Bui Diem quotes:

  • The South Vietnamese were perhaps a little bit slow in doing things, they jump on, on the problem and they try to do themselves everything. Or, they try to have some short cuts with the, those people they were dealing with.

  • The way the Americans behaved created among the South Vietnamese a lot of habits, a lot of bad habits I would say.

  • We South Vietnamese, we are very concerned about the ah, the fact that the communists are - were very shrewd in trying to take advantage of the American presence in South Vietnam to make the propaganda that they were the only one who fought for the independence of the country and against the, only foreigners, first the French and after that the Americans.

  • I would say that the Vietnamese should remember that they didn't have exactly the same mobility the way the Americans have. They didn't have the same kind of equipment that the Americans have and that they have to fight their own war.

  • With all my traveling around the world I would say that South Vietnam was not as corrupted as ah people want to to ah to to talk about it because it is a matter of degrees.

  • The Americans are impatient by nature.

  • I have to admit it that the large quantity of US money poured into Vietnam provoked ii...a lot of bad habits.
