Root Canals quotes:

  • The last time I had this much fun was a root-canal operation. -- Larry Ziegler
  • dating you would be like a series of unnecessary root canals interspersed with occasional makeout sessions. -- John Green
  • Married sex is like being awake during your own autopsy. It is root canal work without anesthetic. -- Al Goldstein
  • I had rather get a root canal without anesthesia than to call your customer service office for help. -- Jon Jones
  • I have had a number of patients with breast cancer, all of whom had root canals on the tooth related to the breast area on the associated energy meridian. -- John Diamond
  • I've come to look upon death the same way I look upon root-canal work. Everyone else seems to get through it all right, so it couldn't be too difficult for me. -- Joseph Heller
  • Homework, root canals, and deadlines are the important things in life, and only when we have these major dramas taken care of can we presume to look at the larger questions. -- Cynthia Heimel
  • The average household might prepare for root canal, traffic accident, unemployment or illness, but how the household will meet, manage and even survive violent crime is the most neglected area of household management. -- John Longenecker
  • So we took out those 3 root canals when she had 3-6 months to live. And that was 6 years ago, and she is still alive today, and MRI can't find the tumour anymore. It went away. -- Hal Huggins
  • Remember, the political idea being expressed a year ago was that because the GOP interpreted its 1994 mandate as a call to budget-balancing austerity, the electorate would never give the White House to the GOP if its nominee was also a root-canal austerian. -- Jude Wanniski
  • Love is the grand prize and the garbage heap. Love is a spiritual root canal and the only thing that makes life worth living. Love is a little taste of always and a big bite of nothing. And love is everything in between these extremes. -- Robert Fulghum
  • I hate dentists. That's why my tooth fell out. I was in the middle of a root canal and wouldn't go back, so it just dropped out when I was in the middle of Fifth Avenue. I had to do the Calvin Klein show without the tooth. -- Kate Moss
  • When you have a cavity in your tooth and you let it get worse, eventually you have to get a root canal. If you have something that isn't right, the earlier you treat it the easier the treatment is going to be. That's kind of common sense. -- Olivia Newton-John