Prospecting quotes:

  • Prospecting - Find the man with the problem. -- Benjamin M. Friedman
  • Prospecting for oil is a dynamic art... The greatest single element in all prospecting, past, present and future, is the man willing to take a chance -- Everette Lee DeGolyer
  • Proper prospecting prevents poverty. -- Jeffrey Gitomer
  • Listening is the new prospecting. -- John Jantsch
  • Concentrate on the activities of prospecting, presenting and following-up; the sales will take care of themselves. -- Brian Tracy
  • Keep your sales pipeline full by prospecting continuosly.Always have more people to see than you have time to see them . -- Brian Tracy
  • I was trained in seismic prospecting. We'd drill a deep hole and put dynamite in the bottom and blow it up remotely, which would give you a cross-sectional picture of the subsurface, which tells you where to drill. -- George Saunders
  • We all prospect, and don't even know we're doing it. When you start the dating process, you are actually prospecting for the person you want to marry. When you're interviewing employees, you are prospecting for someone who will best fit your needs. -- Zig Ziglar
  • Like prospecting in the 19th century, reconnaissance of the asteroids would of necessity take place in an arena where trouble is likely and help is distant. Heroic stories of individual triumph and failure, set on landscapes never seen by humankind, are in the cards. -- Seth Shostak
  • One cannot help asking sadly, why is love of gold more potent than love of souls? The number of men mining and prospecting for gold in Shantung is more than double the number of men representing Southern Baptists! What a lesson for Southern Baptists to ponder! -- Lottie Moon
  • Scientific research was much like prospecting: you went out and you hunted, armed with your maps and instruments, but in the ened your preparations did not matter, or even your intuition. You needed your luck, and whatever benefits accrued to the diligent, through sheer, grinding hard work. -- Michael Crichton
  • Men rush to California and Australia as if the true gold were to be found in that direction but that is to go to the very opposite extreme to where it lies. They go prospecting farther and farther away from the true lead, and are most unfortunate when they think themselves most successful. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • Traditional methods of sales prospecting are grossly inefficient. -- Jill Konrath
  • When you sell a prospecting concession, you're only selling potential. You pay tolls for the right to invest and look for something. -- Beny Steinmetz
  • This plucky NASA telescope is able to find planets en masse. If you compare planet hunting to prospecting for gold, then Kepler is equivalent to trading in your trusty pan for a diesel-powered sluice box. -- Seth Shostak