Provoked quotes:

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  • He who has provoked the lash of wit, cannot complain that he smarts from it. -- James Boswell
  • All sensitive people agree that there is a peculiar emotion provoked by works of art. -- Clive Bell
  • Whoever has provoked men to rage against him has always gained a party in his favor, too. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Anyone nit-picking enough to write a letter of correction to an editor doubtless deserves the error that provoked it. -- Alvin Toffler
  • As foreign minister of Norway, I learnt how natural changes provoked by climate change are creating new sources of political instability. -- Jonas Gahr Store
  • Is art influential? It can be - 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' rallied abolitionists, and 'The Jungle' provoked the demand for a safer food industry. -- Will Shetterly
  • The love of one's own sex is precious, for it is neither provoked by vanity nor retained by flattery; it is genuine and sincere. -- Maria Mitchell
  • The American escalation of the war in Laos provoked a response by the Communist forces, which now control more of Laos than ever before. -- Noam Chomsky
  • Wars can be prevented just as surely as they can be provoked, and we who fail to prevent them, must share the guilt for the dead. -- Omar N. Bradley
  • This sounds really cheesy and weird, but the pitbull is a sweet animal that just wants love until it's provoked - that's kind of how I've lived my life, too. -- Crystal Bowersox
  • Perhaps more than any other disease before or since, syphilis in early modern Europe provoked the kind of widespread moral panic that AIDS revived when it struck America in the 1980s. -- Peter Lewis Allen
  • During the 1980s, international interest in the Nicaraguan war was intense. No conflict since the Spanish civil war had provoked such passion around the world. It was a classic good-versus-evil war. -- Stephen Kinzer
  • I am sometimes accused of being a dictator because I provoked the extraordinary elections by nominating the interim government. Can you imagine any dictator who provokes free elections in his own country? -- Milos Zeman
  • I saw my friends in medical school seeming to be more engaged with the real world. That provoked a sort of jealousy, and I decided to go to medical school after all. -- Harold E. Varmus
  • I drink booze, I smoke, and I'm hooked on caffeine. I actually have been known to swear at times and belch and even raise my voice when provoked. And I'm not physically repressed! -- Helena Bonham Carter
  • Researching 'Lone Wolf,' I was amazed at how thoughtful and intelligent these animals are. There has never been a documented attack against a human by a wolf that wasn't provoked by the human. -- Jodi Picoult
  • Thomas More rarely discussed his siblings, and two of them are never mentioned by him. It is likely that they were part of that infant mortality which had provoked such concern for early baptism. -- Peter Ackroyd
  • As no outward motion or change, when normal, in man's external body can take place unless provoked by an inward impulse, given through one of the three functions named, so with the external or manifested Universe. -- Helena Blavatsky
  • It is difficult to describe in short the enthusiasm and devotion provoked by and given to my research. We lived almost in poverty. I used pencils, two for a nickel, and could not buy a fountain pen, when I lost mine. -- Immanuel Velikovsky
  • From early on there were two things that filled my life - music and storytelling, both of them provoked by my father. He was a jazz pianist and also a very good storyteller, an avid reader. He passed both those interests on to me. -- Athol Fugard
  • Religion and political cartoons, as you may have heard, make a difficult couple, ever since that day of 2005, when a bunch of cartoonists in Denmark drew cartoons that had repercussions all over the world - demonstrations, fatwa, they provoked violence. People died in the violence. -- Patrick Chappatte
  • The highest compliment one can give a writer is not to say that one wholeheartedly agrees with his observations, but that he provoked - really, forced - difficult thinking about consequential matters and internal questioning of one's own assumptions, often without quick or clear resolution. -- Glenn Greenwald
  • If power lies more and more in the hands of corporations rather than governments, the most effective way to be political is not to cast one's vote at the ballot box, but to do so at the supermarket or at a shareholders' meeting. When provoked, corporations respond. -- Noreena Hertz
  • My driver Kellie Frost and I would race these fellows home and they were always faster on the highway. We did the same with Daniel and his driver, and thus began a long series of jokes and competitions to alleviate the impossible hours and tensions this film provoked. -- Madeleine Stowe
  • The severity of punishments ought to be relative to the state of the nation itself. Stronger and more easily felt impressions have to be made on a people only just out of the savage state. A lightning strike is needed to stop a fierce lion who is provoked by a gunshot. -- Cesare Beccaria
  • War should neither be feared nor provoked. -- Pliny the Elder
  • The atomic bomb provoked a specific accident. -- Paul Virilio
  • Friends provoked become the bitterest of enemies. -- Baltasar Gracian
  • The proud are ever most provoked by pride. -- William Cowper
  • Be prepared to be enlightened, enraged, amused, engaged, and above all provoked. -- Beatrix Campbell
  • Fiction has always evoked pictures and provoked ideas and sounds in my mind. -- Vernon Reid
  • He who has provoked the shaft of wit, cannot complain that he smarts from it. -- Samuel Johnson
  • Love must be learned again and again... Hate needs no instruction, but waits only to be provoked. -- Katherine Anne Porter
  • We must learn how to explode! Any disease is healthier than the one provoked by a hoarded rage. -- Emile M. Cioran
  • God and the Gay Christian is a game changer. Prepare to be challenged and enlightened, provoked and inspired. -- Rachel Held Evans
  • Never hide things from hardcore thinkers. They get more aggravated, more provoked by confusion than the most painful truths. -- Criss Jami
  • A man who can be provoked by a tweet should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes. -- Hillary Clinton
  • General rebellions and revolts of a whole people never were encouraged now or at any time. They are always provoked. -- Edmund Burke
  • I was very much provoked. Of course, I knew there are no fairies; but that needn't prevent my thinking there is. -- Lucy Maud Montgomery
  • I've never had a meth habit, I don't walk around naked, and unless I'm actively provoked, I'm generally polite and well-spoken. -- Jim Goad
  • Voldemort is playing a very clever game. Declaring himself might have provoked open rebellion. Remaining masked has created confusion, uncertainty, and fear. -- J. K. Rowling
  • I have to admit it that the large quantity of US money poured into Vietnam provoked ii...a lot of bad habits. -- Bui Diem
  • The servants of God...whether provoked by word or work, by keeping themselves tranquil and peaceful, evince a perfect nobleness of soul. -- Thomas Aquinas
  • I tasted too what was called the sweet of revenge - but it was transient, it expired even with the object, that provoked it. -- Ann Radcliffe
  • We must confront the reality that his [Donald Trump] comments have provoked, and consider whether we want to import such hatred to this country. -- Tulip Siddiq
  • Unnatural death always provoked a peculiar unease, an uncomfortable realization that there were still some things that might not be susceptible to bureaucratic control. -- P. D. James
  • There is no other world. Nor even this one. What, then, is there? The inner smile provoked in us by the patent nonexistence of both. -- Emile M. Cioran
  • Peace isn't the absence of wars provoked by a series of delinquents of all sort, but a dynamic process of cooperation between states and people... -- Ahmed Padia Binkatabana
  • Why would the disciples invent a God whose holiness was more terrifying than the forces of nature that provoked them to invent a god in the first place? -- R. C. Sproul
  • Modern society is perverse, not in spite of its puritanism or as if from a backlash provoked by its hypocrisy; it is in actual fact, and directly, perverse. -- Michel Foucault
  • As a general rule, I abstain from reading reports of attacks upon myself, wishing not to be provoked by that to which I cannot properly offer an answer. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • I find my wife hath something in her gizzard, that only waits an opportunity of being provoked to bring up; but I will not, for my content-sake, give it. -- Samuel Pepys
  • The most serious disorders may be provoked by the injection of living organisms into the bloodinto a medium not intended for them may provoke redoubtable manifestations of the gravest morbid phenomena. -- Antoine Bechamp
  • The Republican presidential candidate [Donald Trump] provoked condemnation from leaders in both parties and around the world. He did that by proposing to bar all Muslims from entering the United States. -- Steve Inskeep
  • Curiosity provoked me to lay a lot of our country stuff on our predominantly black audience and some of our black audience began whispering "who is that black hillbilly at the Cosmo?" -- Chuck Berry
  • Population trends have always provoked doom-fraught oracles, because their popular interpreters suppose that every new series will be infinitely sustained; yet, beyond the short term, expectations based on them are never fulfilled. -- Thomas Malthus
  • A poet feels the impulse to create a work of art when the passive awe provoked by an event is transformed into a desire to express that awe in a rite of worship. -- W. H. Auden
  • You're charging money to have people come watch you play; I want them to feel taken someplace good or provoked into thinking my way for an hour and a half or two hours. -- Mark Lanegan
  • Ladies ...any man that lusts after you will answer to God for his mental adultery...but you will answer to God if you provoked him by the manner in which you are dressed. -- Albert Martin
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  • If God has called you, the more they block your way, the more that trouble and temptation, the more God's love is provoked... Each attempt to stop you asks for more evidence from God. -- T. B. Joshua
  • I am far more provoked at being thought foolish by foolish people, than pleased at being thought sensible by sensible people; and the average proportion of the numbers of each is not to my advantage. -- John Ruskin