Rotting quotes:

  • Are you green and growing or ripe and rotting? -- Ray Kroc
  • From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity. -- Edvard Munch
  • It's so sweet, I feel like my teeth are rotting when I listen to the radio. -- Bono
  • If I'd written all the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people - including me - would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism. -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • A grub in filth is dirty, but it changes into a cicada and sips dew in the autumn breeze. Rotting plants have no luster, but they turn into foxfire and glow in the summer moonlight. So we know that purity emerges from impurity, and light is born from darkness. -- Zicheng Hong
  • Don't eat anything incapable of rotting. -- Michael Pollan
  • It looks more like a rotting pumpkin. -- Marissa Meyer
  • You are either green and growing, or ripe and rotting. -- Frosty Westering
  • He who shall teach the child to doubtThe rotting grave shall ne'er get out. -- William Blake
  • An aching tooth is better out than in. To lose a rotting member is a gain. -- Richard Baxter
  • Islam, this absurd theology of an immoral Bedouin, is a rotting corpse which poisons our lives. -- Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
  • So much love, too much love, it is our madness, it is rotting us out, exploding us like dandelion polls. -- John Updike
  • Avoid at all costs that vile spew you see rotting in oil in screwtop jars. Too lazy to peel fresh? You don't deserve to eat garlic. -- Anthony Bourdain
  • Why are millions spent on the war each day, while not a penny is available for ... artists or the poor? Why do people have to starve when mountians of food are rotting away in other parts of the world? Oh, why are people so crazy? -- Anne Frank
  • He looked at the piles of food again, and it was like he was seeing it with new eyes. "This is wrong", he thought, "Letting food rot while people die of hunger. It's evil.".... He breathed in the too-sweet smell of rotting food, "I can stop this evil. -- Margaret Haddix
  • I loved every second of Catholic church. I loved the sickly sweet rotting-pomegranate smells of the incense. I loved the overwrought altar, the birdbath of holy water, the votive candles; I loved that there was a poor box, the stations of the cross rendered in stained glass on the windows. -- Anne Lamott
  • Perfume was first created to mask the stench of foul and offensive odors... Spices and bold flavorings were created to mask the taste of putrid and rotting meat... What then was music created for? Was it to drown out the voices of others, or the voices within ourselves? I think I know. -- Emilie Autumn
  • A prayerless church member is a hindrance. He is in the body like a rotting bone or a decayed tooth. Before long, since he does not contribute to the benefit of his brethren, he will become a danger and a sorrow to them. Neglect of private prayer is the locust which devours the strength of the church. -- Charles Spurgeon
  • Over the weekend the vultures got into the presidential palace by pecking through the screens on the balcony windows and the flapping of their wings stirred up the stagnant time inside, and at dawn on Monday the city awoke out of its lethargy of centuries with the warm, soft breeze of a great man dead and rotting grandeur. -- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • I would much rather devour a piece of well-seasoned squash than a slice of an animal's rotting carcass. -- Jane Velez-Mitchell
  • I think people fetishize glasses in general. You could put glasses on a rotting pumpkin and people would think it was sexy. -- Tina Fey
  • We who go out to die shall be remembered, because we gave the world peace. That will be our reward, though we will know nothing of it, but lie rotting in the earth - dead. -- Philip Gibbs
  • My idea of an amusement park story is getting adventurers to go tour environmental disaster areas. After all, if the entire Great Barrier Reef gets killed, which seems like an extremely lively possibility, what are you going to do with all that rotting limestone? -- Bruce Sterling
  • As I look around, I get this sinking feeling that we're off track, that there's something sick in the soul of our country. I examine the fruit that's hanging on the tree of America, and I can see that it's rotting. And that concerns me deeply. -- Kirk Cameron
  • The work I did in Vertigo meant nothing if no one cared about the movie. Luckily, Vertigo had a revival and people had begun to recognize there was something special and it gained in reputation. But it just as well could have ended up rotting in film cans somewhere. -- Kim Novak
  • Fruit often ends up rotting in the crisper drawer. Well, that's the wrong place to put it. Out of sight, out of mind. The kids all know where the junk-food shelf is. Make the fruit that easy to get to. Put a big huge bowl of fruit on the counter. -- Tyler Florence
  • Everybody's always asking me about my blood pressure. They did an interview once where they hooked me up to a blood pressure machine and they'd rile me. I'd yell and scream, and then it would just go back to normal in a few minutes. Everything else is probably rotting, but the blood pressure is spectacular. -- Lewis Black
  • If a portion of a redwood is rotting, the redwood will send roots into its own form and draw nutrients out of itself as it falls apart. If we had redwood-like biology, if we got a touch of gangrene in our arm, then we could just, you know, extract the nutrients and the moisture out of it until it fell off. -- Richard Preston
  • Nothing ever grows in this rotting old hole. -- Meat Loaf
  • Mean and mighty, rotting Together, have one dust. -- William Shakespeare
  • The time flies. The time flies feed on rotting clocks. -- Craig Clevenger
  • Over the city lies the sweet, rotting odor of yesterday's unrecollected sins. -- Hilary Mantel
  • Oh heavy change. The world deteriorates like a rotting apple, worms and a skin. -- Robinson Jeffers
  • I got dead bodies rotting in my Benz trunk. Trunk of funk, I call it. -- Bushwick Bill
  • We have a rotting infrastructure that is literally poisoning children in Flint, Newark and elsewhere. -- Kshama Sawant
  • The concept that you are not ingesting rotting flesh sort of sums it up for me. -- Bryan Adams
  • I choose not to make a graveyard of my body for the rotting corpses of dead animals. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • A ruined man fell from her hands like a ripe fruit, to lie rotting on the ground. -- Emile Zola
  • All of your brain cells rotting from weed, feeling like if you ain't got it life's not as complete. -- Hopsin
  • The Fairy's dress rustled as she turned. Human women dressed like flowers, layers of petals around a mortal, rotting core. -- Cornelia Funke
  • Nature, in her blind thirst for life has filled every possible cranny of the rotting earth with some sort of fantastic creature. -- Joseph Wood Krutch
  • A surgeon would never hesitate to amputate a rotting hand, no matter how faithfully it had served its owner in the past. -- Rick Riordan
  • Achilles was murdered with a poisoned arrow, and Jason died alone, killed by his own rotting ship. Such is the fate of heroes. -- Cassandra Clare
  • I'm not sure I would label it a 'survivor,'" said Iko, her sensor darkening with disgust. "It looks more like a rotting pumpkin. -- Marissa Meyer
  • Things were somehow so good that they were in danger of becoming very bad because what is fully mature is very close to rotting -- Clarice Lispector
  • The universe is a vast system of exchange. Every artery of it is in motion, throbbing with reciprocity, from the planet to the rotting leaf. -- Edwin Hubbel Chapin
  • And if you say a word about this over the radio, the next wings you see will belong to the flies buzzing over your rotting corpse. -- John Malkovich
  • Self - development should be a perpetual process. In life you are either growing or rotting. You're moving forward or backwards; there is no standing still. -- Al Duncan
  • Then the Skopamish showed up. Their chests heaving, rotting eyes like dull raisins in their skulls. Their eyes found mine like a witching wand seeking water. -- Tamara Rose Blodgett
  • If you've never woken up from a car accident to discover that your wife is dead and you're an animated, rotting corpse, then you probably wouldn't understand. -- S.G. Browne
  • Graves are for the living, not the dead. It gives us something to concentrate on instead of the fact that our loved one is rotting under the ground. -- Laurell K. Hamilton
  • I was brooding, boy. Than which there is no richer pastime. It muffles one with rotting plumes. It gives forth sullen music. It is the smell of home. -- Mervyn Peake
  • I am not used to hating. Hate sits heavy on my heart. It reeks. I can smell it rotting my insides and I taste it on my tongue. -- Kopano Matlwa
  • Whene'er with haggard eyes I view This dungeon that I'm rotting in, I think of those companions true Who studied with me at the U- Niversity of Gottingen. -- George Canning
  • My favorite Halloween candy is the candy corn. It comes in four colors: white, yellow, orange, brown. Those are also the stages of your teeth rotting after you eat it. -- Jay Leno
  • A man should not love the moon. An ax should not lose weight in his hand. His garden should smell of rotting apples And grow a fair amount of nettles. -- Czeslaw Milosz
  • I want to hold you like a kitten in my shirt, and still I want to spread your thighs and plow ye like a rotting bull. I dinna understand myself. -- Diana Gabaldon
  • Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea. -- Adolf Hitler
  • He first noticed it on the plane ride. There was an odor about her and it was becoming more pronounced with each passing hour. It was like the smell of rotting meat. -- Joseph M. Chiron
  • This life we live nowadays. It's not life, it's stagnation death-in-life. Look at all these bloody houses and the meaningless people inside them. Sometimes I think we're all corpses. Just rotting upright. -- George Orwell
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  • I am afraid because I can so clearly foresee my own life rotting away of itself, like a leaf that rots without falling, while I pursue my round of existence from day to day. -- Osamu Dazai
  • On my fifteenth birthday, I came to realize that the expression spoiled rotten meant exactly that. We kids were the apples of our parents' eyes, and I, for one, was rotting from inside out. -- Neal Shusterman
  • Darkness can be funny. It can be quirky. There are different ways that that stuff comes out as a creative person. But the actual conflicted, twisted, decaying, rotting soul? That's not me. No more. -- Nikki Sixx
  • That's the van? It looks like a rotting banana." This was undeniable - Eric had painted the van a neon shade of yellow, and it was blotched with dings and rust like splotches of decay. -- Cassandra Clare
  • Destroy yourselves, you who are desperate, and you who are tortured in body and soul, abandon all hope. There is no more solace for you in this world. The world lives off your rotting flesh. -- Antonin Artaud
  • There are souls, he thought, whose umbilicus has never been cut. They never got weaned from the universe. They do not understand death as an enemy; they look forward to rotting and turning into humus. -- Ursula K. Le Guin