Perfect Job quotes:

  • I'm off at least three or four days a week, so it's a perfect job, really. -- James Denton
  • I have loved hosting over the years, simply because I love working with people. It's the perfect job. -- Wink Martindale
  • I don't think I've found the perfect job for me, but I know what I like, so that's halfway there, right? -- Colleen Haskell
  • It's impossible to be perfect, and you won't do a good job if you're too focused on proving yourself to others. -- Jessica Williams
  • I learnt to stop fantasising about the perfect job or the perfect relationship because that can actually be an excuse for not living. -- Alain de Botton
  • We had hundreds of thousands of people all dedicated to doing the perfect job, and I think they did about as well as anyone could ever have expected. -- Neil Armstrong
  • We dream of the perfect wave, the perfect job, the perfect house, the perfect love, and when we get there, we dream of something else, and the journey goes on. -- Rob Machado
  • My 20s were all about feeling desperate. Desperate to find a new boyfriend. Desperate to get the perfect job. Desperate to get rid of this terrible relationship with this bad new boyfriend. -- Jessi Klein
  • Each job I had wasn't necessarily the perfect job, but I always talk to young women about how you really have to take certain things from each job and learn from that and then move on to something you really want to do. -- Tory Burch
  • Actually, acting turned out to be the perfect job for me, because I had a lot of different interests. I thought about being a priest at one point. I thought about being a teacher. I thought about being a lawyer. But I think acting is probably the best job for me. -- John C. Reilly
  • I had the perfect job for a gamer. From February to October, I'd get up at 7 in the morning with nothing to do but play games until I had to be at the park around 1 or 2 o'clock. When I got back after the game, I played until 3 or 4 in the morning. -- Curt Schilling
  • When I started writing a business column 15 years ago, I knew I'd found the perfect job for myself. As a columnist I could pick my own topic, do my own analysis, say what I wanted to say and attribute it to myself. Best of all, I could write in my own voice. -- Allan Sloan
  • Bud Light....the perfect beer for marketers about to lose their job. -- Jeff Barrett
  • Your job is not to be perfect, your job is only to be human. -- Jacqueline Novogratz
  • The ascent is the aim of your life and to perfect it is your job. -- Nirmala Srivastava
  • We're supposed to be perfect our first day on the job and then show constant improvement. -- Ed Vargo
  • I was a perfect housewife. Being a mother has always been the job I liked best. Absolutely. -- Indira Gandhi
  • [Reagan] was the best president in this era, as he had the perfect temperament for the job. -- Dan Patrick
  • In my mind, when God made women, he did an amazing job. I think girls are just perfect. -- Chris Martin
  • Your job is to allow the Holy Spirit to remove the fearful thinking that surrounds your perfect self, -- Marianne Williamson
  • Press the button, pump the water, build the pressure, push the piston, press the button. It's the perfect job. -- Tori Amos
  • Remember that your job as a practicing writer is to remember it's never going to be perfect on your first pass. -- Brandon Sanderson
  • We dream of the perfect wave, the perfect job, the perfect house. When we get there, we dream of something else, -- Rob Machado
  • Don't worry about trying to do a perfect job. There is no perfect job. There is no one way of raising your children. -- Benjamin Spock
  • A perfect smile is too often missing from the faces of the world. If cricket can provide more smiles, it is doing its job. -- Mahendra Singh Dhoni
  • We are not perfect. None of us is. I apologize for that flaw. I thank the governor for giving me a job with a driver. -- Zulima Farber
  • My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy. We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been perfect. -- Barack Obama
  • We live in New York. To be able to have a steady job and take your kids to school, and be around and work hard, is the perfect life. -- Brooke Shields
  • I will take as a given that, for most people, somewhere between six and seven billion of them, the perfect job is the one that takes the least time. -- Tim Ferriss
  • Hollywood wants to make women so perfect. Perfect hair. Perfect job. Perfect manners... I know some of the most beautiful women, and they are so weird. That's what makes them funny and captivating. -- Melissa McCarthy
  • When programming was my hobby, I thought that programming would be the perfect job. Now I program for a living and build boats for a hobby. Guess what I think would be the perfect job :) -- Ron Porter