Robert Fulghum quotes:

  • I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.

  • Sticks and stones will break our bones, but words will break our hearts.

  • Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.

  • If you want an interesting party sometime, combine cocktails and a fresh box of crayons for everyone.

  • You are free to give life meaning, whatever meaning you want to give it.

  • I believe it is in my nature to dance by virtue of the beat of my heart, the pulse of my blood and the music in my mind.

  • If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience.

  • My goal now is to dance all the dances as long as I can, and then to sit down contented after the last elegant tango some sweet night and pass on because there wasn't another dance left in me.

  • Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.

  • It will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need, and our air force has to have a bake-sale to buy a bomber.

  • The grass is not, in fact, always greener on the other side of the fence. No, not at all. Fences have nothing to do with it. The grass is greenest where it is watered. When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass wherever you may be.

  • Clean up your own mess.

  • And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world it is best to hold hands and stick together.

  • The examined life is no picnic.

  • Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens.... My grandfather would say we're part of something incredibly wonderful - more marvelous than we imagine. My grandfather would say we ought to go out and look at it once in a while so we don't lose our place in it.

  • One of life's best coping mechanisms is to know the difference between an inconvenience and a problem.

  • Living things have been doing just that for a long, long time. Through every kind of disaster and setback and catastrophe. We are survivors.

  • The world does not need tourists who ride by in a bus clucking their tongues. The world as it is needs those who will love it enough to change it, with what they have, where they are.

  • I talk about very serious human affairs but with a lightness of heart.

  • I'm good at doing the laundry. At least that. And it's a religious experience...Water, earth, fire-polarities of wet and dry, hot and cold, dirty and clean. The great cycles-round and round-beginning and end-Alpha and Omega, amen.

  • We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.

  • Play fair. Don't hit people. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.

  • I've always thought anyone can make money. Making a life worth living, that's the real test.

  • Sometimes during the day, I consciously focus on some ordinary object and allow myself a momentary "paying-attention." This paying-attention gives meaning to my life. I don't know who it was, but someone said that careful attention paid to anything is a window into the universe. Pausing to think this way, even for a brief moment, is very important. It gives quality to my day.

  • I fear the boredom that comes with not learning and not taking chances.

  • My secret agenda is to convey my values to my kids.

  • Anything can happen. The great banana peel of existence is always on the floor somewhere.

  • Life is. I am. Anything might happen. And I believe I may invest my life with meaning. The uncertainty is a blessing in disguise. If I were absolutely certain about all things, I would spend my life in anxious misery, fearful of losing my way. But since everything and anything are always possible, the miraculous is always nearby and wonders shall never, ever cease.

  • Any fool can make enough money to survive. It's another thing to keep yourself consistently entertained. It's a lot of work, and a lot of fun, to make a life.

  • The gift was not large as money goes, and my need was not great, but the spirit of the gift is beyond price and leaves me blessed and in debt.

  • Only now have I finally realized that my life has been an unending field trip. And I have tried hard not to be a tourist. But to be an adventurer, a traveler, an explorer, a learner, and a pilgrim.

  • If I don't have time to live my life well the first time, when am I going to find the time to go back and live it over?

  • Arguing whether or not a God exists is like fleas arguing whether or not the dog exists. Arguing over the correct name for God is like fleas arguing over the name of the dog. And arguing over whose notion of God is correct is like fleas arguing over who owns the dog.

  • I once listed all the good things I did over the past year, and then turned them into resolution form and backdated them. That was a good feeling

  • And good neighbors make a huge difference in the quality of life. I agree.

  • All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be, I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate-school mountain, but there in the sand pile at Sunday School.

  • The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. The grass is greenest where it is watered.

  • Hide-and-seek, grown-up style. Wanting to hide. Needing to be sought. Confused about being found.

  • The myth of the impossible dream is more powerful than all the facts of history.

  • Making a living and having a life are not the same thing. Making a living and making a life that's worthwhile are not the same thing. Living the good life and living a good life are not the same thing. A job title doesn't even come close to answering the question. "What do you do?".

  • If we could just figure out how to have more fun at it, maybe more of us would join the ranks of those who seek after justice and mercy.

  • All I really need to know... I learned in kindergarten.

  • The kindergarten children are confident in spirit, infinite in resources, and eager to learn. Everything is still possible.

  • Love is the grand prize and the garbage heap. Love is a spiritual root canal and the only thing that makes life worth living. Love is a little taste of always and a big bite of nothing. And love is everything in between these extremes.

  • Everyone has doors in the living room of their lives that they assume are locked. Doors that lead to artistic expression. People say "I have no talent -- I can't dance or sing or paint or write poetry or play an instrument." More often than not the doors are not locked, just closed. One may turn the handle, open the door and pass through into a larger life space.

  • Always trust your fellow man. And always cut the cards. Always trust God. And always build your house on high ground. Always love thy neighbor. And always pick a good neighborhood to live in.

  • Weddings seem to be magnets for mishap and for whatever craziness lurks in family closets. In more ways than one, weddings bring out the ding-dong on everybody involved.

  • Only an open mind still has room for new knowledge. What is outgrown and used up must be discarded to make room for what is yet to be learned. And much of the best thinking is done alone-in deserts, on beaches, in bed, behind closed doors. It is why we say we need to get away-to escape from clutter and busyness-to hear ourselves think.

  • Love is a fabric which never fades, no matter how often it is washed in the water of adversity and grief.

  • The name is not important anymore - it's the tone that counts. I feel like an old dog I know. He will come to any name you call him, just so long as your demeanor carries with it the promise of affection and food

  • As one old gentleman put it, " Son, I don't care if you're stark nekkid and wear a bone in your nose. If you kin fiddle, you're all right with me. It's the music we make that counts.

  • Everything I need to know... I learned in kindergarten.

  • The point is that getting married for lust or money or social status or even love is usually trouble. The point is that marriage is a maze into which we wander - a maze that is best got through with a great companion.

  • My own movement of thought is not meant to be a straight point-to-point, linear line of march, but horizontal exploration from one area of interest to another. There is no ultimate destination - no finish line to cross, no final conclusion to be reached. It's the way I feel about dancing - you move around a lot, not to get somewhere, but to be somewhere in time.

  • Water is everywhere and in all living things; we cannot be seperated from water. No water, no life. Period. Water comes in many forms - liquid, vapor, ice, snow, fog, rain, hail. But no matter the form, it's still water.

  • Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup-they all die. So do we.

  • Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup. The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.

  • Liberation, I guess, is everybody getting what they think they want, without knowing the whole truth. Or in other words, liberation finally amounts to being free from things we don't like in order to be enslaved by things we approve of. Here's to the eternal tandem.

  • A giraffe has a black tongue twenty-seven inches long and no vocal cords. A giraffe has nothing to say. He just goes on giraffing.

  • For all my good intentions, there are days when things go wrong or I fall into old habits. When things are not going well, when I'm grumpy or mad, I'll realize that I've not been paying attention to my soul and I've not been following my best routine.

  • The winding down of summer puts me in a heavy philosophical mood.

  • About winning and losing: It isn't important, what really counts is how you play the game. About playing the game: PLAY TO WIN!

  • Even the finest workman needs to inspect his work critically.

  • You feel like an ant contemplating Chicago.

  • I've always made a clear distinction between making a life and making a living.

  • To be human is to keep rattling the bars of the cage of existence, hollering, 'What's it for?'

  • I wanted to be a citizen of the world but not in a superficial way.

  • No. I was an only child.

  • Above all, if what you've done is stupid, but it works, it ain't stupid.

  • All I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten. Share everything ... Don't hit people ... Clean up your own mess ...

  • All of these are names given me by other people, but not names I would have given myself. My name is not mine, it's theirs. It's a series of costumes put on my life by other people.

  • Almost anything can be dealt with if people are of good will and light hearts and strong values.

  • An artists job is to see. And to go out in the world and see it firsthand, just as it is; to report with line and words what is seen. To be in the world, not just study about the world, that is the artists task

  • And I'm not confused about the lack of, or the need for, imagination in low or high places. We could do better we must do better. There are far worse things to drop on people than crayolas.

  • And sure, I know if you eat this way you'll die. So? If you don't eat this way you're still going to die. Why not die happy?

  • Anything not worth doing is worth not doing well.

  • But it does no good--solves nothing--to distance myself from the front lines of human need by using the mail as a safe shelter. I believe that serving the best ends of humanity means getting out in the middle of it just as it is, not staying home writing checks and thinking hopeful thoughts. The world does not need tourists who ride by in a bus clucking their tongues. The world as it is needs those who will love it enough to change it, with what they have, where they are. And you're damned right that's idealistic. No apology. When idealism goes into the trash as junk mail, we're finished.

  • But love may have to be left off the exam. Most of us will never learn.

  • But since everything and anything are always possible, the miraculous is always nearby, and wonders shall never, ever cease.

  • Children are sent to school to be civilized, to learn to be part of the social enterprise.

  • Desire is the intangible quality that has more impact on success than talent, education, or IQ. You can't see desire, but you can feel its presence, and see its results in the lives of successful people.

  • Do you ever go off with a long grocery list and come home from the store with a bunch of different stuff? And somebody in the family unsacks the groceries and wants to know why you got this and didn't get that and just where is the whatever? And you want to say, 'Well, just be glad I came back, okay?' And the unpacker says, 'Well, next time bring what's on the list.'

  • Doing a straight-forward, clear-cut task that has a beginning and an end balances out the complexity-without-end that often vexes the rest of my life. Sacred simplicity.

  • Dreams are more powerful than facts.

  • Even if your watch is full of diamonds the hour is still 60 minutes

  • Every person passing through this life will unknowingly leave something and take something away. Most of this "something" cannot be seen or heard or numbered or scientifically detected or counted. It's what we leave in the minds of other people and what they leave in ours. Memory. The census doesn't count it. Nothing counts without it.

  • Everything we can imagine becomes real.

  • For thirty years now, in times of stress and strain, when something has me backed against the wall and I'm ready to do something really stupid with my anger, a sorrowful face appears in my mind and asks... "Problem or inconvenience?" I think of this as the Wollman Test of Reality. Life is lumpy. And a lump in the oatmeal, a lump in the throat, and a lump in the breast are not the same lump. One should learn the difference.

  • I am a fragment of a mirror whose whole design and shape I do not know. Nevertheless, with what I have - I can reflect light into the dark places of this world - into the black places in the hearts of men - and change somethings in some people. Perhaps others may see and do likewise. This is what I am about. This is the meaning of my life.

  • I and you-We are infinate, rich, large, contradictory, living, breathing miracles-free human beings, children of God and the everlasting universe. That's what we do.

  • I believe in dancing.

  • I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.

  • I don't think there is a hidden purpose to the universe that you have to puzzle out.

  • I get tired of hearing it's a crummy world and that people are no damned good. What kind of talk is that? I know a place in Payette, Idaho, where a cook and a waitress and a manager put everything they've got into laying a chicken-fried steak on you.

  • I know what I really want for Christmas. I want my childhood back. Nobody is going to give me that. I might give at least the memory of it to myself if I try. I know it doesn't make sense, but since when is Christmas about sense, anyway? It is about a child, of long ago and far away, and it is about the child of now. In you and me. Waiting behind the door of or hearts for something wonderful to happen. A child who is impractical, unrealistic, simpleminded and terribly vulnerable to joy.

  • I love this child. Red-haired - patient and gentle like her mother - fey and funny like her father. When she giggles I can hear him when he and I were young. I am part of this child. It may be only because we share genes and that therefore smell familiar to each other.... It may be that a part of me lives in her in some important way.... But for now, it's jelly beans and 'Old MacDonald' that unite us.

  • I often say that I don't worry about the meaning of life-I can't handle that big stuff. What concerns me is the meaning in life-day by day, hour by hour, while I'm doing whatever it is I do. What counts is not what I do, but how I think about myself while I'm doing it.

  • I think my writing is part of my ministry.

  • I'd like to speak a foreign language well enough to get the jokes. I'd like to talk with Socrates, and watch Michelangelo sculpt David. I'd like to see the world as it was a million years ago and a million years hence.

  • If dandelions were rare and fragile, people would knock themselves out to pay $14.95 a plant, raise them by hand in greenhouses, and form dandelion societies and all that. But, they are everywhere and don't need us and kind of do what they please. So we call them weeds and murder them at every opportunity

  • If only the scientific experts could come up with something to get it out of our minds. One cup of fixit fizzle that will lift the dirt from our lives, soften our hardness, protect our inner parts, improve our processing, reduce our yellowing and wrinkling, improve our natural color, and make us sweet and good.

  • If someone were to ask me whether I believed in God, or saw God, or had a particular relationship with God, I would reply that I don't separate God from my world in my thinking. I feel that God is everywhere. That's why I never feel separated from God or feel I must seek God, any more than a fish in the ocean feels it must seek water. In a sense, God is the "ocean" in which we live.

  • If you can't find the exact quote you want, make it up.

  • If you do not join the dancing you will feel foolish. So why not dance? And i will tell you a secret: If you do not join the dance, we will know you are a fool. But if you dance, we will think well of you for trying. if you dance badly to begin and we laugh, what is the sin in that? We will begin there.

  • If you notice phrases, ideas, and anecdotes that closely resemble those that appear elsewhere in my writing, it's not a matter of sloppy editing. I'm repeating myself. I'm reshuffling words in the hope that just once I might say something exactly right. And I'm still wrestling with dilemmas that are not easily resolved or easily dismissed. I run at them again and again because I am not finished with them. Any may never be. Work-in- progress on a life-in-progress is what my writing is about. And some progress in the work is enough to keep it going on.

  • If you tell people you talk to God, they'll think you're religious, but if you say God talks to you, it's ten to one they'll think you're crazy.

  • Ignorance and power and pride are a deadly mixture, you know.

  • Imagination is more important than information. Einstein said that, and he should know. And they come. And they look. And we push. And they fly. We to stay and die on our beds. They to go and die howsoever, yet inspiring those who come after them to find their own edge. And fly.

  • Infinite possibility in all things is a certainty. That pretty much covers theology and philosophy for me.

  • Is it always to be a winners-losers world, or can we keep everyone in the game? Do we still have what it takes to find a better way?

  • It doesn't matter what you say you believe - it only matters what you do.

  • It is the chair in honor of all those who, however competently, embrace the impossible. Sit in that chair someday.

  • It wasn't in books. It wasn't in a church. What I needed to know was out there in the world.

  • It's harder to talk about, but what I really, really, really want for Christmas is just this: I want to be 5 years old again for an hour. I want to laugh a lot and cry a lot. I want to be picked or rocked to sleep in someone's arms, and carried up to be just one more time. I know what I really want for Christmas: I want my childhood back. People who think good thoughts give good gifts.

  • It's the spirit here that counts. The time may be long, the vehicle may be strange or unexpected. But if the dream is held close to the heart, and imagination is applied to what there is close at hand, everything is still possible.

  • It's just this: that there are places we all come from-deep-rooty-common places- that makes us who we are. And we disdain them or treat them lightly at our peril. We turn our backs on them at the risk of self-contempt. There is a sense in which we need to go home again-and can go home again. Not to recover home, no. But to sanctify memory.

  • It's not that I'm not grateful for all this attention. It's just that fame and fortune ought to add up to more than fame and fortune.

  • Just when you thought that you already learned the way how to live, life changes - and you're left the same as you begun.
