the running shoe ... could be called the Swiss Army knife of footwear ... What appeal is there to a shoe whose only selling point is comfort? -- Mimi Pond
  • My sense of style is an old Polo shirt, jeans and, unfortunately for the longest time, white running shoes, which was not attractive. The one thing I've learned about clothes is to ask a girl. -- Matthew Perry
  • I do enjoy wearing Japanese and Italian clothing. I also enjoy my blue jeans or tennis shorts and running shoes. I like driving a Porsche because it is an elegant machine and it is a very beautiful experience to drive it. It's magnificently made. -- Frederick Lenz
  • I have always liked running, so it wasn't particularly difficult to make it a habit. All you need is a pair of running shoes and you can do it anywhere. It does not require anybody to do it with, and so I found the sport perfectly fits me as a person who tends to be independent and individualistic. -- Haruki Murakami
  • I have the idea that running shoes are based on a kind of cult idea - that our feet are flawed and we need shoes to correct those flaws. The shoe companies are in the business of selling shoes. But there's no evidence from running shoe manufacturers that they're right. There's no scientific data that running shoes reduce injury. -- Christopher McDougall
  • I like the idea of people who've had some success in one form secretly wanting to be something else; I have some of that myself. I look for it in other people who've established themselves in some particular art form, and then you find out that they really would like to design running shoes, or edit literary magazines or something. -- William Gibson
  • Marathon running, like golf, is a game for players, not winners. That is why Callaway sells golf clubs and Nike sells running shoes. But running is unique in that the world's best racers are on the same course, at the same time, as amateurs, who have as much chance of winning as your average weekend warrior would scoring a touchdown in the NFL. -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • Take dem shoes off your teeth and stop running your mouth. -- Lil Wayne
  • I love Nike's running shoes and clothes because they feel as light as a feather. -- Katia Winter
  • What do you wear on a running machine? I can't bring myself to wear flat shoes. -- Victoria Beckham
  • I loved superhero stuff.So comfortable, I got to wear like orthopedic running shoes every day. -- Rachel McAdams
  • But be careful; sand is already broken but glass breaks. The shoes are for dancing, not running away. -- Francesca Lia Block
  • When I run barefoot, I put my shoes on my hands. Running around with shoe-hands looks a little weird. -- Danny Pudi
  • I believe in keeping running simple and, in regard to shoes, that would mean no gimmicks, unnecessary cushioning, etc -- Bill Rodgers
  • I believe in keeping running simple and, in regard to shoes, that would mean no gimmicks, unnecessary cushioning, etc. -- Bill Rodgers
  • I love the simplicity and freedom of running. A pair of shoes, and you are all set to explore new trails. -- Rachel Boston
  • Buy all shoes, both street and running, slightly longer and wider than your bigger foot. Also, avoid pointed shoes. You'll save yourself needless foot pain. -- Ted Corbitt
  • You used to love me. Let me help jog your memory by buying you some running shoes. The shoes will be wooden, and nailed to the floor. -- Jarod Kintz
  • Men over 60 often think that if they wear athletic shoes - soft-soled referee shoes or hiking shoes or actual running shoes - then they will look more youthful. The contrary is true. -- Russell Smith